Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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How great! :D My sister is a Greek proffesor and she wants to move out there

I'm happy Melina at least is known there. She is so proud of her origin!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

I'd love more of Stella finding out about her origin and speaking in Greek (hey i know a few words in Greeks. I love Greeks mythology.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Regarding RND

I'm glad the writers gave us some tender Mac-Stell moments. I know they knew how strange was in All Access when we saw Flack conforting Stella and no Mac (he was doing his best to prove she killed Frankie in self defense)
Previous spoilers said Flack was going to be there for her but i'm glad the whole team and Mac in special were there for her

Writers did redeem themselves!

AXN aired a CSI special with the whole franchise. Melina and Gary were there. Cute!
Melina is a sunshine. She said she liked simple things. Her voice was tiny. A humble person by heart and by conviction. Truly sweet! I laughed when she mention they had their "Rambo episode" (I remembered Rambo Stella lol)

I adore Melina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debbie :D

ps: ANybody would like to tell me what happen to Stella in this new epi?????
AXN aired a CSI special with the whole franchise. Melina and Gary were there. Cute!
Melina is a sunshine. She said she liked simple things. Her voice was tiny. A humble person by heart and by conviction. Truly sweet! I laughed when she mention they had their "Rambo episode" (I remembered Rambo Stella lol)

I adore Melina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Debbie :D

ps: ANybody would like to tell me what happen to Stella in this new epi?????

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Upppss! No problem Top!!!! I will right now. I must confess i hadn't read rules yet. I apologyze!

^Thank you! :)

I love seeing Rambo Stella, too, so I hope we'll be seeing her again at some point before the season ends... :D
i hope so.:thumbsup: Considering how amazing episode was Snow Day producers must know we expect something like that.

Also in reruns i have been watching Officer Blue and i LOVED when she is so upset and she goes to Mac's office with the weapon with the military song in the background. For a moment i thought she was going to cut off his head:lol:

Rambo Stella rocks:bolian:

I think Melina is fantastic on the show, she is my favourite. So a little tribute to Melina, I made a small collage of pics into a wallpaper. new york/Melina.jpg

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bolian::bolian::bolian::bolian:

I love the pic in the middle with her hair without curls

i have never seen her without her curls:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

I hope Melina will have her hair like that in Season 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want that new look next Season! ( i liked also how she wore her hair on the beach in 4.17):eek:


A threesome is better than nothing Mandy:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Hopefully we will have SOMETHING. I'm tired of other ships and i want action around Stella not related to her psycho boyfriend (she is a big magneto to crazy guys:lol:

I can tell that scene inside Stella's apartment was made on porpose because producers KNOW these ships;)

Anyway i hope great scenes to Stella, Flack and Mac. I'd love an arc just for the three of them:drool: (ok the threesome again:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:

Oh most definitely, a threesome is better than nothing! :guffaw: :guffaw: But then again, we all know how the PTB botch things up. :lol:

Have great vacation, rest a lot, do noting but fun and we will read each other in a few days

take care dear
Hey Deb, I'm back and I did have fun on my vacation but it was anything but restful. It was actually until I finished wakeboarding. My body is still aching all over. :lol:

Hey, everyone, Im a Stella girl too :)

I also loved the latest NY ep, Right Next Door. I was like YAY, Rambo Stella! She was amazing.

Hey there SomethinSomethin, welcome to the Stella/Melina thread. :D Yup, Rambo Stella was amazing in RND. Great to see her play the hero and not the victim, finally!

Thanks for posting those video links. :)

hey guys ..i havnt been here in a while but i had to mention that i was watching some eps i downloaded (i was gonna buy the dvds but tptb made me furious with the dl storyline so i downloaded instead) anyhow...
i was watching the ep with the crazy boyfriend of Stella who tried to kill her and she killed him instead (awesome ep....and i loved the Mac/Stella and the Flack/Stella interaction :thumbsup:) and i was like watching in the kitchen and my mother passes by and she is like....(the dialogue follows):p

Mom:is this the greek woman who is an actress in hollywood? whats her name?
Me: melina kanakaredes mom...
Mom: oh yeah her...and she plays in this movie...?
Me: its not a movie mom its a tv show....
Mom: and they put her in this episode of this show to play?
Me: no mum she is the leading actress of the show...
Mom: leading actress? wow...Bravo to her...i didnt know she was so famous!!!Great!

and then she got all patriotic about greeks who make it to hollywood and all that stuff and she is like very proud for Melina (like she is a relative or sth:lol:)

it wasnt nothing important but i just thought id share cause i found it funny!!!:lol:

Hey Dims! Glad to have you back in here. All Access did have a great Flack/Stella interaction, however, what I didn't like about that episode was Stella playing a victim to some crazy boyfriend. It was so out of character IMO. Anyway, great little anecdote. :D

BTW, remember that you gave us Greek lessons in here a while back. What would you call crazy fangirls in Greek? :lol:

I think Melina is fantastic on the show, she is my favourite. So a little tribute to Melina, I made a small collage of pics into a wallpaper. new york/Melina.jpg

Thanks for posting this. The collage is lovely. She looks awesome whether her is curled or straight. :D
Happy Birthday Melina!! :D :beer: She sure makes 41 look young and easy! :lol:

Hey Nat, a happy birthday to you also! :D
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