Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Thanks for all the caps!

I haven't seen the whole episode yet,but from what I saw she must be really good in it..
You're welcome, ladies! ;)

Yeah Kay, gotta love those eyes! They were so expressive and emotive. I love the last screen cap. :D

athens, you're going to be in for a ride! It's nice to see a Stella-centric episode where she doesn't play the victim :lol:
athens, you're going to be in for a ride! It's nice to see a Stella-centric episode where she doesn't play the victim :lol:

You're right, in most of the episode Stella was the victim :eek: Poor girl :rolleyes:

So I'm working on a new fic and my question is: Where would Stella love to party? I'm seeing Stella as a person who can totally loose herself in dancing :) Any thoughts are welcome!
A party yes, but i cannot imagine her dancing cha cha cha i. e
However i totally imagine her dancing sweet jazz (glamorous, exactly as Stella is)

I love that Stella got to play the hero in RND!

Sor...about that fic question...good one...I can totally see Stella enjoy dancing some salsa. :D I can also see her just winding down, sitting at a bar, drinking with some friends. :D
I must admit i answered imagining her with Mac. And Mac doesn't look like the "mambo" guy:lol::lol::lol::lol: However I can imagine them with a sweet sweet sweet song of Diana Krall in the background:drool::drool::drool:

Anyway, whatever you decide please keep us inform. I want new fics please!:thumbsup:

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Thanks for your ideas Mandy and Ghawazee! I didn't write anything yet but I'll keep you posted :)

*whispers* Maybe Mac is coming around also... :rolleyes:
stella was assulted by frankie in Season 2, then got fears of HIV in Season 3, then gets smitten by a psycho admirer in that "3:33" episode (whatever the exact title is) in Season 4. and to top it all, she's an orphan. no doubt she has the strongest character in the cast.:bolian:
No biggie, Sor! :D

Hey Kay. I agree that Stella is one of the strongest characters in the series. That being said, I hated that she played victim to Frankie. I hate that that happened to her but then I guess she came out stronger after that.
and that makes her character, in ways, real. sometimes you have to get hurt internally & externally to be even stronger, and (if necessary, getting more even:klingon:)
Kayfeb and Mandy i totally agree with you. She is the strongest character and the most interesting one. Since she was an orphan things weren't easy for her. Nobody to trust, nobody who can hold her when she feels bad..
The closest thing to a family is the CSI group to her.

Mac, Flack,Adam and the other mean a lot more than just collegues or partners

Besides i like how the Frankie thing made her more cautious. That fact saved her from a bigger hurt from Drew
However i don't think she can trust so easily now in men in particular. Hopefully she knows Mac or Flack (That one was for you Mandy :D

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Yeah, pretty much her background made her who she is. Strong-willed, independent, compassionate and intelligent. I agree that because of the Frankie thing she was more cautious with Drew. See? She learns. :lol:

However i don't think she can trust so easily now in men in particular. Hopefully she knows Mac or Flack (That one was for you Mandy :D

Aww, thanks Debbie for including Flack for me. ;) :lol:
I must admit something (please keep it as a secret:lol::lol::lol::lol:)

In the episode where Flack and his girlfriend were interrupted by the 007 thief:lol: Stella seemed to be jealous:eek::eek::eek::eek:

Shhhhhhh don't repeat this inside the Smacked thread:guffaw:

Usually i stay away from other ships but i admit i like one of the pictures in your avvie (the one where Flack and Stella are laughing. What episode that pic is from?:cool:

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Hey there Deb! :D Yeah Stella had this look on her face that seemed to say "WTF?" when she saw Flack and Devon together. Don't worry, I won't tell a soul. ;) :lol:

The laughing pic is from the second season episode Heroes.

I love the reference to Mission Impossible. :lol:
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