Stella/Melina #5: Queen of Hearts

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Yeah...I was so excited about DOA for a Day but then we got to see so little of Stella. I think she only on the first half and then by the second half, I think she just disappeared into the abyss. :rolleyes: So that was pretty disappointing in a way.

Anyway, here are some screen caps of Stella from DOA for a Day:



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Thanks for the wonderful pictures of Melina noe! She looks gorgeous as usual. I love her green dress. It totally brings out the green of her eyes. Haha, I love her jewelry as well... :lol: Yes, I'm such a girl! :lol:
Thanks Mandy! Too bad that Stella wasn't that much in 'DOA for a Day' ;)
I loved her scenes in 'Down the Rabiit Hole': funny, smart and sexy!

And thank to you too Noe! :D Melina looks gorgeous, the green dress fits perfect with her green eyes :)
You're welcome Sor! :D I agree...Stella was really funny in Down The Rabbit Hole. Pity that we got to see so little of her in DOA. After waiting for so long for the new eps to air, there was so little of her to see. Ugh! :lol:
You're welcome Sor! :D I agree...Stella was really funny in Down The Rabbit Hole. Pity that we got to see so little of her in DOA. After waiting for so long for the new eps to air, there was so little of her to see. Ugh! :lol:

oh yeah she was. seems that she knows the game very well.

see, it's not all work for these CSI detectives...except for Mac. Well, can't blame him being an ex-marine corps officer (season 2 finale).
I actually miss Stella. I'm just glad that this week's episode is Stella-centric. Yay! :lol: I wonder if she's still in the same apartment where Frankie attacked her. If she is, at least the fire is an impetus for her to finally move out.
Thanks for the caps..In the pictures she looks really nice..:)

I just hope that the episode will be good and actually Stella-centric.I sure want to see a good case but Stella's role I hope will be good.
How great was Stella last night? I think she rocked it. Even though other things went down; I think she rocked & looked lovely as always :)
Heys guys!

Even though I've been around for years, this is my first time posting here. :thumbsup:

Melina is very beautiful! :) Yes, Cath she rocked last night!
Wow guys, I'm not used to seeing large pics. :lol: But it works for me.
I hate using thumbnails. :scream:

I've got a lot of catching up. :thumbsup:

Yeah, definitely! Melina totally rocked in last night's episode. She totally owned that one! I love that she got to play the hero in this Stella-centric episode. Finally! The last few Stella-centric episodes, she played the victim.

Anyway, here are some screencaps of Stella from Right Next Door:


Look at her smile...So pretty. :D


Stella the Hero. :D


Trying to smile despite losing almost everything.


Lovely smile...again.


Haha...I couldn't help myself, I had to post this one. She looked totally hot in her lingerie. :devil: :lol:


Oh she looked so pretty in this shot at the rooftop.

Enjoy! :D
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Thanks mandy! Can't wait to see this episode :)

I bet Mac would love to see Stella in lingerie :lol: Sorry that is for another thread! Anyway, thanks for sharing those beautiful caps.
You're welcome Sor! ;) You're definitely gonna love it! That's a guarantee! Well, not if you're a D/L fan, that is.

Hahaha, yeah...about her in lingerie...posted it even in the Flack/Stella thread! :lol:
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