Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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She is really good and has a great relationship with everyone!She is a friend and near all of the team and Flack and most of all Mac :)
..although after what happened with Frankie they could show something more between Stella and another member ;)..
I'd like to see more of Stella and Mac Friendship in the next season..some sort of friendship stuff like going out together what they did in season 1 before Peyton showed up. Maybe Mac and Stella could spend some time together after work..that would be so great to see, because since Peyton it seems as if she steals Mac away from Stel..since Peyton the mentioned no drink at sullivans after work or something..Or did I missed it? :rolleyes:
And it's a good idea to show the whole team at place where they spend some time together..would be interesting to see..

OMG, the imaginaton of Mac and Stella dancing a hot tango...too much for hottness for me, guys. :lol:
First the tango and afterwards a slow dance where Stella leans against Macs about that? :devil: :D
I'm sure Melina is such talented to dance a tango, we've seen a part of her talent in an eppy in this season(don't remember the name of the eppy)where she dances a little bit in front of Mac..too cute. ;)

And I agree with you that Stella is both a friend for everyone and when she have to a strong boss. She is a lovely person especially about Mac she cares a lot and you see that in so many episodes. Her realtionship with him is just special.
I love it when Lindsay asks for a friend and Stella looks at her and said that she got one, kiddo. That was so cute.. ;)

Yes, athensI think I know which member you mean. :D I'm for that,too. :)
CSI_Willows said:
Messers_cupcake said:
But for the Mac/Peyton thing... it's funny that it was Stella who came in when Peyton had her hand on Mac's face... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I had that too when I saw the episode! :p Personally I think that TPTB has thought about the tension between Mac and Stella :rolleyes:

Who wouldn't? LOL. The tension is definately there.
^ i agree. That just shows me that the relationship she has with Mac whatever it is, is stronger than that what is between Mac and Peyton... and we know how such things ends... one day he will have to choose. Even if Mac isn't with Stella, i think that their friendship is stronger that his feelings for Peyton.
Me, too. ^^
That scene shows it for me that Mac and Stella have a stronger bound as Peyton with Mac.
And do you remember the scene when Stella talks to Mac about Reed? For me it's a sign of trust between Mac and Stella because Mac had the chance to tell this Peyton but in the end he choose Stel. Mac and Stella are best friends and they tell the other when something's wrong..
Personally I think, too, that Mac have to decide between Peyton and Stella one day. Together theiy went through good and bad times, their friendship is so magic..
^^He's feeling for Stella are definately stronger then his feelings for Peyton, weither he's in a relationship with Stella or not. He knows if he has to choose, it might be rough but Stella is definately first choice. :D

They've had this friendship since day one. and nothing and nobody can come in between that :D

Stella's got a good grip on the boys :D
I am not here discussing any ship (*hides from mods*), but I agree with you all. No doubt that Mac seems to care more for Stella than for Peyton, even though not in a love relationship. And, it's understandable, since Stella is that amazing woman, plus a friend that has always been there for him :) Their frienship is not somehting you can erase or forget (and they wouldn't want to), so I think it's normal he isn't very comfortable with Peyton, more when Stella's around :rolleyes: Mac isn't very secure about things with Peyton (or he doesn't seem to be, anyway :p), maybe because there's always been that special connection/feeling between he and Stella...and Stella may mean, at this point, more to him. He knows he can trust her, no matter what. I think he can trust Peyton, too, of course, but he probably knows Stella better. And he knows she knows him better :rolleyes:
CathStokes said:
Stella's got a good grip on the boys :D
:lol: thats true :D :lol:

something nice...


hey!who am I to disagree :lol: ;)!!..

Messers_cupcake thanks for the pic!She sure looks amazing and her eyes are soooo nice! :D
One of my favourite parts from Melina: Her beautiful green eyes. Everytime when you see them, they seem to sparkle :D

Other subject, wanna see some new beautiful pictures? I'm sure you will!

This was part 1, part 2 will be uploaded soon :D Enjoy!
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