Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Oh, do we talk about that cute scene with the little baby girl Daniela? I love it when Stella took care of her and hold her in her arms. It reminds me everytime that Stella would be a lovely and a very good mother because she has a heart for children. I think because of her own childhood and the fact that she had to learn early what it means to be strong would make Stella to an awesome mom. ;)

Oh, nicknames here..that's good! :lol:
CSI_Willows said:
CSI_Dani said:
By the way people, call me just Dani or Daniela, ok?

Okay :D Then you can call me Soraya ;) But Daniela wasn't that the name of the kid who is Stella was taking care of in an episode of season 1? :confused:

Yes, the baby's name is Daniela :) It feels so great to hear my name in an episode. Ok, I am strange :p Just now I am kind of confused, I think Stella says her name, right :confused: And the baby is such a cutie. The scenes with the two of them are amazing! Wait a minute, I said this in my first post in here. Really good moments that I always enjoy watching!

Just watched the season 2 episode with the dolls hospital, can't remember the exact name, and... Melina was with a strange voice, like the voice you have when you are with a cold (yeah, trying to explain something with my limited english, and this is what happens :lol: hope you understand my point). Was it just my impression?
Tomorrow April 25 could very well mark the day when I either upgrade Stella from Rambo Stella to Goddess!Stella or will simply activiate the gravity drive of the Event Horizon and send her plunging into Neptune and out of my system along with CSI NY just like what happened at the end of the movie "Event Horizon".
^ :lol: I agree. I didn't watch the last two episodes but I'm making sure I'm not gonna miss tomorrow due to the fact that it sounds very good & also, because it seems that there will be a lot of Stella :D.

I'm gonna tivo it 'cause of the Canucks game...
Tomorrow 'And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael' airs in Holland :) It's awesome that the new episodes are here :D And glad to see you back Mina! :D :D :D We missed you! ;)
Awww I missed you too hon! *hugs*

Can anybody tell me about the episode? I don't watch the show anymore & I know it had some good Stella stuff in it...
^ You don't watch the show anymore? :eek: What happened? Is it real life or you simply decided to kiss it goodbye?
^ I basically gave it up cold turkey & haven't watched the 3 most recent episodes. Surprisnly(sp) it was easy & I guess it was a bit of real life & deciding to kiss it goodbye. I don't miss it at all but meh, that's just me haha.

Anyhoo, I was browsing her page on imdb & came across some other work she did...

Other works:

TV commercial for Kmart (1991)

TV commercial for Semicid (1991)

TV commercial for Rave (1991)

TV commercial for Hyundai (1991)

TV commercial for Sony (1991)

TV commercial for Diet Rite (1991)

Print Ad for Maybelline Smooth Result makeup (2001)

Print ad: Lee Jeans, 2002

I have only seen her ad for Maybelline & that's about it. Back then I had no idea who she was, & I still probably wouldn't if I didn't watch the show.
^Hey, it's great to see you back. I love your icon thingy (never found out what those were called) and your siggy. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn. I don't know about anyone else, but I think I'd just about DIE without CSI:NY and Melina.
It was such a great relief to find out that Stella was HIV negative. I was so happy. She even used the word elated, and I know I sound like a major dork for saying this but, I was like "Hey, that was one of my vocab words!". I know, you're all thinking 'Get a life!' but sadly, I don't know that it's that easy for me. Anyway, I think it was a great episode, and Melina/Stella uber pwned, especially when she was in the lab and Mac was being all Emo, and she yelled at him for yelling at poor Adam. I don't know if that was a Rambo moment or not but it kinda felt that way to me (I'm kinda new to the whole Rambo thing too). What did you guys think?
Oh my gosh, I missed last night's episode and now I caught up on Stella's HIV results. Is it kind of unrealistic to anyone else that she was negative? I mean she kind of got direct contact with the disease. I don't know. I'm going to stop.
Well, it is a TV show. Even it is kind of unrealistic, it would be quite a stunt to pull to make a main character HIV positive. So I guess, this is way they cut it off. But it was good that TPTB brought HIV/AIDS back into ppls minds. Numbers of infection are rising again.
I'm actually very happy that Stella also ended up testing negative for HIV because of the dubious circumstance of her potential exposure to the victims blood. As documented, there are over 900,000 sharps injuries in the United States each year and in the last 25 years, only 52 documented cases of HIV-infection through this were confirmed via sharps injuries such as accidents at crime scene investigations. That's 52 out of 23,400,000 sharps injuries since 1981 and from what I'm aware of, I may be wrong on this, but the last HIV infection this way was probably in the late 1980s or early 1990s.

With that said, I'm glad she tested negative for HIV considering the infintesmal chances of actually acquiring this horrific disease through this way.

With that said though, other infectious diseases should've been of much greater concern such as Hepatitis (A,B, and C), germs, or even Ecoli 0157:H7. For everything that AIDS has caused, I've heard much more horrifying stories about what this mutated form of ecoli has done to it's victims. Not to be too 'ghoulish' like Dobson said on "Past Imperfect" but I've heard stories of this disease destroying peoples organs, and causing long-term neurological problems and this is by a bacteria that can survive in many environments that could kill HIV within seconds including alchohol, bleech, and even chlorine.

Here's a link to what I'm talking about. I don't feel like elaborating it here.

Anyway, I'm very much aware that more and more people are living longer and staying healthier with this terrible HIV infection but the way this story was handled was shabby and in all honesty not even necessary. Thank god she tested negative. That was a can of worms to be avoided there.
*gasps* was that my Mina?? *tackles* I've missed you!

I'm really glad she ended up testing negative. I'm excited for next week, aren't you Sor?? :D
^ It is me hon :D! I missed you too. *huggles*

pretty_in_pink said:
^Hey, it's great to see you back. I love your icon thingy (never found out what those were called) and your siggy. I absolutely adore Audrey Hepburn.

Thanks :). Audrey is an absolute legend & icon & there will never be another woman as lovely or as wonderful as her. I adore her. Also, it's nice to see you as well :).

OT: Is next week the episode that flashes back to Stella's childhood? Even though I don't watch the show I plan to watch that episode just to see what I can find out about her past. Plus, we may get to hear her speak Greek & who doesn't love that heehee.

Here is another tribute to Melina that I made that incorporates Sonic The Hedgehog and the city of Kanakaredes into one dimension. The theme of this Zone is Sonic chasing Robotnik's badniks through the Providence Sky Harbor International Airport on a very hazy evening, trying to get back to Mobius.


The city skyline is the dark red in the background. The dark gray on the upper left is a jet taking off from Providence Airport. The temperature is 94. The background music is that of "Scrap Brain Zone" from the 1991 original Sonic game from Sega Genesis. ENJOY! :D
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