Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I do not think that Stella will test positive for HIV either. She is one ofthe main character, it would be too much of a change. Plus, CSI has some problems in continuity, how would they deal with such a strong storyline?! I just don't think it is probable to happen. I don't even know if it would be good for the show. or not...Whatever, lets wait to see.

Apart from that, a question about Melina/Stella hairstyle, or better, hair colour. Is it me or her hair colour changes from the beginning of season 2 to th beginning of season 3? And anyway, do you know if is it Melina's natural hair colour?

By the way, and sorry for the out of topic, but I love your icons, AshleyWillows and kissmesweet (i just had to say this :p)
As I said in another folder I don't think or better I hope Stella will testing negative. We will see the answer of this question next week, right? I hope so..Yes, she's one of the main characters and therefore it would be bad if the writers decide to make her HIV positive. I don't want that. Not to mention the change which Stel would going through..

CSI_Dani If you mean that Melinas/Stellas hair is in the third season lighter than in the second I agree with you. But anything else I do not notice.
And I noticed (or is it just me?) her hair is a little bit shorter than in the second season...Her curls are just shorter I think.. but I dunno..
Stella/Melina has brown hair as far as I know and I think so it's her natural hair colour. But what about with her curls? Are they natural, too? Because in some pics I've seen her with waveless hair..
I think the curls are natural..Maybe not so go0d as on the show..but natural! ;)

I think too that we'll know if she's negative next week..I sure hope they won't let it for the next episode after that!
Thanks athens for the answer. I think the curls are natural, too, but I wasn't really sure.

Oh, no that would be really bad if we'd see the answer not next week because I don't think I can wait so long for this. Hopefully we see the eppy next week where we get it.
I have a weakness for curly brunnettes :lol: its so..beautiful. XD

well, thats hiatus for you...

hiatus: something that makes fans drool for a week or so. :lol:
^Hiatus: ... and make everybody theorize like crazy.

I am so in love with her hair although if I have it, I don't think I can tame as well as she could.
I wonder how she manages to tame it ayway. The thing is, I have kind of curly hair myself (not as much as Melina!!), but since it is so long, I have to comb'em. But even if they are shorter, they curl, but it always seems kind of disarranged. You know, this out of bed style like. And this is just crap!! So I REALLY would like to know how she manages to style her curls, that they look so good. Does anybody know the Emmy Pics of year from 2004??? This is perfect hairstyle.
^The way she clips it and leaves the curls loose over her shoulders is just fab!

I used to have curly hair, yeah not really like hers but as wavy as it was, it was a nightmare to fix.
Yeah, I do think her curls are natural. I have a straight/wavy hair myself and I think her curls are just amazing, but I don't think I could keep them the way she does, either.

Changing subject a bit, I just watched "Open and Shut" and absolutely loved it! :D Melina's performance was just fantastic, in my opinion. You wouldn't believe how mad I was at that stupid woman, how dare was she comparing herself to Stella?! :mad: She was just trying to get Stella down, but she knew how to answer her. Yay for our strong Stella! But I feel sad for her :( It must be so difficult to remember all those things, to face them, she couldn't really help it being emotionaly envolved :rolleyes: Afterall, I think it was good they focused the consequences of the incident, to show how Stella changed because of that.
CSI_Dani said:
Changing subject a bit, I just watched "Open and Shut" and absolutely loved it! :D Melina's performance was just fantastic, in my opinion. You wouldn't believe how mad I was at that stupid woman, how dare was she comparing herself to Stella?! :mad: She was just trying to get Stella down, but she knew how to answer her. Yay for our strong Stella! But I feel sad for her :( It must be so difficult to remember all those things, to face them, she couldn't really help it being emotionaly envolved :rolleyes: Afterall, I think it was good they focused the consequences of the incident, to show how Stella changed because of that.

Melina sure did a great job in those scenes :) I enjoyed the episode very much! And you were not the only one CSI_Dani, I was pissed at the woman 2 ;)
Xronia Polla Melina,

I wish you all the best & that you make it too a 100 years. I can't believe you're 40!!

Polla filakia,

Mina xoxoxo
The 23rd is almost over in Australia, its a little past 7. Hey, has everyone seen that article about the chocolate shop in Akron? I can't find it anymore....
^^ Is the article about Melina?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Melina! Have the best day ever!
Again. I really doubt that Stella will test positive. But kudos to the writers for handling the HIV storyline so well and with such respect. They did a great job. But it's obvious she won't test positive especially that it's not even the finale and they're announcing it this Thursday which means that its not going to be positive. If it was, then they'll tell us in the Finale to "shock us". :eek:... :rolleyes:
Happy birthday or Xronia polla :Dlike Mina said!!

J_ long time no ''see''!

Nice thought and possibility!Since it's not the big finale that means she'll be ok..
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