Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Happy birthday, Melina.

That's so true!..I mean there are a lot of women who look great in their 40ies and Melina is definetely one of them!She couldn't look better! ;)
Happy Birthday Melina!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day and every dream come true today! Just always be as you are, you're or goddess and you stay in our hearts. :D
athens said:
That's so true!..I mean there are a lot of women who look great in their 40ies and Melina is definetely one of them!She couldn't look better! ;)

Oh to have a bod like that after 2 kids at 40?

Come on... I'd give anything! :lol:
^^ She has a gret body, I must admit but a little too skinny. Her cheekbones are a little too sharp. She'll look great if she put on just a little weight. Then again, :rolleyes: she is a celebrity.

To be honest, I know this is terrible but I thought that she was already about 44-45... Same as I thought that Hill Harper was only 30, when he was 40 something.
I can be so wrong.
Happy Belated Birthday to Melina. :) I couldn't come here yesterday, but better a bit later than never. She does look good for 40 years old, I think. I also think she is very pretty. Oh, those curls are amazing. Yeah, I kind of love curls :) But I also know what you are talking about, kissmesweet, about her cheekbones. Well, a little detail for me, I don't care...

By the way people, call me just Dani or Daniela, ok?
CSI_Dani said:
By the way people, call me just Dani or Daniela, ok?

Okay :D Then you can call me Soraya ;) But Daniela wasn't that the name of the kid who is Stella was taking care of in an episode of season 1? :confused:
yep..That's true!Since talking about it it was a nice episode and with that kid the moments were really sweet! :)
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