Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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*waves* I'm here too!

^^Yeah, that would be great, I don't have them in my country either. Well, I actually have one with the same name (considering the traduction), but it's not the same thing, it's about our stuff in here, I think. It would be really cool!
Ah, guys, here you are and I thought you were gone... Glad it isn't so. *waves back at all Stella fans. :D

mj I mean only what you need...but don't forget your own stories and Stella(or CSI:NY) related stuff.. :lol:

Yes, please, that would be so great, I don't have the tv guide here but I would like to have the Stella articles, too.
Thanks for the football comments guys. I admit my interest in football varies from year to year but it's fun incorporating all these aspects of Melina into a large city and giving it a history and sports teams.

Here's another football drawing for you all to enjoy. The Lions are the ones in the green and dark gray gear. Their enemies are the Michael City Rhinoceroses who wear the blue and red football gear.

Here The Kanakaredes Lions are facing off against the Michael City Rhinoceroses in Super Bowl XLIV and it's become very ugly with Michael City not ready to go down yet. The K Lions won three previous Super Bowls that they appeared in.


If you look closely, you might notice that some familiar figures are there.
^well theres ice cube, in law and order, and everyone knows the L+O series are archrivals of the CSI series. Thats about all I get though, perhaps its my vague idea of American Football. I don't really see anything in sweaty guys tackling each other at every opportunity, I'd rather see guys jumping high to take marks, and kicking goals from 50 metres at impossible angles. But, national sports aside, you are a good drawer, I don't get the skull thing thats playing for the opposition, and possibly the numbers are significant in some way, but I can't really see it.

That aside, theres an article somewhere on the net about the chocolate shop Melina's family owns in Akron, and theres a picture of her aunt and uncle, and you know her parents names are Harry and Connie. Has anyone else seen it and its been discussed, or has it been missed by the eagle eyes of the memebers of this thread?

^ETA: I'd better mention that it is actually Ice T that is in law and order, not ice cube, so I would actually have no idea of that connection.
Okay. I'll do my best to post ALL articles about Stella/Melina that I can find (and get). I'll be your official news scout :lol: :D Like I said before: I aim to please. :D
Thanks for the pic and the drawing!!What a team to support!! :lol:

Will we/&she know the results from that test that day or she has to wait sometime?
Wow, this is my thought:
I hope that she will get the result! I cross my fingers for Stella, I so not hope that the test is positive :( I don't know how I will react then, I think it will impact the TV show 2! So let's hope that she's not positive! ;)
Since Adam is supposedly doing the test.. does the entire lab know? or what? and when do we actually find out if she has HIV? oh boy, well I'll keep good thoughts :)

I pretty much love Stella's hair, random but true :)
*eek* omg!
thank you for the pic and spoiler! i DO hope shes negative... so everybody knows now eh? -_-; idk what to do when she tests positive... i might throw my table at the tv :lol: jk i wub my tv :p so how long do we know the results?
Wow, awesome spoiler, we're still on the one where the runner gets blasted in the face with carbon monoxide, so its a while till we get any really juicy storylines.

Also, if I remember correctly, it is Melina's birthday soon. I think it might be the 23rd but im not completely sure. Whenever it is, I wish her a great and happy birthday (with much smashing of the plates - sry, couldnt resist that one)
aussieturtle said:
Also, if I remember correctly, it is Melina's birthday soon. I think it might be the 23rd but im not completely sure. Whenever it is, I wish her a great and happy birthday (with much smashing of the plates - sry, couldnt resist that one)

Melina's Birthday is on the 23th of April, you are right ;) And yeah, I will try to smash some plates for Melina :lol:
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