Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Yeah, Providence is a funny series, something to relax a bit...Not too serious. Here in Portugal, the series aires everyday (not on national tv, though) since several months ago. I sometimes watch it, when I have time. I used to watch it everyday when it was on at dinner time. Now it's a bit more complicated, as it aires right after lunch, if I am not wrong. Well, I better go check if they haven't changed schedule again. But yeah, it's really cool to see Melina more during the week, even though I already watch reruns od CSI:NY everyday (now that i am in holidays, during school time I watch it twice a week), plus the new episodes of season 3 on tuesday *counts down* 10 minutes left! Well, but what I mean is, it's cool to see her in another role, to see that she is not just good as Stella as she does a brilliant work as Sidney.
I remember watching Providence but have not seen it pop up anywhere on the TV Guide here in southern Wisconsin. :angry: It was very good and I liked it a lot. I don't remember much of it now but when I pressed the TV Guide button to see the schedules I saw "Strong Medicine" and I was like WTF?
Could try ebay... but then u gotta find the right region. Its in Australia, at Big W, Target, K Mart, pretty much everywhere. It was popular here.
Hey guys. I'm new here and I love Stella just as you do.
She's just an amazing character and she has such a strength that I adore. :)

When I saw her for the first time here in Germany I liked her immediatley. I think there's no way not to love Stella, because she's such a cutey.
I'm totally obsessed with her and of course the whole CSI:NY series. I think thta's obviously, am I right?
BTW I'm a SMacked girlie and I know that here's a lot of us. So we'll see us, guys.:lol:
Stella and Mac are so cute together and I hope they'll show and tell their true feelings to each other. That would be so sweet.
But I look forward to see more of them in the next eppi. I'm so excited...

@mj0621: Hey, no you're not the only one who hasn't seen it. I wanna see Providence, too, but I don't know when or where I can do this. :(
Welcome Stella -- Its always good to meet another Stella fan {and Smacked} We hope you enjoy yourself here and have fun! :D
Woot! Another Melina-Addict (Smacked) :D Welcome on board Stella! :) Any news around Melina, it's a bit quiet in here *whistles*
I wonder if she got pranked on April Fools. To be honest, it completely past me by this year and nothing happened. I think its a dying tradition, especially where I live. On a radio station they played Agadoo three times in a row, but that was it. In fact, while we're on that topic, did anyone get pranked this year?
Thanks CathStokes and CSI_Willows for the nice Welcome. Sure, I'll have fun here, thank you again. :)
Yeah, how not to be SMacked and Melina/Stella addicted? I couldn't resist her..

Just a question: Does Stella know about the Mac and Peyton relationship? It seems that everybody knows that and I wonder if Stella knows it, too. I would like to see her face when she hear that thing with Mac and Peyton..
Welcome here Stella!! :DEnjoy!

From what I remember they hadn't showed anything important that she knows but since Mac told Danny he is probably the last to know Mac and Peyton are together I think she knows!
Hi, thank you athens I really like it here. ;)

Thanks for answering that, it's a pity that they not show Stellas face when she finds out about Mac and Peyton.
hello there Stella! *hugs you* i see you in every folder I go! :lol: wanna be my new best friend and hang out in all our folder? :lol: :p I know. tis sad I didnt see the show yet but hopefully somehow I will.

about your question: well... I think she knows (if ya wanna hear my shippy reason just ask me over somewhere you know ;) )i got some subtle hints about it :lol: dont ask.. Im crazy obsessed.
Aww,What a sweet welcome, mj0621! *hugs you back* I just think we have the same interests, have we? :lol: That's the way how I see it. ;)
Yeah, sure I wanna be your new best friend and hang out with you. No problem with that. ;) :p
You didn't see the show? Means that the show's not running there where you live? Or you just missed it?
My fingers cross that you see the show soon.. ;)

I'm very excited to hear about your "shippy reasons" cause this is what my shippy heart needs.. :rolleyes:
And don't worry about the obsessed thing..Who's not? Anyhow I'm obsessed, too..believe me. :lol:
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