Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Bluntforcetrauma said:
I love her big hair, its all curly but somehow under perfect control- (i'm so jelous) I think she has a lovley figure especially the way she carries herself, defnantly a role model in my books!

Heehee I think the stylists on set make sure her curls are under control. My mom has curly hair & all I gotta say is damn :eek:.

She's had some nice hair colours throughout the seasons. I've been a fan of the blonde hilights she had lately & I also liked the darker hair in season one as well. Her hair is very versatile & she always picks nice colours.
It looks like tomorrows episode will be a repeat of Open & Shut, which is a great Stella centric episode. I can't wait :D!
From what I know having curls like that is ..difficult! :lol:...But her haid are always nice together!..ans I too love the colors she has throughout the seasons! :)
I love her big hair, its all curly but somehow under perfect control- (i'm so jelous) I think she has a lovley figure especially the way she carries herself, defnantly a role model in my books!
Agreed, she looks healthy and not stick-skinny or anything. She has confidence and an easy grace that makes her acting so natural and so easy to fall in love with! :) Her hair is stunning. I have naturally straight hair, but I wish I had Stella's bouncy, fun hair since it has so much personality and fun!
jorja_fan86 said:
It looks like tomorrows episode will be a repeat of Open & Shut, which is a great Stella centric episode. I can't wait :D!

Tommorow 'Hung Out to Dry' airs in Holland :D I heard very good things about it :) And I also can't wait to see 'Open and Shut'. Melina makes every Thursday my day :lol:
kissmesweet said:
I love her big hair, its all curly but somehow under perfect control- (i'm so jelous) I think she has a lovley figure especially the way she carries herself, defnantly a role model in my books!
Agreed, she looks healthy and not stick-skinny or anything. She has confidence and an easy grace that makes her acting so natural and so easy to fall in love with! :) Her hair is stunning. I have naturally straight hair, but I wish I had Stella's bouncy, fun hair since it has so much personality and fun!

CAUTION! I had perfectly straight hair for 19 years and i was so bored with it so i had it permed and it looked really good after a couple of months and it had settled down but when it had all nearly grown out and i had run out of gel it was a nightmare it was like that friends episode with monica and 'its the humidity!' just frizz and uncontrolable mass of hair! My tip dont get it done unless a) you've a stylist to help or b) your not traveling about living out the back of a car and can afford such luxury's as special gel!
ill keep that in mind bluntforce...
her hair is dark brown right? and the length is until her shoulders? (sorry im kinda writing ff right now :p)

ooh! i thought the eppie(tonight) is close to home?
Welcome nickel !.. :)

I love her body and grace too!She looks great and beautiful without being skinny and unhealthy! ;)..
Welcome nickel! :D Great to see another Melina-Addict :) I agree with you Athens, she's not another skinny actress but a healthy one with the right curves :D I especially love the curves :lol:
Hey all! Guess what? I was watching Mad TV and I saw the episode when Melina was on. It is so effing hilarious. I was seriously so happy and my sister was like, "Wow, you need to calm down." But, it really made my day. :D
hey guys I found this, I was looking for some lyrics and just ran into it :p and thought it was curious :D

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