Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Woo hoo tomorrow is a new episode!! Judging from the previews there seems a lot of Stella which is always awesome. I can't wait :D!
That's really nice!>..It have to have taken you a lot of time to make it! :)..

So,what happened in the episode?
I wonder if Stella will tell anyone else that she may HIV positive. I can see it'll take her a while judging by the way she quickly clicked off the site when Danny entered the room. Poor girl. At least she doesn't have through it alone anymore...
Man, I felt awful when I was finished watching "Heart of Glass". As of writing this, I am praying that Stella will turn out negative for HIV. For Stella to be positive for HIV could knock down an essential pillar that makes CSI NY so great.

I mean, they had to have warned Stella and the others about the risks of infectious diseases at crime scenes. I think that they will actually dress the police officers in hazard suits in case of any potential pathogens. When they clean up a crime scene, they place all contaminated items into bio-hazard containers and incinerate them.

It just seems so wrong to just allow her to walk around on a bloody floor like that with regular clothing and not biohazard suit.

I may be wrong on all this so this is all an educated guess. It just seems so wrong to just let Stella actually be in such a blood-soaked place without any special hazard gear and oxygen mask to protect herself from airborne pathogens.
jorja_fan86 said:
I wonder if Stella will tell anyone else that she may HIV positive. I can see it'll take her a while judging by the way she quickly clicked off the site when Danny entered the room. Poor girl. At least she doesn't have through it alone anymore...

I think in a way, she might just slowly tell people, since she's not sure, she doesn't want them to be know, but then again, she might tell them.
I agree. I also think she'll wait to get the results of the test before she gets anyone else. I imagine that she doesn't want everyone constantly asking her how she is, if she'll be ok etc. She seems like a private person who doesn't seek a large amount of attention from others. I mean, Mac pretty much knew & she told Hammerback for his good & just in case something happens. I wonder if she would tell them otherwise. Hmm...
I don't think think she'll tell anybody else unless is absolutely necessary!..Although she is close with all the team and Flack I don't think she'll tell them..Mac is her best friend and he is the one that she could possibly tell him the problem..And she did..!She told Sid of fear that she unintetionally hurt him..I agree that she seems like a person who doesn't really like attention so maybe she'll it with these people until she has to tell the other :cool:..
^ I agree with you :) Like Mina said, she looks like a very private person ;) Can't wait for those episodes, I so want to see Melina! :D
The "Grade Heart of Glass" thread seems to have disappeared so I felt this would be the only thread I felt it would fit in.

Stella's chances of acquiring HIV by means of that glass were very low for several reasons. While this is all an educated guess but HIV while lethal, is very fragile and dies within minutes upon exposure to air or water. Even though the blood on the glass looked fresh, the virus being outside the body had little chance of being infectious due to it being outside the body, exposed to air and diluted by the aquarium water which also kills the virus within minutes.

Besides HIV though, I think her chances of having other infections such as syphilis, or other airborne pathogens which CAN survive or even thrive in air are far greater and should be of greater concern. This whole HIV thing just seems dubious at best even though it makes for a compelling story.

I'm confident but also pray that she will test negative for HIV. For her to test positive could reduce CSI NY to smoldering rubble with the thought that she could waste away over time. The whole thought of seeing her decline over time is so unsettling and heartbreaking to me to fathom.
^ Unfortunately the writers don't seem to think like you :(. You raise some excellent points. Chances are Stella won't become HIV positive & if she does, it won't be carried on for long.

I agree though, how long will Stella have to worry before all our hearts break :(.
Hi guys :D Do you remember me? :p

Axatullux you're totally right about the HIV thing but...
... having Zuiker said that she's gonna find out something non related to HIV when her exams come back from the military lab, something that will be her story for the next season (everybody thinks it's about her family :)), I dare to say that they won't have the 2 stories together in just one character. So I think the test will come back negative *crosses fingers*

BTW, I'm happy too, 'cause she told Mac about the HIV thing, now he'll be there for her :D ;)

And that it's me or Stella looked pretty with her jeans in "The Ride-In" :p, and she looked pretty when she was talking to Lindsay by phone :D
^ No. Who the heck are you :confused:?


:lol: I just kid. Seriously though, OT:

Stella did look pretty when she was on the phone yesterday. I'm also glad she's keeping in touch with Lindsay. I just wonder who phoned who...
yeah, who the the heck are ya? :lol:

I say Linds phoned her, cause Stella might've didn't know if and what time Linds was goin in or she left her a message and Linds called her back. *shrugs*
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