Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Here's a east-west street called Stella Bonasera Blvd. in a fictional city called Michael City (Based on Chicago). It is eight lanes wide with a very wide tree-lined median and heavy traffic. This is taken at the intersection of Danny Messer street looking eastbound.

^I dig the sunglasses.

Axa -- lol, nice! Why doncha make a virtual gutter map over at the SMACked thread? Hahahahah.... uh-oh, we couldn't let the gutter police know our hiding places.
Guess, we have another picture-person in our Melina heaven! :D So how do you guys think the test results from Stella will be? (I'm not calling 'IT' for spoilers ;))
She will test negative. I swear she will. If she tests positive, I will stop watching CSI:NY and purge Stella from my system forever and that purge will be of a galactic/cosmic scale.
Hey! Don't purge Stella! Be there for her! Maybe we can all bribe the writers into forgetting the thing and letting her kick more ass!
Im not sure if anyones seen this yet, but some actress has written an online article thing about Greek people, and in a part of it, she remembers an encounter with our lovely Melina, its kinda funny:
I also competed in pageants with Melina Kanakaredes, the star of the show "Providence". She has that great Greek hair and used to tell all the pageant girls that the way to pronounce her name was to rhyme it with "Can of Wheaties". Seems to be a bit of a theme, that "itis" at the end of their names.
Given that she mentioned Melina as being in Providence, its quite possibly a few years old. But the Can of Wheaties is funny, I never thought of it that way before.
Another great dose of Stella/Melina in tonight's episode. Too bad she didn't go Rambo at all.

*Ponders upgrading Stella from Rambo!Stella to Asassin!Stella*
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