Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Axatullux ,that's really nice!!..Welcome! :D

Rambo Stella is one of the Stella's scenes that rock but you must be at least 100metres away just to be sure you are safe! ;)
:lol: I think rambo!Stella is clearly a favourite amongst the fans. I wonder if the writers knew rambo!Stella was going to turn out to be this popular?
Thanks everyone. I'm glad you like the county I drew. Now for an even bigger prize, I've finally driven into the city of Kanakaredes itself and are just about to pass Rambo St.

Heehee I think living on Rambo street would be fun. That's kinda cool how you're blending all these aspects of Melina & Stella into a town :D.
I love the art work :D.

For anyone interested in that Into The Fire film Melina did a while back I just read on the imdb board that it'll be released March or April 7th. I hope that's true :D.
For a couple treats for the Stella/Melina fans, I've decided to show a road map of the entire city of Kanakaredes in progress. Mind you, this is far from finished. I just wanted to show it in it's beginning stages. The city is HUGE with a population of 1,512,936 and a metropolitan area of over 4 million.

Here is the map in it's beginning stage.

Oh and for some football fans, I also created a football team called the Kanakaredes Lionesses who play at the Providence Stadium located just west of the Providence Sky Harbor Int'l Airport. Games that are played at the Providence Stadium are memorable for the shouting of fans accompanied by jets roaring overhead. I based the helmet color on her skin color and the face guard on the attire she wore at the beginning of the CSI: NY episode "Summer in The City". Enjoy!
*buys a house at Rambo Street :lol:* I think that would be the neighbourhood of al the Melina/Stella fans :D Can you imagine, the whole street full with Melina-addicts :lol:
Rambo!Stella kicks ass. She's one of the few persons who can be rambo and pretty at the same time. Don't you just love her? :D Stella is a woman who doesn't care about what people think about her and she's not afraid to tell people what she thinks about them.
^^ :lol: That would be hilarious. We all could take out property & go crazy :lol:.

^ I love that about Stella too. In fact, that's probably my favourite quality of hers. To see that she fears nobody is awesome. It's nice to see a headstrong woman for a change.
^She is!..And is really nice to see her like that..Strong ;)!..

..Start buying your properties in Rambo street etc..In a while you won't be able to find anything!! :lol:
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