Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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jorja_fan86 said:
What did she say again? It was something like, "You enjoy shooting you little girls ya sick bastard?" Oh, and maybe it's just me but everytime she says "Son of a bitch!" I laugh & I don't think I'm supposed to :lol:.

She did say that :lol: I laughed 2, I just adore rambo!Stella :D Your banner is great! :)

I'm obsessed with that clip, so obsessed that a friend of mine made a mp3 file of it and now I can listen at Melina every time I want :lol: She's just a great singer :D
Ugh! Jealous!!! How do you do it???? And athens, no prob! :p just happy to share! And I almost died when I heard Melina!! SHe was amazing and my father went like, "Isn' t that that Greek hottie in CSI?" and I giggled and told him and he just chuckled and said that she's a Goddess :lol:
jorja_fan86 said:
I just wish it would happen right now so I wouldn't have to wait :lol:. All I gotta say now is that if she goes another Emmy worth performance the people from the Emmy's definitely will be hearing from me, telling them that it's about damn time Melina got an Emmy. And believe me, I don't never back down. Never :mad: :lol:.

Heck yes. From what I hear, my spidey-sense is telling me it will be an Emmy worthy performance. And since she didn't get nominated last year for All Access, I will join you in making it my life's mission to get her one.
^^ Sweet! Maybe we can all campaign to get her an Emmy in a creative manner. I'm still boogled at how she got absolutely nothing for All Access but anyhoo...

I saw that thing of her on youtube before & I loved it. Seriously, if acting doesn't work out for her (yeah right :lol:) she could always change careers & become a Greek folk singer in America or in Greece. She has a lovely voice for ballads :D.
^I'm all for it. Melina '07 campaign.

I tried to watch the video clip but, my computer hates me so it wont let me. Dang it.
Heehee I like how you think :D. I can see it now...2007 is the year of Melina & her huge & creative Emmy campaign :lol:.

Yeah, youtube sucks sometimes. It took a while for the video to fully load for me :(.
loved the pics :D as usual she looks awesome. :D

egad...:eek: she has a great voice! seriously! peeps should give her credit for her work! she can sing and act! oh wait and model! lol thanks for sharing the vid.
:lol: She's a triple threat. She can act, sing & model. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if she rocked at dancing. Then again, she showcased her good Greek dancing moves just over a year back on Ellen. I would love to see her dance like that again, maybe even on the show :).
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