Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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awesome pics! love it. she looks great... no.. gorgeous!... im losing my vocabulary here... :D thanks for sharing!
mj0621 said:
*sobs* of all the reruns they could show, why all access? t'was so sad... are they hinting something? hm...

but hey melina's performance there was awesome! someone give her an award! :D

I totally agree! I was watching part of All Access tonight & I was blown yet again at how Melina didn't get a nomination for her performance in the episode. If any deserves an Emmy, it's her.
I watched 'All Access' tonight and it motivated me to post in here. I think Melina was brilliant in this episode! :) She had me like :eek: the whole time. Anyways, just wanted to say that. :p
sandersidle said:
I watched 'All Access' tonight and it motivated me to post in here. I think Melina was brilliant in this episode! :) She had me like :eek: the whole time. Anyways, just wanted to say that. :p
I totally agree. I think I looked at Stella differently after that eppy. There's just so much you, I dunno, feel for her, knowing what she had to do...or what she did. Plus, Melina was fantastic, like you said...
^^ Welcome :D. Stella may not be the most popular character or Melina not the most popular actress but she's still a huge fan favourite in this thread. We agree with you that Melina was beyond fantastic in All Access, which just finished airing in the east coast. I'm still amazed at how amazing she was. Anyhoo, it would be awesome if you stuck around with us :).
Hi Katie!!!!

Nice to see you here *dances*

Yeah that episode was awsome, Melina was great in it :) I've watched it like 8589545 times and everytime I do I find something new or better about the way she worked in there :D

I'd like to know how she felt about doing that episode, and if she did the whole episode herself 'cause there are some parts I think she could have been hurt. For example: the part when Frankie drags her through those stairs, didn't she hit her... front part? or when Frankie jumped on her and she felt that must have hurt. Everytime I watch those parts I'm like ouch!!! :(
Oh my God Calleigh Wolfe sweetie, I absolutely love your icon! Yes! Stella would make a hot mom, much like Melina.

Look what I found!:
Woot, nice picture :D ^ From which episode is that picture? :) Love the shirt and necklace :D *waves* Welcome new member :D Always good to see new people :D
thanks for the picture Delia !.. :)

I was looking forward to see All Access the first time it aired here..Melina was really really good in it,despite the fact that I am a fan.. ;)

Reine ,those are good questions..Somewhere here somebody mentioned an interview or something similar where she talked about the episode butI am not sure..
Melina was very very good in All Access. I haven't watched CSI:NY that much lately (shame on me), but I did turn on the TV when I heard All Access was on. Really loved the way she played the angsty scenes (ah well, they were all angsty scenes of course).

Love the picture. Her hair is perfect in that one and her collarbones look amazing in it.
I wonder that too Reine. If she did get hurt by accident she played it off really well. I also wonder how she reacted when she watched herself in All Access, if that happened. It must've been tough but intriguing at the same time.

I love the photo too. Thanks for posting it kiss :).
^ I also want to know Mina :) Maybe see was very emotional, I think it's very very hard to play such an episode ;) About 17 minutes 3x02 is going to air on TV :D
^ Hmmm that raises a good point. I wonder what made Melina so emotional in that episode. Maybe she thought of a tough experience to get her going or maybe she's just that good that it comes natural for her, which wouldn't surprise me at all. She's so talented & versatile & just frigging amazing.

3x02 was a pretty decent episode from what I remember. I think there was a rambo!Stella moment towards the end so hopefully you'll enjoy it :).
jorja_fan86 said:
^^ Welcome :D. Stella may not be the most popular character or Melina not the most popular actress but she's still a huge fan favourite in this thread. We agree with you that Melina was beyond fantastic in All Access, which just finished airing in the east coast. I'm still amazed at how amazing she was. Anyhoo, it would be awesome if you stuck around with us :).
I dont post much... :lol: but I do love Melina. I watched her way back in her Providence days...
It's nice to see a new Melina fan & a Canadian one at that :D. Unfortunately I never got to see her on Providence but I really want to now. I hear she's fantastic there.
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