Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I think I do get the Lifetime Network. Thanks :). I'll just have to check my local listings. I did she a brief part of an episode & it was the one where Syd was Greek dancing in a taverna(???). Of course that made me happy as seeing Melina do anything Greek does that. Lynn will tell you :lol:.
I've only seen her in CSI: NY :(

Welcome new fans!!! :D

Mina, what happened with the fan project? :confused:

Thanks for the comment about my avvie!!! ;)
*waves* Welcome new Melina addicts! :D 3x02 was awesome :D And you're right Mina, we had a rambo!Stella moment at the end of the episode :D I was giggling so hard :lol: And yeah, how's it with the project? ;)
What did she say again? It was something like, "You enjoy shooting you little girls ya sick bastard?" Oh, and maybe it's just me but everytime she says "Son of a bitch!" I laugh & I don't think I'm supposed to :lol:.

Sadly I have no idea if Melina has the project or not. I added in a card to the person who received the project, asking them to email me when Melina received it. Well, it's been quite a while & I received no email. Either the project didn't come through or the person didn't feel like emailing me back. Oh well :(.
Awwww :(, that sucks Mina I hope the person hasn't had the chance to give it to her, and not that the person forgot or something *hugs Mina* don't worry, we saw it and you did a great job ;) !!!

BTW, I remembered another Stella quote, well it's kinda Stella/Flack, but I loved that scene :D

From 1x15 Til death do we part
Stella: I'm driving.
Flack: No, please, let me drive.
Stella: No.
Flack: You at least got a cracker or a piece of candy in the glove box?
Stella: Why?
Flack: Because when you drive, we don't eat.

Ok that was a dialogue not a quote :lol: :p

ETA: Great banner Mina ;)
^ Thanks for that lovely photo :D.

Thanks Reine :). I'm very certain Melina received the project but I'm just guessing the person didn't want to email me. I can't see it getting lost in the mail either. Anyhoo, I'm really, really hoping Melina appears on a talk show soon 'cause maybe she might talk about the scrapbook & scarf & two CD's. That probably sounds selfish but oh well :lol:.

I also *love* the dialogue you posted. It's one of my favourites & I've been meaning to find it so you saved me a lot of trouble so thanks :D. I can't really see her stopping off for food either :lol:.

Thanks on the compliment for the banner. I love it too & that's what we wanna see...rambo!Stella :D.
^ :eek: Holy crap that is a *huge* rock! That doesn't look like a wedding ring so either her husband has really good taste in other rings or she knows how to splurge when it comes to bling bling. Her earrings & necklaces are very nice as well. Damn...lucky woman :lol:.

And she does look stunning as always!
jorja_fan86 said:
I think I do get the Lifetime Network. Thanks :). I'll just have to check my local listings. I did she a brief part of an episode & it was the one where Syd was Greek dancing in a taverna(???). Of course that made me happy as seeing Melina do anything Greek does that. Lynn will tell you :lol:.

Melina/Greek = J saying, I'm so there!
:lol: I knew it. Anyhoo, anyone check out the spoiler thread lately. There's some pretty juicy spoilers regarding Stella...
jorja_fan86 said:
:lol: I knew it. Anyhoo, anyone check out the spoiler thread lately. There's some pretty juicy spoilers regarding Stella...
I know! It should be good...
I just wish it would happen right now so I wouldn't have to wait :lol:. All I gotta say now is that if she goes another Emmy worth performance the people from the Emmy's definitely will be hearing from me, telling them that it's about damn time Melina got an Emmy. And believe me, I don't never back down. Never :mad: :lol:.
thanks for the picture Blue !..
Mina don't worry about the project!.. :p
Spoiler..I am going to check it out too..
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