Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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I wonder if she'll tell anyone else, but I doubt it. I'm sure Mac already knows but then again, anything is possible on this show. I just hope she has someone there to comfort her :(. Then again, she's an extremely strong person considering everything she went through. I love that she doesn't play herself as a victim as that's pathetic. Rambo!Stella rules all :D.

:lol: I'm glad I bet you to it :p.
You know its bad when you know when I'm about to do something. its not fair.

Rambo!Stella does rule all :D I say Mac already knows, but maybe Flack or Danny?
Hmm, Stella doesn't seem that close with Flack or Danny so I doubt they know. I have a feeling it's only Mac for now, & quite possibly Hawkes as he seems to have a special bond with Stella. She seems like a semi-private person so I don't see her bringing it up unless it's really necessary. She's not some big mouth woman who shares everything & that's why others trust her. But really, who knows though. *shrugs*

:lol: Fine, let's hear your joke :lol:.
I'm currently watching re-runs of season two because three doesn't come here until April :mad: I absolutely LOVE Stella's wardrobe and one liners!!! She's officially Queen of One-liners :lol: I said that already.....
Oh, I agree. Stella is totally the queen of one-liners! Does anybody have a list of some good quotes she said throughout these three seasons? I'm sure there are tons of them out there...
^I don't have one & nothing is coming up now :(!..

That can be a great and interesting storyline..And it is something they can continue too!..

I can see her talking to someone like Mac or Hawkes about that but not really because she wants to..It must be really hard for her even if she knows for good her situation! ;)
I really love your spoilers guys!!! :D Thnx for posting ;) And the scarf, SO CUTE!!! :p I'm sweet, Lynn? :D I just have good conections like Mina said :lol: Ughh, not any nominations for Melina, I'm pissed :(
It would be nice to know more about her past. Also love how Hammerback has his views on all the CSI's. He is becoming the quite insightfull character.
^ Hmmm that raises an interesting point. I wonder if Hammerback knows anything about Stella's past. He probably reads her like a book. The same goes for Mac. It just would be really nice to see Stella confide in someone.
Mac probably knew from the get go. As for Hammerback, I bet he suspects something & when Stella realizes that she'll open up to him. It's not too healthy to keep your feelings & emotions bottled up, especially Stella's case as that can make her crack. I just hope somebody can be there to comfort her if she cries :(.
Stella's quotes? Hmmm...

Man I have many but all of them are related to Mac, Flack or something like that :lol:

My favorite one is from 2x07 Manhattan Manhunt
"You're kidding? I can tell from the moon. I love those little blue boxes"

and the one from 2x08 Bad Beat, when Flack asks her is she thinks the cigars smells cuban so she says:
"Hmmm... I can't tell. Break another one"

'cause Flack is breaking the cigars in front of the owner :lol:

and in 3x11 Raising Shane when she tells Danny:
"Get the hell out of here!!!"

and... ok I better stop, or I could continue the whole night :p
Even if nobody's there, I think she'll be able to piece herself together, but still I don't wanna see her breakdown with noone there to hold her or anything. That'll be mean.
:lol: You picked the perfect quotes Reine. My favourite one is that one she said in Bad Beat, with the breaking of the cigars heehee. Someone needs to write this woman more funny lines. I gotta look for that line from Officer Blue where she sticks it to Mac in his office. You know, that scene with the Stella talk that started the whole rambo!Stella craze...

Oh, I totally agree Lynn. It would be awful to see Stella crying alone in the corner, with nobody there to hold her or to tell her it's gonna be ok. I'd probably end up crying too :(.

OT: I frigging love your icon. Welcome to the DDdark side :devil:.
aah, than I would cry 2, if the producers would do that! :( Ofcourse I hope Mac is there then, to comfort here :D Bad Beat :lol: Great episode, love the cigar part :lol:
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