Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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Woooo for more photos :D! Thanks!

Stella wore some really nice outfits tonight. At one scene with the ex-convict she wore this pretty baby pink scarf that I'm dying to own. I'm gonna try my best to find it as it's so pretty.

And, there was a hint of rambo!Stella tonight as well. Very nice :D.
I love Rambo Stella :devil: Can't wait for season 3, I've said that for 100 times :p Sorry guys :lol: Anyway here are the 2 other pictures from the Globes :D

Enjoy! :D
Yay for even more lovely photos of this stunning woman :D. Thanks!

I felt so, so bad for Stella last night. Once again she thinks she sees herself in the victim as the victim has been tied up & set up to be raped etc. But, yet again the victim was another souless woman who milked her story so her ex-husband could be free. She set it up to make it sound like she killed her "attacker" in self defence, like Stella. You could even see the pain in Stella's eyes when she was in the hospital in that woman. Yet again though, she was duped. It must be so hard for Stella to experience that first hand & then come across a couple of moronic women who fake a story to avoid a penalty. If this happens again sooner or later Stella could crack :(.
OMG I don't know anything about last night's :(

Really??? Again??? well I have to watch the episode first but I could say that's not fair :( poor Stella as you said Mina she could crack any day :(

Imagine if she keeps seeing herself in the victim what will she do about the blood thing??? I know it's not exactly the same and of course she's strong and everything, but she's always suffering, and maybe she could crack that day :( Noooooooooooo!!!! I'm overreacting sorry *blushes*

ETA: hey the review in CSIFiles is done already!!!! *dances* I'm gonna read it :p Kristine Huntley writes very fast :D
Yep. Nothing is really going right for Stella so one of these days anything can happen to her :(.

Ooh yeah...I kinda forgot about the blood thing! That will probably contribute to the situation if something happens to Stella. Maybe Mac should give her a day off or whatever.

I just hope that whatever happens next will be a good thing :D!
I totally agree. It's the Greeks in her that keeps her looking fantastic :). Heehee seriously though whatever she does to maintain her great physical apperance is working & I bet it doesn't involve a weekly visit to the botox doctor or plastic surgeon :lol:.
Yeah the baby pink scarf is so cute :lol:

Baby Pink Rocks :p

Yeah she looks very young. I was voting for the best dressed actress at and Melina's pic wasn't among the candidates :( I wanted to vote for her :(

ETA: Oh, and I loved her shoes too :D the ones she wore with the coat :p

ETA (again :p): the best dressed in the Golden Globe Awards.
How could they not nominate Melina :eek:? Obviously we can figure out that she has the best style ever :D.

I *love* that pic, namely cause it has the scarf I want. It's so pretty & so feminine & it suits her quite well. I must get my hands on it.

Thanks for posting it!
So, has anyone else visited the spoiler thread lately?

Apparently Stella divulges to Hammerback(???) that she never knew her parents :(

I kinda figured that out but something big must happen to make her reveal that. That must be so heartbreaking for her to bring that up :(.
Okay no fair! How come you found pics at the Globes... okay so mostly my findings were looking elsewhere *coughs ali larter coughs* But.. no fair!

Well thats interesting so we're getting somewheres with it then
Soraya has the connections :lol:.

I agree though, it's good that we're finally learning something. It feels like forever & that information is something I'm dying to know about Stella. It better be worth it!
I will beyond pissed off if they drop it :mad:. They already screwed us over enough times & plus it's Stella's turn to have something interesting about her shared with the audience, especially something as big as this.

Ooh, it would be really cool if we heard Stella speak Greek in that episode. I just hope she says something I understand :lol:.

Don't make any smart remarks Lynn :p. I can feel them coming already :lol:.
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