Stella/Melina #4: The Law, The Order

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All Access, that's really a great Stella episode! :D My favourite personally ;) Stella was so strong in that episode and I really loved the end of the episode ;) Okey, I don't wanna spoil you so I shut up :p
It´s okay...I hear a lot of things about it and I saw the ""-trailer. So if you tell me some things, it doesn´t matter! :D
Wow, yeah the site is amazing, I saw it 3 days ago :p although I've seen that episode like 487357845 times :D, so I read the review written by Kristine Huntley in CSIFiles and I was like exists???? so I went there and I was like o_O, although let me tell you that they show more in the promo that in the show, specially the first part of the promo ;), you know THE SCENE.

Talking about that scene, when I saw it first in Run Silent, Run Deep I was like OMG, why do they have to be so explicit???, but now I think I like it :p :confused:
All Access is definitely one of Stella's best episodes but it's hard for me to get into it due the graphic violence. I dunno, Melina truly did excel but seeing a woman get beat up by a man isn't exactly pleasent to my eyes. Melina did a fantastic job of showcasing her fear & pain. I really felt for her & she made me hate Frankie too. I admire how Stella was able to remain strong & didn't go into that whole "woe is me/damsell in distress" scenerio. That's one of the reasons why Stella is my favourite character on the show :).
^^ Oh I totally agree with you about the violent scenes, 'cause it was very graphic and unnecessary, and I didn't like the way she was dressed, not because of the dress, but because she - as Kristine H. said in the review - looked more vulnerable. The scene that I think I like now, is the scene with Frankie in you know what attitude ;) :devil: although I'd prefer to see her doing that with another guy whose name starts with Mac and finishes with Taylor :devil:. Ooops wrong thread :p

ETA: btw, isn't there any interview or something were Melina has talked about how she felt doing this episode and the hot scene with Frankie? Thanks a lot!!! :)
You mean Mac Taylor heehee :p.

Yeah, as much as I loved that dress it just added to the typical mix of a woman getting abused. I wonder if the situation would've been analyzed differently if she wore pants & a long sleeve shirt of whatever. I'm just glad it's all over.

As for the interview I'm sure it's out there somewhere. Where, I dunno :lol:.
I love Melina I first saw her Guiding Light as Elaine (in which her character married Frank Cooper), she was alsome on there.

But I love her as Stella, she is gritty, intelligent, and stands her ground.
^ That's where she played a Greek imigrant right? I wish they showed repeats of the show as that's something I'd love to see.
ETA: btw, isn't there any interview or something were Melina has talked about how she felt doing this episode and the hot scene with Frankie? Thanks a lot!!! :)

I had no idea about that.. :(If anyone find it,let us know! :pAll access was a good episode,it had some nice scenes,not exactly what I personally wanted but anyways..The whole story about Stella and a psycho Frankie was a nice idea but the way he almost killed Stella and she was forced to kill him is...sad..

Happy or/and Rambo Stella are by far better! :D :lol:
hehe, have you all seen Melina on Five US? :D I already have a clip of Marg and this weekend I'm getting one from Melina 2 :D This friend told me that Melina was great in the interview :D
Unfortunately no :(. What exacly is Five US? I'll check my paper to see if they will be airing it as I haven't seen a Melina interview for a very long time. I remember her doing all these talk shows last year...
What's kodecon? :confused:

An interview with Melina??? I've never seen one myself :(, I've looked for clips on youtube about her and haven't found anything :(

ETA: hey, St. Basil's orphanage exists!!! I didn't know it :lol: I googled it just because I didn't have a better thing to do :lol: and many people have made charity and things like that for it. But do they have greek children or something like that? :confused:
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