
Teal'c looks better with no hair in my opinion. It's funny. I love Teal'c bald and I miss Daniel's long hair. Teal'c doesn't seem like Teal'c anymore.

Eep, that little beardy thing freaked me out. And yeah, I definitely prefer Teal'c without the hair. Now, as brought up above, do you prefer Daniel's hair long or short?
I have to go with short. Long hair, even it was good too.. is somehow... well... oldish. But, after all, it doesn't matter. MS is cute anyway :D
It was Season 8 that Teal'c got hair. I had to say he looked much better without it. Could have been just because I was so used to him without hair that it looked strange when he did have hair.

Went with short for Daniel, though I don't care that much. Short was just that little bit ahead.
I preffered Daniel with the longer hair. I think he looked very hot with it.
I also preffered the earlier seasons to the older ones. The first ones were fun and happy compared to the later ones which became more serious. Evil producers.
I like both Stagate and stargate Atlantis,but SG a little more.
My favourite characters are:

Daniel Jackson
Major Davis

Colonel John Sheppard
Dr. Carson Beckett

Has anyone meet any of the cast from both shows?
Ahh, Strgate Atlantis was pretty good today. :D But confusing. Dr Mckay was so freaking hilarious! He just went home and checked his answermachine it went There are no new messages and he went Huh, Must have had a power failure. :lol:
Hmmm... I think I *may* be OK with RDA's departure IF they resolve once and for all the whole Sam/Jack thing instead of dancing around it (and I'm talking a phone call/a *real* non-alternate selves/drug-induced/evil twin romantic kiss/a wedding ring, something definite and irrefutable!) Hell, Sam referring to him as 'Jack' in an informal conversation would do at this point!

I HAVE!!!! Last year I met Amanda Tapping, JR Bourne, Corin Nemec, Teryl Rothery, Don S. Davis, Michael Shanks, Colin Cunningham and Christopher Judge at Gatecon! And I'm going to meet Amanda again in London in October.
I HAVE!!!! Last year I met Amanda Tapping, JR Bourne, Corin Nemec, Teryl Rothery, Don S. Davis, Michael Shanks, Colin Cunningham and Christopher Judge at Gatecon! And I'm going to meet Amanda again in London in October.

I've met all of them plus a few more,except for Amanda.I've also met Paul Mcgillion,Torri Higginson from Atlantis.
Ahh, Strgate Atlantis was pretty good today. :D But confusing. Dr Mckay was so freaking hilarious! He just went home and checked his answermachine it went There are no new messages and he went Huh, Must have had a power failure. :lol:
Aww, poor McKay.

I think that Vala was an awesome addition to SG-1 at the beginning of the season. Does anyone else think that she would be a good regular or recurring character?
I'm going in early season 7 at the moment but spoilers doesn't bother me.

I've been watching Atlantis 2nd season and wondering why the heck they took intro or what opening -thingy away?
Now the names jsut come up and after a while there comes this little, short clip with "Stargåte: Atlåntis" and Created by:
and nothing more. It's sucks.
I love Vala's character. Though I have only seen her in the episode Prometheus Unbound (I think that's what it's called). I think a lot of it has to do with me having an obsession with Farscape. The same reason I'm really looking to seeing Ben Browder.
Hmmm. i have also only seen Vala in Prometheus Unbound. but i have to say that i don't really like her much. she kicks ass and all but i just don't like her personality/ character. i feel she's a little too outgoing for the show. plus, she was a total idiot to Daniel. Hope she changes. Just my opinion, tho.