Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Cool thanks for putting up a link to the new promo guys.
I never get to see promos on my tv. I don't know why they don't air them!
Guys anyone know anything about Mac getting a kid on the show. I am assuming it has something to do with episode eight some young guy looking for Claire.

Trades said Kyle Gallner has been booked a recuring role on CSI: NY to play Mac Taylor's Stepson.... Anyone got any more info on this...
That's the one involving Claire's kid who comes looking for her and thinks Stella is her...we first thought he and Mac would talk and he left but then the recurring role part came up.
^^ So of course the stepson has a recurring role... very interesting... Hope we'll get to see a few interesting storylines.
Okay, so episode #10 is called " Sweet Sixteen ".

Stella, Hawkes and Lindsay work on what looks like the main case, along with Det. Angell, until something happens to Lindsay. Don't worry though, she'll be fine and back to the lab by the end of the episode. ;)

Mac, Danny and Flack are on the "B" case and apparently Flack is still pissed at Mac about the memo book (remember in one of the earlier episodes when he was questioned about that drug thing?)
If all the storylines work out if they are in the spoilers, this season is gonna be great.

Good to see some interaction between Mac and Flack, maybe they bring up some things from last seasons finale after all. I hope they learned from season 1, when they whole dropped the Mac/Danny angry thing and evaluation thing. But with the continuinity we have so far, I can't complain.

Good to see Angell back, she nice and good to have so recurring characters. They do not have to be around every episode (expect for Hammerback ;)) but I'd like to see some familiar faces apart from the main characters :)
Flack was pissed at Mac re: the drug episode? Ooooh, I didn't know he was mad at him. Looking forward to that storyline! And more Flack background is always a plus!
Ya know... the only reason I don't like coming into this thread is because I get all excited and can't wait for the episodes. I'm still sad at the fact that I've got 7 more episodes till the big secret. This season is definitely not disappointing. I wonder why Lindsay leaves... and I'm glad to see that these characters can be human and someone gets pissed at Mac.
An enjoyable read!

I have just sat and read through 2 whole topics of spoiler and have ruined my next year of viewage of CSI:NY lol

I'm an age behind the rest of the world

I got into CSI late, I have only just seen the entire 1st season on DVD, I've caught about 1/3 of season 2 on its rerun over here in the UK, I have ordered it on DVD so I should be upto Speed (well as far as UK is concerned)....I'll have to wait god knows how long till Season 3 premiers in UK!!!!

But i'll end up confusing myself through reading all these spoilers, I don't like the idea of Claire Forlani at all. I've seen her in one rubbish film called The Medallion with Lee Evans and Jackie Chan (she played an interpol agent in that and was ****, I can't picture her in something like CSI lol
But we'll see how it goes whenever we get to see it lol.
"Sweet Sixteen" sounds really good! What happens to Lindsay? Love the idea of a continuing conflict between Mac and Flack. Drama of that sort makes the show very interesting!

Has everyone seen http://www.kodecon.com?
Top41 said:
Has everyone seen http://www.kodecon.com?
Now that your post reminded me, I have. :lol: That's a great preview! Can't wait to watch Danny get all tough and chase down some dude on a motorcycle. I'm assuming that's Danny, anyway. The Suicide Girls look interesting too. Can't wait to see them in person. :D