Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

CSI808 said:
I just can't wait till we see Flack in those basketball clothes. Something other than all those suits. It's such a crime that he's hiding under all of that.

What? WHAT?!?! Oh my GOD! Are you serious? I don't know if I can handle that. You mean we may get to see some of Flack's skin? Arms, legs, muscles? Oh man, somebody get the crash cart...!
Am I wrong of the basketball thing will be in the episode 5... so the episode we're gonna see this week? Is this sure, official?
hidinginmyeyes said:
CSI808 said:
I just can't wait till we see Flack in those basketball clothes. Something other than all those suits. It's such a crime that he's hiding under all of that.

What? WHAT?!?! Oh my GOD! Are you serious? I don't know if I can handle that. You mean we may get to see some of Flack's skin? Arms, legs, muscles? Oh man, somebody get the crash cart...!

And lots of towels and buckets. We'll drown in all the drool <g>
CSI808 said:
I just can't wait till we see Flack in those basketball clothes. Something other than all those suits. It's such a crime that he's hiding under all of that.

According to what I've read (but obviously I don't know how much of that will make it to the final cut), he won't be in basketball clothes. If I remember correctly he was looking at these kids playing and one of them I think invited him so there's a chance he'll be wearing his usual suit.

Hopefully he'll take off something more than just the jacket... ;)
arggh *cries* Someone get that man in the shower alreeady! Or at least into shorts and a wifebeater <g> I hope the jacket comes off at least. (I mean, we got to see sleevless shirt Danny playing handball, plus shirtless!Mac (twice)now it's Flack's turn!)
If they pimped Carmine out by having Danny strip down to a tank top to play handball, Eddie's fans should be equally appeased with a scene in which Flack shows some skin. Fair is fair.
^ We definitely must. Sadly, I won't be around for a while but you girls go ahead while you're having that meeting in the city. ;)
LOL...You're a fun mod, Mrs.G :) Not that the others aren't too...

Oooh, one more day...*dances for joy* Although I might play The Closer later if I have time.
oohhh flack gettin hot n sweaty playin ball?? now thats what i wanna see right there! :lol: they will probably get him to jus take off his jacket and tie, and roll up his sleeves :( hehe
take the shirt off i tell ya!!!!! hehe
If he does take off the dress shirt he'll still have the t-shirt on; he doesn't wear tank top undershirts. But I'd settle for that! It's only once in a blue moon that we get to see him unpackaged at all!!!
Darn. And I was hoping that there would be actual spoilers ;)

So I guess there's nothing new? Rats.

Any idea when Peyton or that Angel chick will come back?