Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Orison seeing as you have a knack of turning up the goodies, over to you - any info on this episode, and Flack in general? :D
.I am jus intrigued as to why Flack gets all hot under the collar about it..

It'll probably be like it was in S1's, The fall. Flack won't want to believe that a cop, especially one that he's worked with, could be dirty. It's also possible that he thinks Mac is accusing him of being dirty. And as ScreamingPoet said, if a Detective goes down, then cases he's worked could have to be reopened to see if anything was done wrong.
yeah he may not want to believe that the cop is a dirty one, but he knows he has to do whats right in the end.. right?
it was soo hard for him to get that cop in s1. i felt bad for him :(
Don't know if this is the right thread to comment on this, but I'm often disgruntled at what I perceive as the lack of promo/advertising that CBS does, for CSI NY. It seems I always see more promos for the other 2 shows than I do for NY. Well, while watching Miami last night and whatever came after on CBS (our local news, then Letterman, I think), I saw 3-4 promos for NY! I couldn't believe it. A double promo for both Criminal Minds and NY, several times. It's about time! :p I'm really excited about this ep, especially after reading Anthony Zuiker's interview about how they came up with the concept. And it's nice to see CBS is getting behind it, too.
Yep, I noticed the same thing. And now that "Last Resort" song is stuck in my head. :lol:

I'm really excited to see how this storyline plays out. I've read the spoilers, but I'm still curious about just what's going to happen. :D
There's kinda Equal advertising for the 3 CSI's over here. Although their website is not exactly informative. Anyone know when season three is hitting the UK?
ka990 said:
Any news on this eppy, Orison? :lol:

Which one, the one that's going to air tomorrow night? Because if that's the case, I posted what I knew several apges ago.
I can fill you in on what I know. Apparently, some drugs were missing from a bust Flack was involved in awhile back. They don't suspect Flack - they think another detective on the scene nabbed the drugs, but Mac has to question Flack about it. Flack is worried, not just because he doesn't want to get another detective in trouble, but he's also worried all the detective's other convictions could be overturned if he's convicted of something. So he comes across as a bit defensive, although it appears he cooperates.
I love this Flack-centric episode, but I would have loved to see a episode that deals with the reprussions of the bombing that injured him.
Thanks audrina! :D I can see Flack being that way. He really believes in his job and stands benind the fact that the bad guy should be locked up. It must be hard for him since he went through something similar in "On the Job" but the detectives who screwed up are the ones who should be worried, not Flack. That's just the kind of guy he is though. **squishes him**

I could be wrong but I have a feeling we've seen all we're probably going to see regarding the bombing. TPTB have a tendancy to forgot things. :rolleyes:
1CSIMfan said:

I could be wrong but I have a feeling we've seen all we're probably going to see regarding the bombing. TPTB have a tendancy to forgot things. :rolleyes:

Shame! :( That was a major event in the season finale and from watching Eddie play Flack as well as he does I get the feeling Eddie would be able to show what he can really do!