Ok, so I've read the interview with Zuiker that our lurvely
Top did, and it's very interesting.
The thing that sort of stuck out to me about the discussion of Lindsay is that they're apparently going to tell us her 'dark secret' *cue horror music* in the 12th episode...so they're going to have this be a major thing for half of the season?! Because you know these writers, they can't just give little hints here and there, they've got to lay it on thick in case you've forgotten something.

(And the spoilers we've talked about in this thread for the earliest episodes indicate that Lindsay and/or Danny and Lindsay will be front-and-center from the very beginning.)
From what we've seen so far, it's turning out to be a Mac and Lindsay-centered season. Mac I can understand since he's the main character (and hello, it's Gary Sinise), but why Lindsay? Why not concentrate on Stella or Hawkes or Flack, who have been there longer and who we still know next-to-nothing about? I know this 'dark secret' thing (*horror music*) is interesting and whatever, but since when did they decide that half of the season (or more) should be defined by Lindsay's 'secret'? (You know, the 'dark and devastating' one. *horror music*) I can handle backing down on the Danny time, and I'm sure a bunch of fans (including some of the biggest Danny-fans we have here on Talk) would be thrilled with that, but to switch to Lindsay? And if Lindsay's character is going to be all about the drama this season (which I'm still iffy about considering the lack of cohesion and consistency for the character last season), then Danny is going to be right there and all about the drama as well because clearly this show is all about the fricking romance. Please, let Mac get his groove on and leave Danny and Lindsay to find themselves individually before they try to do anything together (or not, which is my preference). Having a Danny/Lindsay relationship right now is just asking for a whole lot of that d-r-a-m-a. It'll probably be full of angsting and fighting and can-they-even-do-their-jobs-right?

No thanks, writers, I'd rather leave that stuff to the imagination.
And no, I don't just bitch about Lindsay because I'm totally against her or something. I'm genuinely hoping that the writers portray the character in a way that I'll like this season, because God knows I'd rather like everyone on the show instead of dread having one of them show up on screen. It just pisses me off that, with all of the characters on the show, she'd get serious storyline-attention before a more established character like Stella. Or, you know, Flack, the guy who nearly died in the last episode. That might be worth revisiting.