Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Faylinn, that's exactly how I think Claire's story arc will end, too. She & Mac started dating while she was working in the private sector, but now their relationship will be tested when they actually have to work together. I think she'll leave the lab, and then the writers will take their time to decide whether or not she and Mac will continue dating "offscreen".
Yeah, I'd prefer the offscreen dating, personally, and since they can have a few scenes every once in a while to keep it going, I can deal with giving her some serious time in a few episodes to start with. ;)

I was also thinking that maybe she'd move to a different shift. Since Pino was supposedly on a different shift, the writers could do something similar with Peyton and have her work with the team occasionally. :)

By the way, I hope Adam is sticking around. I liked him in S2, so it'd be fun if he was still there. Did somebody say they thought he definitely was going to be here? A spoiler tidbit perhaps? ;)

I'm kind of surprised that, now that we know Claire Forlani isn't playing Detective Angell, people assume that this new detective is not a potential love interest for anyone on the show. Didn't one of the spoilers (I want to say for the hostage episode) mention her? If so, then it's probably a good bet that the character still exists (probably as was initially reported, except that she won't be played by Forlani). If that's the case, then it's quite possible that she could still flirt with Hawkes and give the man some sweet, sweet lovin'. :lol:
Thanks for the spoilers everyone :). I never post here....but always check here.

I was on the CBS website and decided to look up a bio of Lindsay Monroe. It says: "...Lindsay offers a fresh perspective to the lab, rarely hinting at the dark and devastating secret that originally motivated her to dedicate her life to being a CSI." Could this dark secret have anything to do with her not wanting to deal with the mother?
I'm just hoping that this news about Mac and Peyton trying to juggle their work/private relationship will push the D/L (whatever it is) into the background and they drop the whole story with them. Why have 2 couples who work together trying to juggle everything. IMO, bit of overkill.

I'm hoping that if they have to end the Mac/Peyton relationship they will have her quitting her job at the lab and working somewhere else so they can stay together. Unless of course, we find that they have no chemistry. But D/L doesn't have chemistry either and so far that hasn't seemed to stop TPTB.

As for Lindsay's dark and devastating secret. I so wish they'd just get it over with. It's probably been hyped up so much that when it's finally revealed, it'll be something insignificant. Although I do find myself wondering what it is.
I've been lurking here awhile---completely love all the spoilers!!! Where do you get the info from???
CSI007WW said:
No they haven't. Got to admire that. For seven years now, and still the same cast (Greg and the Doc were recurring in the first two seasons, so I'll count them too). Not many shows have that.

And that's why the LV show is such a kick-ass show. Because with mind-boggling storylines, stable cast and awesome execution: CSI LV is the best CSI show. IMHO, of course. :cool:
I am curious as this too. I would like to know the sercet to Lindsay's past.

Does she really have the secret? As far I've heard, CBS site bios has nothing to do with the show writers.
Anyways.... if she has one... I swear it's again one storyline to make a woman in these series to be... a victim.
I would just like to add that I really hope Lindsay's not a victim - that tangent is overdone. Is it too much to hope that one CSI female hasn't been raped or abused?
Yeah, especially since the CSI spoilers indicate that something else bad happens to Catherine this coming season, we really, really don't need to go down that hackneyed road with Lindsay, too. Please let her deep dark secret be that she kicked the crap out of some guy who was pestering her, or something like that :lol: Just kidding, but honestly, I hope they come up with something original.
Is it just me thinking that putting about 'a dark and devestating secret' on Lindsay's bio probably wasn't a very smart move by someone? I am just hoping that it can live up to the hype when it does finally come out. And yes, if Lindsay is just made into a victim, it is such a cop out!

On the plus side, these spoilers seem to me to be encouraging, even if the Country references with regard to Lindsay are unnecessary and there are hints of fanfiction floating about. For now though, I am going to have faith. If carried out well, in my opinion, these spoilers could bode well for the series to come. I reckon that the writers just need to have a little more faith in the viewers picking up links without having them flagged up with flashing neon signs and choruses singing it to us.
I was thinking maybe she had killed someone when she was a teenager but I guess that would make it impossible to become a CSI. It would be more interesting than to make her the victim. They don't need to make all three of the main famale cast be victims