Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Maybe Danny goes on a revenge streak for his brother, and that's what gets him into trouble. Although I dunno how that'd work as Sonny is in prison..hmm.

Maybe he tries to bust Louie out of hospital :lol:
Orison said:
Well, Zuiker did say that Danny gets in trouble because of Louie so it may very well be Tanglewood-related.

I seriously can't wait for this. :D

Zuiker didn't say Danny gets in trouble because of Louie. He said Danny's challenged on a personal level because of his brother Louie (who may or may not be dead) and there's a deeper, darker problem.

Being challenged on a personal level is not necessarily getting into trouble. I think it might have more to do with "is Louie dead or not" that is the challenging part. Maybe he died or came out of a coma in between the seasons.

To me, they way Zuiker worded it, I think the deeper, darker problem is something else not relating to Louie.

As for D/L, I think everybody knows how I feel, but if it's gonna happen...keep it in the background. Whatever goes on between them will be short lived, IMO. BTW, Grissom/Sara was no surprise. That had been building up for 6 seasons. Since the 1st episode Sara was in.

I would like to know Danny's "deeper, darker problem." And I want more Flack. Holy cow, he had his guts blown open in the finale and we've not heard anything about him. Slide over D/L, give Flack a chance, and Hawkes.
The idea that came to my mind is if Louie does come out of the coma, what kind of state is he going to be in and if it was still slow progress it might still put pressure on Danny to find the right help if for some reason dad didn't or couldn't do it. Just a thought.
Come on! You people expect intimacy during the season finale' when Flack's unconscious. Anyway, I don't care about romance bet. characters. As in, actually seeing it on screen.

About that Louie, it's probably out of brotherly instinct that Danny's concerned about him. Though, Danny has a slight connection with TW. Possible to get his ass in trouble.

Cut the D/L crap, more Flack and Hawkes is interesting. These guys act like Danny's benchwarmers, give me a break, bro!
tanglewood14 said:
Come on! You people expect intimacy during the season finale' when Flack's unconscious. Anyway, I don't care about romance bet. characters. As in, actually seeing it on screen.

Cut the D/L crap, more Flack and Hawkes is interesting. These guys act like Danny's benchwarmers, give me a break, bro!

Nobody said they wanted intimacy in the finale. I said, maybe if they had not cut out the scene people would be less shocked that they want to start things up with D/L. Since, everyone was freaking out about it.
agree with you that the writers need to do this relationship correctly if it's going to be done, StellaMac . There were a lot of people who really liked the D/L interaction in S2, but then there were also a lot of people who didn't. If the writers do things well, then both groups of people can be happy with season 3. The D/L thing needs to be subtle and in the background--it doesn't need a prominent scene in every episode, it doesn't require that we get the two of them discussing things when they aren't on the same case, and the list goes on and on. I think fans and non-fans of the ship agree (from what I can tell ) that it's detrimental to D/L as well as the other characters because constantly interacting with each other takes time away from possible screentime with the rest of the team.

I think that's what bothers me most about D/L-more than the utter lack of chemistry between Anna and Carmine and the shoddy writing responsible for such stilted dialogue and awkward, unrealistic character interaction. Before Lindsay came on the scene, Hawkes was being pushed to the fore, if not the center, as a character in his own right, and we were getting glimpses into Stella and Flack, albeit obliquely.

Then Lindsay arrived, and Hawkes' position as a newbie CSI learning on the fly was usurped. He was shunted aside and absorbed into the bland background, and instead of seeing him learn how to cope with being on the front lines and dealing with the folks left behind when the morgue claimed another body, we were treated to clumsy scenes of Lindsay one-upping everyone else in the lab and crass flirting on Lindsay's part, even at such grossly inappropriate times as a former colleague's death and the bedside of a critically-injured Flack. It boggles my mind that the writers could be so socially tone deaf ehen they have brought us such gut-wrenching episodes as "Blink" and "Officer Blue" and "The Fall".

I never minded that much of the show centered around the Danny Messer Angst of the Episode because Danny was and is a fascinating character whether you like him or not, but the writers need to rethink the strategy of making S3 All About Danny once again, with a flaccid, rancid side order of D/L sturm und drang. Danny and his terminal case of the woe-woe-woes has carried the show for most of two seasons, and both he and the audience need a break. Putting all the show's emotional eggs in one basket is boring and dangerous; if Carmine ever pulls up stakes, the writers and the rest of the cast will be left to fill a very large void. It would be healthier and wiser the spread the developmental wealth.

Honestly, I have no interest in watching a D/L romance unfold every week. Or any other romance, for that matter. Romances tend to smother shows under the staggering weight of their craven schmoop, and I watch the show for the whoddunnit, not the who's doing it.

The writers may yet prove me wrong, and S3 could be earth-shattering; I'm going to give it a chance because I love Mac and Flack and Hawkes, but I'm not holding my breath, and if we reach the midpoint of the season with nary a flicker from Flack and Stella because we're hip-deep in the festering sheepdip that is D/L, I'm not sure I'll see it through to S4.
Whee! We're going back into Danny mania!

Yawn. Please. We've seen enough and as many said before, let's see other characters.

S3 is DL and Dannyangst! Oh boy!

*sulks off*
I make no secret of the fact that I'm an avowed Flackolyte, so I hope to see some development on his end, but if not, I'll gladly settle for Hawkes. I like Danny as a character, but his presence has become so pervasive as to be cloying in both canon and fanon. You can't go anywhere-even onto the Flack threads-without tripping over him, and it's tiresome.

I don't want him to fall into the GCMS and be broken down into his whiny component parts, never to be seen again, but he needs to take a figurative coffee break.
Well, this is my first post in the spoilers section and thought I'd chime in on the DL thing.

I'm not a hardcore D/L person, and I'm not a Lindsey hater either.... but I think the spoilers are making it seem a bigger deal than it is. I mean, the way the writers set up their relationship it would be stupid to just drop it. They have to do something with it, and hopefully just enough to wrap it up one way or the other and get on with it.

And let's face it... they can't screw it up any more than they did with relationships on the other CSI shows. And those shows are still highly rated. NY can't get more soap opera-y than Miami (I hope)

that's my 2 cents
I think that's what bothers me most about D/L-more than the utter lack of chemistry between Anna and Carmine and the shoddy writing responsible for such stilted dialogue and awkward, unrealistic character interaction.

Bingo! I do believe that more people would have bought into the D/L ship if it had simply been written better. It seems to have evolved from some drunken night out with the writers where someone said, "Oooh, you know what would be cool? If Danny and Lindsay hooked up!" And boom, it was done. But done in a really slipshod and sloppy manner that left many people cringing and hoping that they would take it no further because it was so ham-handed in its execution.

I think that it's simply far too soon for this ship to become canon - many of my favourite series, Star Trek, TNG for one, waited several seasons before putting the main characters together and then when they did, it worked.

So, here's to hoping that the writers and TPTB are actually listening to the fans for once and will not put this clunker of a ship out to sail this season. I'm still hoping it will be something flirtatious, light-hearted and definitely not serious.
I'm pretty much in agreement on romances in forensics or other non-soapy shows. If a romance is to develop, let it be natural and slow, rather than this forced, every episode must have a scene between Danny and Lindsay BS. It's so scripted, and every time I see the two interact, I feel the script. There's nothing natural about it, and that's the real weakness of the pairing. Well, that and the lack of chemistry between the actors.

As for Danny drama, I admit I'm an avid Danny drama fan. He does it well, and he's entertaining. But the point about putting all of the show's eggs in one basket is spot on. As good as Carmine is, he's not the only good actor on the show, nor is Danny the only good character. Flack and Hawkes definitely merit more development and screen time.

I'd also love to see Stella get more development that doesn't involve her being a victim. jorja_fan made a good point several posts back about seeing her grapple with shooting Frankie making her more human and relatable to the rest of us, and I get that, but at the same time, I don't want to see that define her character. Still, I'm looking forward to some Stella development in s. 3.
I will chime in here and say I hope Hawkes and Flack are more featured, in particular. This may sound strange, but I think the very fact that they chose Flack to be so seriously injured could be good. It does set him up for some good scenes if they write it well - getting back to work, Post-traumatic stress sydrome, stuff with Mac, etc. As for Hawkes, every site I've seen for CSI:NY is clamoring for more Hawkes. I am hopeful that this season will be varied, and don't believe for one second it will be all DL. Everything I've read about the first eppy doesn't even mention Lindsay. I like her, but I agree that I want to see this show remain an ensemble.
I'm thinkin the deeper darker stuff with Danny has something to do with his family, but not Louie necessarily. it says in the CBS official site that Danny grew up in a house under survellaince. they don't stick a van/crown vic full of feds outside someone's house just because of a gang-banger, even a tanglewood. i'm thinkin Danny's old man is in deep with some bad mojo, a la Sopranos, and now it's coming back to haunt the whole family, ie Danny. Danny's a very loyal guy. but why should he be loyal only to Mac and the rest of the CSU? He's stuck by Louie and obviously still loves him despite all the crap with Sonny Sassone and whatnot, and i get the feeling from some of Danny's little anecdotes about his father (going fishing, mentioning that it was him that he was beaten up with by the gypsy hack) that he loves his old man too. so, yeah. deep, dark? i'm thinkin daddy-issues.

I'm so into the idea of Danny having a Tanglewood tatoo on his back!! now THAT would be awesome! xD

And I can't wait to hear more about Danny. Though I agree there should also be more of Hawkes and Flack and the rest. Since Danny has really had a rough couple of seasons.

And Hawkes is so funny and makes me squee whenever he opens his mouth! "There is a little mosqito just relaxing standing on the table"
^It would be kind of cool if he did have deeper Tanglewood affiliations than they previously dealt with, but I don't think that's the case. We saw quite a bit of Danny in [b[Trapped[/b] and there was no tattoo other than the one on Carmine's arm. The dark pieces are more likely to do with Papa Messer than Danny though - and I hope they leave it until later in the season. I've had enough of the Danny-drama and need some rest!