Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Daisy said:
I don't want Forlani as an ME, I want Hammerback! Hammerback rules. As a recurring detective, fine, but they just can't drop Hammerback, he was one of the highlights of season 2?

But sure that TV Guide is correct about her being an ME? ME or detective is a big difference.

I just got my TV Guide in the mail today and yes, it say ME. Here's the entire article (In the Breaking News section) word for word:

Apparently, cadavers aren't the only bodies that interest Mac Taylor. This fall, Gary Sinise's CSI:NY detective--whose wife died on 9/11--will have a new romance. Clair Forlani ("Meet Joe Black") has been tapped to play Mac's love interest after producers--who wanted to show Mac's personal side in the third season--whittled down a list of actresses. "It was very challenging," executive producer Anthony E. Zuiker says. "We had to choose someone who's beautiful, talented and could hold her ground with Gary."

Forlani will play medical examiner Dr. Peyton Driscoll, who'll make her debut in a "very sexually interesting situation," says Zuiker. She'll have a four-episode arc starting on the season premiere, but producers may choose to extend Forlani's ride. Promises Zuiker, "It will be a fasten-your-seatbelt situation."
Isn't Claire Forlani like 80 years younger than Gary Sinise? :rolleyes: Okay, I know it's only like 15 or 17 years, but seriously, can't they find someone Gary's age for Mac to hook up with? Claire is cool though, so I hope she ends up staying around for a long time.
^^Are you kidding? And ruin that lovely tried-and-true Hollywood formula? Why on earth should they bring back the lovely and talented Penelope Ann Miller as Gary's love interest when they can bring in an actress 15 years younger than he is? It's patently ridiculous, in my opinion.
^Same here. I mean, I love Claire Forlani and I'm glad she's going to be on the show, but it irritates me that she's being brought in as Mac's love interest. Most girls would probably go for one of the hot young babes their own age--like Flack, Danny or Hawkes. It's one thing if it's developed over time and is the exception to the rule, but it seems like the old guy/younger woman pairing is just oh-so-popular these days.
Top41 said:
Isn't Claire Forlani like 80 years younger than Gary Sinise? :rolleyes:
Classic. I think I just wet myself. :lol:

I'm totally with you girls. I love Claire Forlani and hope she sticks around well past four episodes. However, that Hollywood notion that women like to date guys their daddy's age just isn't reality. A beautiful young woman like Claire would be all over Flack, Danny or Hawkes in a heartbeat. Mac??? Mac, who? Not a chance. Penelope Ann Miller was a perfect love interest for Mac. Heck, Jane from DNA might also be closer to his age. I hate to see that Hollywood is so reluctant to promote the sexuality of older actresses. Not only are there plenty of older actresses who could play a great match for Mac, but I also think it demeans his character a little if we have to watch him chase after a young girl. Give Mac a little more dignity than that. Find him a beautiful and intelligent woman his own age.
i'm happy Mac get some love!!! but i'm confused she was supose to be a detective but now she's a doctor? and i dont think they have to many years between them he's 51 and she's 35 soo. its like Catherine zeta-Jones and her husband.
I don't believe it was ever said that Claire was going to be the new detective. Gary's interview states that Claire is playing a "new character", but not who.
Well I must admit I would love to be Mac's younger woman and I would quite happly trample over Danny and Flack to get to Mac Taylor. You have to remember everyones taste is different.

As for Penelope Ann Millar her character was to wishy washy for Mac (that was the writers fault they made her to simpering) and Jane (shudder) no thank you. Mac Taylor needs someone with a bit of character and someone to shake him up and make the first move cause he wont.

The age thing shouldnt come into it, it doesnt in real life, my boyfriend was 18 when he asked me out 9 years ago and I was 27.

I will wait with interest and see what they are going to do with this. but I agree with others comments if they turn NY into a Miami clone I will be VERY dissapointed. I want my gritty NY of season 1 back.
I don't mind that Mac will have a love interest. Since Season 1, I have hoped that someone would make Mac's heart beat in a frenzy and we may have that person join
the cast, I'm just curious at to who?
pizzapie said:
I don't believe it was ever said that Claire was going to be the new detective. Gary's interview states that Claire is playing a "new character", but not who.

Yeah it was...She was supposed to play Jennifer Angell who was supposed to be working with Danny and Hawkes in the season premiere. Info can be found here :)
For the record Forlani and Sinise are 17 years apart - she was born in 1972, he in 1955. I'm wondering if that Angell detective is still coming? If she is, I'll bet she'll be a Maka-type replacement.

I will be sincerely PO'd if they get rid of Hammerbeck. He's a trip.
1CSIMfan said:
pizzapie said:
I don't believe it was ever said that Claire was going to be the new detective. Gary's interview states that Claire is playing a "new character", but not who.

Yeah it was...She was supposed to play Jennifer Angell who was supposed to be working with Danny and Hawkes in the season premiere. Info can be found here :)

The original article from iF Magazine did not say that she was playing Angell. It was assumed so because we hadn't heard of any new characters yet. However, the article simply says
We’ve got a new character coming in played by Claire Forlani. She’s doing our show, and I’m not sure for how many episodes, but she has a “thing” that will take two or three episodes at least

It could have been intended for her to be the ME all along.

The age is not necessarily such a big gap. I would say Mac is in the late 40s, and if the new ME is in the mid-late 30s, it would only be around a 10 year age difference- lots of RL couples are that far apart.
^^The article I linked to was an interview with Gary Sinise who is a producer on NY so I would think he would know what he's talking about. But they always change their minds. Lindsay was supposed to be Summer, how'd that go? In case you didn't see the link, here's part of what it said:

In a recent interview with iF Magazine, Gary Sinise (Mac Taylor) revealed actress Claire Forlani will joint he cast of CSI: New York during season 3.

The British actress will portray new detective Jennifer Angell, who will be working alongside Danny Messer and Sheldon Hawkes in the season three premiere episode "People With Money." According to Sinise, however, Forlani might not join the cast permanently.

That was taken from the iF Magazine article and the link to that magazine is in the link I provided above.
Sinise never said what role Forlani was playing. If you read the original iF article, that's clear.

Changing a character's name is not nearly the same as changing a role.
Well, it's true that Gary never specifically said that Claire would be playing Angell, but since this information was presented in the same article on CSI Files, most of us assumed that it was true. The thing about spoilers is that you can never really know what's true or what's going to be changed. It's possible that Claire was meant to play the detective, but it's also possible that it was never in the plan for her to portray that role. We're not writers, so we can't know for sure.

However, TV Guide is generally reliable, right? So we can assume that this new information, with Claire playing a medical examiner instead, is accurate?