Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Flack DRUG thing! What???? Don't tell me Flack is going to be doing drugs, noooooo!!!! I couldn't take that!!! It has to be something else. Right?
I think Mac questions him about a drug bust that he did with another detective, because there's a question about whether this other guy took some of the drugs. And Flack is defensive (if I remember correctly, I'm trying to remember what was said on here :lol:), thinking that maybe Mac is accusing him, and then he's worried that, if they take down this other detective, the cases that the guy worked on would come into question. And Flackie wouldn't want bad guys to go free. ;)

But if someone has more info, I'd also like to hear it. :lol:
Whew! Well I knew it couldn't be that Flack himself was into drugs, that's just not possible. What I read was on CSI Files, there's a piece on there about episode 8. If there is any other info hopefully someone will find it and post it here. That episode is gonna be goooood!!!
I think that is a excellent way for Anthony to build Flack's character. Flack has to defend his integrity. Who wouldn't love that. And though I love looking at Danny (the eye candy that he is) I still love looking at Flack to. Them eyes....whooa boy!
Yeah i agree with all that jazz. But I have another quistin does anyone know were I can watch CSI:NY promo's?? I have satelite and everything is all screwed up :confused: :)
I too am desperate for news on how Flack is doing so far in Season 3 - I can only hope that some kind person out there will post as soon as anything becomes known! :lol: One thought has struck me - with Mac being the one to bring this up with Flack, and Flack having to turn defensive and defend himself/another cop to Mac, could this be the start of Flack having to deal with what happened in CoTP?
and Flack having to turn defensive and defend himself/another cop to Mac, could this be the start of Flack having to deal with what happened in CoTP?

Oooh, I hope so! Anything that gets Flack and Mac in the same room together is a good thing!
Oooh, I hope so! Anything that gets Flack and Mac in the same room together is a good thing!

I second that. Good onscreen chemistry between those two. And you're right, that would be an ideal time to bring up CoTP, somehow.
**hugz celtess :D**
aww thanks for the link huni!!! i cannot wait to see that episode :D gunna be a good one!!! hehe
looks like i have ALOT to catch up on!! havent been here for the last few days :(

The Flack + drugs epi.. omg.. that is gona be an epi you HAVE to watch. thats one future epi i am so looking forward to watching.I am jus intrigued as to why Flack gets all hot under the collar about it... Hmmmmm..... :confused:
Season three hasn't started over in the UK yet but I couldn't help but watch...ah so excited looks so good!
The Flack-centric episode sounds really good. I can definitely see him getting defensive, thinking that Mac was accusing him. But you know, I think more that Flack would be worried that if the detective was put away for taking the drugs that the cases the other detective worked would be examined, and the bad guys could be let out. :|