Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

And that's just like Mac too, knowing the "secret" of her past all along and never mentioning it, until she's ready to say something. I'm looking forward to that, too.

And as I mentioned in the ep recap thread, I honestly think the D/L thingie might actually be a front of sorts for what might actually be the "real" storyline, the big reveal about Lindsay's past. There aren't alot of ways to put Lindsay's worry about her past into the forefront of veiwers' minds without her actually coming out and saying something, so if veiwers aren't thinking and wondering about it, it won't have as much of an impact when it's finally revealed, it'll be rather anti-climactic. But having her turn Danny down is the perfect way to get veiwers to start thinking about what is in her past that would make her do that, so we're more interested and in tune to the Big Reveal, when it happens. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to find that the whole D/L is going to end up being less about the romance, and more about getting us to wonder about her past.
I can't tell you how sick I am of Danny-centric stuff, Lindsay-centric stuff, and/or Danny/Lindsay-centric stuff. I'm sorry to fans ( it's not that I hate either character ), but I've wanted to know more about Stella's backstory and Flack's backstory before Lindsay was even on the show, and for cryin' out loud, haven't we heard enough about Danny for an episode or three?

I truly like Danny, and Lindsay has grown on me, and I'd probably be okay with D/L if the writers would just resolve it already, but I'm tired of the limelight. We know a shamefully small amount of what's happened to Flack, and Stella, and Hawkes ( either in their histories or in the present, ie Flack's recovery ) -- and they each deserve more than an episode here and there between all the Danny to develop their stories. And yes, I want to know what Lindsay's secret is, but I think we've got other characters we've known longer to take care of, too.
^Ah, excellent!

The spoilers about episode 12 are from the interview with CSI: NY showrunner Anthony Zuiker at this site. It does sound like the Lindsay stuff will be good, though I really hope the majority of her interactions are with Mac, and that Danny isn't really involved with the storyline. She really needs to stand on her own as a character.
MacsGirlMel said:
TV Guide says the recurring bad guy character debuts next week.

Could that be Edward Furlong? He would make his first appearance next week in a reccuring role.
Thanks for that Lindsay stroyline thing Top. As much as I like D/L Lindsay needs to make a stand for herself before anysort of relationship... Danny can come later.. :D
I'm really looking forward to seeing what they do with Edward Furlong in his recurring role. Is he going to be Mac & the team's nemesis, as Anthony Zuiker hinted at, or will he be someone more benign who helps crack the case? I know I'll definitely be tuning in to find out! *rubs hands together gleefully* Continuity is our Friend! I thought I read somewhere - here? - that Furlong is along for the ride in about 10 eps, and that's a pretty darn long recurring role, unless he has something pretty juicy to do, so I'm guessing he's the nemesis. Does anyone else remember reading that figure of 10 eps?

And I agree about Lindsay, develop her background, her "Big Secret", her personality, independent of Danny. Give fans a chance to get to know and like her without automatically linking her character to Danny. I read (also here?) that when her background/secrets are revealed, it definitely is mostly between she and Mac, so I don't know how much Danny will be involved, if at all. Good move, after all if she has something in her past she needs to talk about that has been affecting what she does on the job, Mac is the only person she should be going to first and foremost, not Danny at all.
Cool interview...things should be good

*whispers* Mac should be with Stella* *shuts up until she gets to shipper thread*
I'm excited that Anna and Gary will have some strong scenes - they work well together. Thanks for the info!
There is the promo for the next episode on Innertube. I'm not sure if this is a new promo, but it seemed a tiny bit different from the one shown right after the show on wednesday.
It shows Danny jumping from one fire-escape stairs to another, and Stella andMac were talking about a serial killer, and Lindsay was running.
OMG new promo, i see the last one, but i did'nt see the one with Danny , FLack and Lindsay!!!
Thank you
I can't wait the next episode lol
wow.. the new promo looks like that is gonna be an excellent epi.. lotsa action goin on :D
i have actually seen the best bits of the last epi on u tube. wel.. jus danny n lindsey ;) lol