Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

^^where did you see that, detectdevotion? I'd almost kill to see that!!! Maybe that's why his collar is unbuttoned in those screencaps. Woohoo!!!
Dood, I thought I saw it on here, but now I can't find it. So maybe I'm lying...but I heard it was at the end of Ep. 5. Could be wrong, though.
Someone mentioned him playing basketball with some kids or something. Don't remember the episode, but I know someone said he played at some point. ;)
And you don't remember which episode, Faylinn? Shame on you! Just kidding! But really, wouldn't you love to see that?
detectdevotion said:
Uhm, YES! I would definitely have to hit rewind. Repeatedly. Until I had to replace my broken rewind button.

Ah, just put it on a continuous loop! The last time we got to see Eddie do anything athletic was in "Miracle", an awesome movie by the way, if you haven't seen it!!! But they are always talking about shooting hoops, so to actually see someone do it would be great. But what, no Danny? Hmmm...
Flack doesn't need Danny to play hoops with him! Besides, I bet Flack wins -- Danny ( well, everyone, really ) is way shorter than him. And Miracle was a great movie!
*has the sudden image of Flack holding the ball in one hand over his head while Danny tries to jump and get it*
'Knock it off, Don, gimme the ball.'
'If you can reach it, shorty.'


Anyway, no, I haven't been writing down when stuff happened with regards to episodes. :eek: Probably should have, now that I think about it. :lol:

I'm curious about why he's playing basketball with the kids, though, you know? Guess we'll see when the show airs. ;)
^Flack must love playing with Danny.


These next few episodes sound good!
Hey is anyone thinking of the whole Flack drug thing, in episode 8?? I'm freakin our for that man!!!

Nim said:
I watched the promo for next week..OMG, Tarzan Danny?! And all those eyes??? CREEPY!!! :eek:

Where can you see promo's for CSI:NY, and the other CSI's?? maybe youtube??
Maybe Flack's playing with some neighborhood kids he's met when playing hoops with Danny? Or a specific kid he's taken under his wing? *is curious*

Hmm...I might just end up putting Danny on the backburner.

Oh well, the upcoming episodes sound awesome. I'm so excited!
Nick_Wolfe_Danny said:
Hey is anyone thinking of the whole Flack drug thing, in episode 8?? I'm freakin our for that man!!!

Me too - is there any news about our man in this episode? :lol:
If I remember correctly, one of the upcoming episodes deals with the death of a basketball player, which ties into Flack playing basket at the end of the episode. It sounded like a really nice scene, I can't wait to watch it! :)