Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Orison said:
As for the scene in the locker room yeah, Danny gets in there to change his clothes. Hopefully we'll catch a glimpse of something. :D Also, he and Mac have a scene in which they run after a suspect, and (hoping this makes it to the final cut) this guy knocks over some trashcans, causing Danny to fall, scrape his hands and rip his pants. Needless to say, he's pretty pissed after that. ;)

Are they stripping Danny down again? :lol: I love it when they exploit him. :devil: ;) And I'm sure he'll be plenty whiny about falling. :lol:

Great, great news about a Hawkes-centric episode! :D :D :D I don't think the confession stuff will be All About Danny--I think it will be nice to see him be there for someone else for once. I love the Danny/Flack pairing, but I do think Danny kind of takes it for granted that Flack will drop everything anytime he needs something and be there for him, probably because that's exactly what Flack does. Love the dynamic, but Danny does need to be a better friend to Flack.

Anyway, moving on to the man of the hour--Hawkes! Yay! It's about time we got some background on him! I can't wait to see how this all ties in with his career as a surgeon, and why he gave that up. I want to see what makes Hawkes tick, and this seems like it's going to be the perfect episode for that.

As for Flack, I love him, too, and I have a feeling if Hawkes is getting some development, Flack can't be far behind. There's more to Flack than his snark and devotion to Danny!
Top41 said:
Are they stripping Danny down again? :lol: I love it when they exploit him. :devil: ;) And I'm sure he'll be plenty whiny about falling. :lol:

Excuse me, did you say again..? What the hell have I missed :lol:
^Well, partial stripping in "Trapped" and "Cool Hunter." I'm guessing we won't be getting more than that in this ep, though I wouldn't complain at all if we did. :devil:

Suffice it to say the NY writers know the appeal of Danny. ;) :devil:
Alright, I hope this is the right thread... anyways, forgive me for bringing this up so late, but I live in Hawaii... everything comes late.

I'm not on any ship here, but I'm pretty interested in Lindsay's past. I'm thinking it has a lot to do with abuse. I'm thinking an abusive ex-boyfriend 'cause of her determination in that episode with the dead mermaid and when Stella went through that abuse with her no dead ex. Any thoughts or spoilers? *Runs and hides from the non-Anna/Lindsay fans*
CSI808 said:
Alright, I hope this is the right thread... anyways, forgive me for bringing this up so late, but I live in Hawaii... everything comes late.

I'm not on any ship here, but I'm pretty interested in Lindsay's past. I'm thinking it has a lot to do with abuse. I'm thinking an abusive ex-boyfriend 'cause of her determination in that episode with the dead mermaid and when Stella went through that abuse with her no dead ex. Any thoughts or spoilers? *Runs and hides from the non-Anna/Lindsay fans*

Don't run and hide! Everyone is welcome here! :D It's kind of interesting...you might be the first non-shipper Lindsay fan I've seen (or at least the first to directly comment on it). She's not my favorite, but I do think the character is more interesting outside of relationship stuff.

I don't think they're going to go with another abused woman storyline...that would really be overkill. But I think it does seem like we're building up to the revelation of what made her become a CSI. It's coming in episode 12 of the season.
Top41 said:

Don't run and hide! Everyone is welcome here! :D It's kind of interesting...you might be the first non-shipper Lindsay fan I've seen (or at least the first to directly comment on it). She's not my favorite, but I do think the character is more interesting outside of relationship stuff.

I don't think they're going to go with another abused woman storyline...that would really be overkill. But I think it does seem like we're building up to the revelation of what made her become a CSI. It's coming in episode 12 of the season.

:eek: What happens in episode 12!? Yeah, I'm not all that into the ships. To me, I could have as much, or as little shipping when it comes to relationships on all the CSI's... as long as I get some good character backgrounds and some quality drama to go with it. And thanks for making me feel welcome :p
^In episode 12 apparently her dark secret is going to be revealed--Anthony Zuiker said she's going to pull herself off a case and then explain to Mac why she does it.

I prefer general character development to ships myself, unless the ships develop very naturally over time, or the show is a soap-type show (like Grey's Anatomy) and relationships are the hallmark of the show.
Ugh. Grey's Anatomy annoys me right now. honestly they are the worst group of interns ever.

Anyways....I think character development is key. It can certainly help out a ship, I think.
Someone said something happens to her in episode 5? or was I just mistaken?
I think episode 5 is the one where she doesn't want to tell the mother, so Danny does it for her. (Does he get slapped, or am I making that up? :p) And then I think episode 12 is where we find out what the deal was with that...
Again, I am wondering where all this inside info is coming from. In my travels across cyberspace I have never seen any of this. I'm envious! Where are you folks finding these tidbits of information!
Carmine sending us private sms on the phone, with all the news :p
Just kidding :rolleyes:...I had the name of the site, but I lost the link... :mad:
*shifty eyes* Some of our girls have the hook-up with the insider info. I don't ask how or why, I just eat up the goodies when they hand them out. :lol:

Plus, if we mention where spoilers come from, the source of information might become unavailable. :(

audrina, I'm almost positive that you're right about that. Lindsay goes to Mac, to tell him something, and he already knows and sort of helps her deal with it. (?) I think the original spoiler said something along the lines of he gives her a pat on the back with one hand and a push with the other. So I guess he's helping her out and being there for her, but encouraging her to move on with her life. :) So that should be an excellent scene, I'm excited for that one. ;)