Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

The Hawkes ep sounds great, but even now it sounds like it's going to be more about Danny's scenes. I hope we learn a lot more about Hawkes--next to Flack, he's been the least developed of the main characters. Still not psyched about any upcoming Danny-Flack scenes, but hopefully Flack might get some additional screen time. Wish he'd get some development, too; maybe that'll happen next season?
"...but hopefully Flack might get some additional screen time. Wish he'd get some development, too; maybe that'll happen next season?"

I sure hope so. I realize he's the last billed of the cast but I think that Eddie Cahill has an immense amount of talent so I hope they will utilize it more this season. Not to mention that he is one the most handsome men I have ever seen... looking back over the last two seasons it doesn't look to me like Danny and Flack have had all that many scenes together. Usually we see Danny with Hawkes or Lindsay and Flack sort of floats because he's a detective, not a CSI, but I love it when he works with Stella.
IT looks like the Danny/Hawkes scene is fairly brief. This eppy looks EXTREMELY Hawkes-centric. Be happy!
It's about time for a Hawkes episode. It's been long over due, and I personally think he should have been given one in season 1 in preparation of his crossover to CSI from medical examiner.
I sure hope so. I realize he's the last billed of the cast but I think that Eddie Cahill has an immense amount of talent

The thing is, last billed in the cast, does not necessarily mean least important character. Eddie has an 'and' credit. From what little I know of credits, the best spots to be are usually the first and last billed, especially if you get an 'and' or 'with'. So Hill gets the 'with', and Eddie gets the 'and', so even though they come after CG and AB in the credits, they would be considered to have higher billing.
i hope we get to see that scene.. danny changin his clothes.. hehe now that would be something different to see :devil: ;) lol
hmm. it looks the same to me. but they should update his credits lol he doesnt looks like the young boy he was!!! :lol:
Still not psyched about any upcoming Danny-Flack scenes, but hopefully Flack might get some additional screen time. Wish he'd get some development, too; maybe that'll happen next season?


I know I'm probably gonna get something thrown at me for asking this again, and I know spoilers are usually posted when something becomes known, but is there anything anywhere re Flack for this season - ANYTHING?! :confused:
"The thing is, last billed in the cast, does not necessarily mean least important character. Eddie has an 'and' credit. From what little I know of credits, the best spots to be are usually the first and last billed, especially if you get an 'and' or 'with'. So Hill gets the 'with', and Eddie gets the 'and', so even though they come after CG and AB in the credits, they would be considered to have higher billing."

Well that is good to know! And I can see that you would remember the last person listed in the cast credits, last one you see onscreen. I always watch for him, but then I'm rather smitten with Eddie Cahill. There is something special about him beyond just the fact that he's a hottie, and a great actor. The Carmine fans are always saying they want to have his babies, and I love Carmine but given a choice I'd want to have Eddie's babies. No disrespect to his girlfriend. I'm way too old anyway! I know this isn't the Eddie drool thread but I just have to sing his praises once in a while.

Anyway, I didn't mean to imply that Eddie wasn't as important as far as the cast goes. It is an ensemble cast. But he is in a supporting role, not one of the mains. Too bad too!!!
Ceindreadh said:
The thing is, last billed in the cast, does not necessarily mean least important character. Eddie has an 'and' credit. From what little I know of credits, the best spots to be are usually the first and last billed, especially if you get an 'and' or 'with'. So Hill gets the 'with', and Eddie gets the 'and', so even though they come after CG and AB in the credits, they would be considered to have higher billing.

You're absolutely right. The "and" and "with" in front of your name is usually a good sign. :)

As for the scene in the locker room yeah, Danny gets in there to change his clothes. Hopefully we'll catch a glimpse of something. :D Also, he and Mac have a scene in which they run after a suspect, and (hoping this makes it to the final cut) this guy knocks over some trashcans, causing Danny to fall, scrape his hands and rip his pants. Needless to say, he's pretty pissed after that. ;)