Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

I don't know if you all have noticed, but it seems like several of Jerry Bruckheimer's shows have romance in them right now. Last night on Without a Trace we had Danny Taylor and that latina agent, can't remember her name, and we also had Jack and that gal he's been dating, can't remember her name either. We had Horatio on CSI Miami and Grissom and Sara on Vegas. Hm. Interesting. I know it's not CSINY related, except in that they are Jerry's productions. Just an observation.
Could be. I still have a sinking feeling that Danny is going to get his heart broken next epsiode. It is really sucky to come to a realization of how you feel about someone and not have them feel the same way. Makes ya wanna curl up and die, or at least go out and get drunk and/or eat large quantities of junk food. Anyway, we'll know in two more days...
MAJOR HAWKES EPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eppy 9, "Here's to you, Mrs. Azrael," or something close, is Hawkes-centric. Basically, a girl who was critically injured in a car accident dies in a hospital. Everyone is on this case. THis is the hospital where Hawkes used to work. He has a big fight with a doc that used to be his supervisor over Hawkes doing his job and having to ask questions. We find out why Hawkes left - he had someone die - not his fault. And he realized he couldn't watch people die all the time and not be able to save them. Who does he confess this to? DANNY! Then there's this great scene at the end (I think) where he saves someone who was hit by a car and the description says something like his faith is renewed. GREAT STORY I'm SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always knew that Hawkes and Danny were secretly an item.

In all seriousness, though, kudos to a Hawkes-centric episode! Finally, we seem to be getting not only backstory on Hawkes (a full season too late, but whatev) but a storyline revolving around him. Yippee!
A Hawkes-centric eppy, that's fantastic news! Thanks for the info., audrina! Hawkes background...too cool. Color me very, very happy! :D
Sweet, always great to hear that Hawkes is finally getting his moment in the spotlight. It can never hurt to have a little backstory.

Now, Flack just needs his moment...*pushes him towards the writer*
Oh, that's great to hear! *does a little dance* I'm excited to see some background for Hawkes, and also to see Hill's phenomenal acting abilities. *cuddles the writers* This is such great news, I'm so happy! :lol:

And the idea of him confiding in Danny? That's just as great to hear. We know that Danny and Flack are friends, so I like the idea that Hawkes and Danny are friends too. :D Hawkes is really settled into the team now, which is great. Can I say it's great again? :lol:

But yes, Springmoon, now I'm going to have to get myself ready for a bit of Danny/Hawkes shipping. :p I like making more out of the little moments, after all. ;)
Woohoo!!!!!! A Hawkes filled epi is most definatley what we need!! :D it will make be good to see some of Hawkes past.. i mean what do we actually know about him?! :rolleyes:
Oh wow! Last night I checked and there was nothing new but of course I live on the wrong side of the world so they updated while I was sleeping... :)

Sounds like a -very- interesting episode, I'm so glad Hawkes is getting more and more screen time!!!

ETA: I caught up with what happens in the episode and man, I think this one is going to be great! Not only the whole cast is there working a single case (which I really like) but there seems to be a lot of backstory about the characters. They even hint at Mac's father's death.
FINALLY! A Hawkes-centric episode has been lacking since he left the morgue and joined the team. And, all things considered, it seems logical he would confide in Danny. He's probably worked mostly with him and they are friends. Kudos to the writers - can't wait!
totally agree.. Danny and hawkes have a different relationship to what danny and flack have.. Danny and Hawkes are more practical joke type buddies i think...
quote ill be in reconstruction, ya clown springs to mind lol
Hawkes! I've been waiting for an episode like that! It's about time we learn about Hawkes. He's always been around to support everyone else. And I'm glad that they're using his friendship with Danny to further the storyline.
Orison, just out of curiosity, where do you get your info? It sounds like you are on an inside track. Lucky you! Reminds me of back when a friend of mine worked for Buena Vista (Disney) studios. Alas, no more!

Just as an add-on to the above conversation, I love watching Danny and Sheldon work together. They make such a great contrast to each other.