Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

No offence, but isn't a little soon for Stella to jump into another romance? I mean, she experienced one of the most truamatic events that could happen in a relationship yet she already will have a new boyfriend. I figure she would be more weary around guys & probably want some alone time to properly deal with the situation. I think it's best if she stays single to figure everything out. It just doesn't go with her character from the past seasons.

See this is why I think a Stella/Flack pairing would work. He's been there when she needed him. Maybe she returned the favour when he was in hospital.

Anyway, we'll find out soon!!!!
^I'm going to wait a month and a couple of weeks I hope,If that makes you feel any better!
thnxz for the spoilers!...very interesting...Mac's birthdays!ok..and s/d/f work together is good! :D
Re: Flack & Hawkes, I'm still hoping and assuming we'll get some good stuff, for those guys - we just haven't seen the spoilers, yet. Perhaps they get storylines later in the season. (Crossing fingers, again) Although, if the current spoilers are good and Mac/Hawkes get into it a bit over Hawkes staying on the case when he should have recused himself, that might end up being pretty juicy.

As for romance for Stella, from Melina's comments, it sounds like the only thing they have done is to initiate a conversation about it amongst the actress/writers, but not that they have decided to go anywhere concrete with it, yet. I know that writers had talked to Louise Lombard (Sophia on CSI/V) early last season about romance for her character, but fans of that show haven't seen it yet. Sometimes conversations about storylines end up going nowhere. Honestly, I wouldn't be at all surprised if we don't see any more romance or anything of that sort for Stella until next season... just a spidey sense. Of course, I've been wrong before :lol:
those things might change during the filming of an episode..I mean maybe the actors don't follow the script straight like it is written...they may put some part of their selves on their character..and_we can't be 100% sure for anything until we see it!.. ;)
I'm curios to watch the opening credit for S3...hope to see something different for Carmine. I love the lab smile, but I wanna something new :)
Excuse the rant, but I have to vent. If this is in the wrong forum, let me know.

TalkCSI has been abuzz over the latest TV Guide article, wherein Melina Kankaredes insinuates that Stellamay get a new man this season, and if she does, it might be someone we know. A great squee was hard throughout the fen, and many speculated that Stella/Flack was about to become canon.

I immediately reached for the barf bucket.

Now, before I go any further, I must admit that much of my antipathy for the idea stems from the fact that if Stella/Flack goes canon, my OFC crack is dead in the water. I admitted as much to an LJ friend a few days ago. I like writing my crack, and it would be quite the downer if canon takes a giant, wet whizz in my sandbox.

There's nothing stopping me from sticking my fingers in my ears, screaming, "LALALA!" as loudly as I can, and steadfastly ignoring canon with the fanaticism of the damned, I suppose, but even if I did, it wouldn't be the same because the suspension of disbelief necessary to write the detailed crack in which I indulge would be impossible. I would know that Flack never fell in love with and married a witch and discovered the magical world behind Grand Central Station because canon would unequivocally tell me so, and there would be no getting around it. I could slap an AU label on it and keep going, but it would be hollow and self-serving, and that's no fun.

That being said, I do have objections to this possibility for reasons other than the ruination of my crack den, and here they are:

1. I don't want CSI:NY to devolve it ER, angst-o-rama drivel a la CSI:Miami. I like angst and character interaction as much as anybody, but I have no desire to spend the season watching Lindsay moan into her coffee cup or Mac and Peyton make google eyes at each other over a cooling corpse. I don't want to see Peyton flouncing around in a snit because Mac put on his Justice khakis on too tight and got snippy with her. I want to see the team pulling itself together after the shockwaves of last year, growing stronger as a unit. Yes, tragedy often brings people together, but it doesn't always put them hip to hip between the sheets.

I want to see the Nerd Squad interacting and leaning on each other. I want to see Lindsay and Danny talking, and I want to see Stella and Flack bonding over their crappy experiences. But I don't want to see it as pillow talk. It cheapens the moment, somehow, to think that they're only talking in the hopes of getting their rocks off. And hey, sometimes, good, solid friendships are better than sex any day

2. Inter-office hook-ups rarely work, and when they inevitably implode, everybody sidles around, pretending everything is hunky-dory and going off the deep end at the drop of a hat. There is awkward conversation and constant backbiting and the viewers end up hating everyone for being whiny bitches. I hate Danny and Lindsay for just this reason, and the first time Flack pisses and moans that Stella wasn't there for him when the chips were down, I'm breaking my TV screen and eating the glass to dull the pain. He is, however, free to pimpslap Danny all he likes; Messer has proven himself a shitty friend.

3. The romance and woe, woe, woe are threatening to overwhelm the show. The producers have been beating us about the head with the Danny/Lindsay cudgel for an entire season. Now they've clumsily retconned the Mac/Peyton pairing, and never you mind S2. Now they're hinting Stella/???(Flack seems to be the consensus). The only odd men out are Hawkes and Hammerbeck, and boy, wouldn't that be a pairing? If all three pairings come to fruition, the show will no longer be about the team but the fractured, peen-and-twat cliques within the team, and I have zero interest in that. If I wanted Angsty Romance Woe of the Week, I'd watch Grey's Anatomy.

And hey, remember the dead people, the victims for which they're supposed to be fighting? Me neither after "Run Silent, Run Deep". Personal drama overwhelmed everything after that.

4. The writers have consistently proven themselves to be inept when it comes to handling personal conflict. They've been as subtle with D/L as a toddler with hyperactivity disorder, and I have no confidence that they could handle the rumored Stella/Flack dynamic with the finesse it would require at this point. These are two very damaged, hurting people at this point, and the last thing they need is to be flung into a romance willy-nilly. Thusfar, the NY writers have displayed no grasp of human psychology, and I don't expect them to start now. Stella deserves better, Flack deserves better, and frankly, so do the fans.
i have jus come across a piece on msnbc.com, where they talking about the 3 new series of csi( lv, miami n NY) and it says for the new york one that one of the main characters in the first two episodes get killed!!!! but hill, gary n melina are safe. i dunno if it has already been mentioned here or not as i have only jus come across it, so i apologize in advance!!! has anyone else read this or heardt somewhere?!!! :(
The piece that you saw refers to last season with Vanessa Ferlito's departure from the show. You can find the article here. Fear not! No one gets killed off this season that we know of yet.
phew!!! thank the giovinazzo's for that!!! i wasnt sure because it had no date on it. thankz for clearing it up though!!! :> xx
I wouldn't fret too much over Stella, I don't see them doing anything major. And I doubt very much they would rush her into a relationship with Flack - it's too soon.
La_Guera said:
Excuse the rant, but I have to vent. If this is in the wrong forum, let me know.

TalkCSI has been abuzz over the latest TV Guide article, wherein Melina Kankaredes insinuates that Stellamay get a new man this season, and if she does, it might be someone we know. A great squee was hard throughout the fen, and many speculated that Stella/Flack was about to become canon.

Honestly--I don't think that will ever happen! Maybe she'll flirt some with Hammerback? But with D/L probably becoming the eventual canon romance, I don't think the writers will fix Stella up with a main, albeit supporting, character as well. That's also probably why they're fixing Mac up with a recurring character instead of with Stella.
You know so far it only says that Stella will start thinking about dating. That doesn't mean she will do it yet.

Melina only said they were talking about getting somebody new in Stella's life and that maybe he'll be somebody you already know. That could mean anything. It sounds like they're just talking about it. Lots of things they talk about doing never happen. Don't rush out and by wedding gifts form Stella & Flack just yet. :rolleyes:

I'll agree that Flack seems like the likely candidate but I doubt that will happen. It could be someone that was in a previous episode. I'd hope TPTB are smart enough not to have anymore office hookups. Besides, wouldn't Hammerback be a much more interesting character for Stella? :p

LaGuera, I think that your crack den (as you put it) is safe. I also agree that Flack should get to bitch slap Danny for not being there for him. IMO, being at the hospital for Flack was way more important than giving Lindsay a ride home. She could have taken a cab or the subway. After all the times Flack has been there for Danny, he couldn't be there for him. :devil:
LaGuera, I agree 100% with every single word you said.

And those are the exact reasons as to why I'm losing interest in this show day by day. I dread the premiere in fear that something completely ridiculous would happen and make me roll my eyes in shame.

I keep saying this over and over again but season one was the best and I'd do anything just to get it back.