Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Okay! Some spoilers. In Murder Sings the Blues, we have Hawkes/Peyton/Lindsay/Mac work one case, and Stella/Danny/Flack work another. I think the S/D/F case is definitely the B case.

Good news! We may get some Hawkes story! He knows the victim in his case, but only knew her briefly, and decides to stay on - Peyton asks if he knows her, he says he only knew her briefly. Later, she lets it slip to Mac, on accident, and Hawkes gets in a little trouble from him for staying on the case and possibly hurting their credibility. Peyton's PO'd at Mac somehow, I guess for using something she said to get mad at Hawkes. It's how I read it anyway. Intriguing.
I was about to post something about the episode but you beat me to it! ;)

Let's see, what can I add... Det. Angell is still around, and apparently it's Mac's birthday because Peyton says she has 'plans' for his b-day dinner. :)
Very interesting spoilers. By the way where do you guys get these spoilers from. I do a search and come up with nothing. Just wondering.
B case or not, whenever Danny and Flack work the same case, I want lots of screencaps. :lol:

But those sound like excellent spoilers, thanks guys! :D
Yes, they sound like great spoilers, thanks guys! Hmmm, so Peyton is still around by that episode? I thought she was only there for 4 eppys, tops? But it does sound like there's some trouble in paradise for she and Mac... heh heh. :)
i love the way zuiker has made it so that there is a BIT of romance going on... i mean yeah it IS a crime show, and it always hasbeen.. but to throw a lil bit of romance in (without it getting full blown!) is good. it keeps ya on an "will they, wont they" edge! lol
lindsaymesser said:
I think people are overreacting about the office pairings. Peyton's going to be around for only a few episodes. Clearly her purpose is for us to get to know more about Mac, not her. So that pairing has a definite end, you know.

My problem with this is not that there's a romance but that there's never any character development for two of the main characters (Flack and Hawkes). We get plenty of development for Mac, Danny, and some for Stella and now Lindsay, but we've had hardly anything about Flack or Hawkes. Maybe Flack and Hawkes aren't meant to be developed beyond where they are now--Flack with his snarky comments and Hawkes in the background, hard-working and diligent in the lab?
chelliyah said:
i love the way zuiker has made it so that there is a BIT of romance going on... it keeps ya on an "will they, wont they" edge! lol

That is exactly what ruins it for me. It seems that it would be far too distracting from the main purpose of the show, especially given the ham-fisted treatment that romance seems to get. When we were first introduced to Frankie as Stella's love interest, it was nice because we only saw him occasionally - and then it was in-your-face and crazy. I won't even go into All Access again, since so much has been said about that episode already.

If this was well-treated, I'd be allllll over it. But writers who deal with this type of drama very rarely are able to write light-hearted and peripheral romance storylines... they should stick to science and the crime scenes to keep their audience.
As much as I'm a shipper for this show I don't want to see inner-office romances either. The only inner-romance office that I want to see is on another show so that's beside the point. Anyway, it defeats the purpose of the show & eventually the characters will break up which will 'cause some awkward tension on screen. Last time I checked this was a crime drama show, not let's fit as many hookups as we can show. I think inner office romance is best suited for off screen, not what happens during the course of the episode. Personally, I'd just rather hear about it casually then happen in front of my own two eyes.

No offence, but isn't a little soon for Stella to jump into another romance? I mean, she experienced one of the most truamatic events that could happen in a relationship yet she already will have a new boyfriend. I figure she would be more weary around guys & probably want some alone time to properly deal with the situation. I think it's best if she stays single to figure everything out. It just doesn't go with her character from the past seasons.
See, I still think it's a crime show, even with this stuff. I find it interesting that Mac's new relationship is troubled because they work together - still tied to the job. As for DL, it sounds like in general it's going to be subtle.

Even if it's a crime show, it's about the same group of people, day in, day out. Glimpses of their personal life keep it interesting.

As for Hawkes, it sounds like he's somewhat of a focus character in this eppy, so cheers for that.
^^I agree. I like to see glimpses of their personal lives. Just as long as their personal lives don't become the focus of the show.

From what I've read (I guess it could have changed by now) Mac & Peyton had been seeing each other for a while before season 3 and she didn't work at the lab. I would think that their relationship would be pretty well established before she joined the lab. Then again, seeing someone and working with them could bring on different problems.

As for D/L. I agree it looks like it is going to be subtle (if they pursue it at all). Maybe the Mac/Peyton romance will deter any other office romances. I don't understand office romances. We need to see that they have lives outside of their job.

There are several couples who work where I do but it is a very, very small fraction of the people there. It also brings up problems like they can't work directly together because it could be considered a conflice of interest. I would think the same thing would apply here too. Then again, they work on cases that relate to the team (Danny in RSRD, Stella in All Access, Danny in On the Job). Should that even be allowed?

Flack and Hawkes definately need more screen time. Of course I'm looking forward to more Danny and Flack screentime and Danny, Flack, and Hawkes screentime. I'm ready for the caps.