Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

I guess if the writers are hooking up Mac with Dr. Driscoll, still hinting at a future Danny/Lindsay, and planning on hooking Stella up with someone, I guess it's pretty certain there won't be any romance on the horizon for either Hawkes or Flack. Surely having 4 of the main characters involved in some sort of relationship is more than enough.
Quite frankly, I hope they put the brakes on these office hookups. I know this is supposed to be suspension of disbelief here, but good grief - office romance doesn't work in the real world. At any rate, if this starts to turn into some co-ed naked twister version of Moonlighting or somesuch, then I would definitely stop watching. There's loads of other stuff on at 10 on Wednesday that I could be watching.
Stella and Hammerbeck??? Oh gosh, that's just funny,you guys!
But I don't mind seeing Stella with Flack altho I'd like Flack all to myself! :p
Okay, my searching skills have sucked in the past, so apologies if this has been posted--

Episode 7 is currently titled "Murder Sings The Blues"
I'm thinking Stella and Flack because of the care and concern he showed toward her in "All Access" and the hug at the end of that episode.
Not to put like a damper on everyones hype and excitedness for relationships, but is it just me or does anyone else feel that if they inroduce too many relationships at once - or all this season - something is going to clash?? Its just, CSI:NY started as that whole 'crime drama/forensics' thing and it was a plus to have hott boys on the screen... but thats why I liked it was because there was no romance, romance can really knock a show down, especially if its something the fans dont like. I'm all for romance, I mean, they are hinting at it for D/L (which I'm fine with) and Mac/Peyton, and to me, thats enough right there for this season, let them work out there whole thing, and maybe towards the end hint at something new for another character for the next season.

BUT on the flip side, like I said, I'd love to see the little romance things that they've been hinting at to finally stop simmering and boil over already... I think this season is going to be fun and full of alot of suprises.. .1 WEEK!!! YAY ::jumps up and down on bed::
We're going to get a Mac love interest, more Danny/Linday, undoubtedly more Danny drama (and more with his family?) and possibly something that could lead to a romance for Stella. I'd prefer to see some character development for Flack and Hawkes but it doesn't sound like there's anything planned for either of those characters.
I think people are overreacting about the office pairings. Peyton's going to be around for only a few episodes. Clearly her purpose is for us to get to know more about Mac, not her. So that pairing has a definite end, you know.

As for Stella, there are tons of people we've already met, and it would be SOOOO cute if it was Hammerback (and so out-of-the-box, I might add) but that doesn't mean it's going to be a mutual thing. Hammerback's been flirting with Stella for a long time, you know. It would be a lot of fun to watch.

Finally, to my favorite couple, Danny and Lindsay. My fearless forecast is the whole "something-is-going-to-happen-in-the-middle-of-the-season" thing is Lindsay turning down Danny. Or we find out that Danny's still with Cindy. I think it's going to be a heart-breaking thing for us Danny-Lindsay fans. But again, like I said before, it's ok. This will only increase the sexual tension later on. They will reserve the good parts for the season (the kiss perhaps?), if not the SERIES finale.

So in effect we only have one official pairing that will last throughout the season --- the either-love-em-or-hate-em duo of Danny and Lindsay. And even that's not a sure thing.
I agree, the Mac/Peyton thing will only be onscreen for a few episodes, and what happens after that is anyone's guess. And it doesn't sound like we'll see a hot & heavy D/L pairing yet this season, sounds like they're going to tease it out and perhaps decide at a later date what, if anything, they'll do with it. As for Stella, she could just get involved in a flirtation with someone, or be there for Mac if/when the thing with Peyton ends, but not necessarily in a relationship, but just show her support and get fans wondering whether or not anything will come of it. I wouldn't be surprised if they simply "open things up for possibilities" this season, but we might not see anything concrete until much further down the road, even not until next season....
Office couples = NO. N-O. NO.

I'm sorry but come on! I'm so tempted to drop this show just so I can search around for another crime show that deals with crime.

I don't care who's doing who, and I surely don't care about seeing any of it on television so why don't you just head back to what you suggested in the first place and make this show about crime.

It's only season three people. Can we hold off on the relationships for a bit? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm all up for the love but seriously? I want to watch an episode on crime, not love making.
It is a crime show ...We get to know the characters from the cases,the interrogations,at the alanysis ,at the lab,at crime scenes..I don't think we can have much discussion on cases that we haven't seen already...Very few can be said,just because we are not all scientists,police officers,or detectives...or writers!.. :D

If they focus into office couples and they don't show interesting crime stories it would be bad and so not CSI!..But I don't think they'll do that ,I hope so!>.. ;)
^Ya I think this whole romance thing is getting blown way out of proportion just because there's like 2 more weeks before we have something else to talk about.

But it is a crime show... like a lot of other crime shows out there. I mean, I love the CSI franchise, but there are a gazillion crime shows on tv right now. I honestly don't think I'd watch it just for the crime. I'm interested in the characters. Not just their romances which inevitably will be part of them, but their development over the series. That's why I watch it week to week. Other crime shows I just pick up every now and then, on a take it or leave it kind of basis.

Just my thoughts.
I still say we may see Stella with some character that's been a guest before. I don't think they'll do another inner-office romance. And I agree that Peyton Hand-that-rocks-the-cradle Driscoll will only be around briefly. DL will remain a tease, and that's it. No worries here.