Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

1CSIMfan said:
I've already thought about all the possibilities if they do go canon. I don't really like them, but I've thought about it. Has anybody thought about the possibility that they won't go canon? How would you feel then?

It's entirely possible that, like I think some here have suggested, that the whole Lindsay turns Danny down thing will be there way of putting the romance to bed. I personally don't think so because they will want to milk the "controversey" for all its worth.

I have thought about what will happen if they don't become "canon." If they don't, it's still an excellent show and I will continue to follow it religiously. :)
God, I'm completely biased, but I watched both the CSI and CSI NY promos and I'm more excited about the NY promo! The song was so sexy, the clips were such a tease, and I'm a huge D/L shipper so....

Is it just me or will CSI NY totally kick ass this year? I mean, really....
I really think this is gonna be a great season, and I can't wait for the premiere! It's not everyday that I'm here in the States to watch it 'live' so I'm very excited about that... :)
Exactly two more weeks and counting, until the premiere! And I agree, after seeing the promos and hearing the spoilers, I'm much more excited for the NY premiere, I doubt I'll even be watching the Vegas one. The Miami premiere should be good too, with HOratio and Delko going to Brazil. Even if the story isn't as good as what I'm hoping for, the cinemaphotography should be stunning.
Holy crap. This thread makes me more excited for the start of the new season which is only two weeks away! If it weren't for these spoilers I probably would've lost interest by now.

tues, I frigging love your icon. The Office is the best sitcom out there & Jim is love.
*has lost semi-interest* :x I'm just hoping this season can live up to season one.

Thank you. :D I have quite a few of him and he's just so fantastic! Mostly when he's put up with Dwight. :lol:
The futon critic posted a description for the second episode "Not What It Looks Like."

That doesn't tell much that we didn't already know about the case with the robbery. I'm interested to see Mac and Peyton have a little tiff though. ;) Trouble in paradise, perhaps? :p
I can't say I'm surprised that she's so beautiful, but I have to roll my eyes a bit.

Why, Faylinn? Is this sarcasm? I don't know, I can't tell. You mean to say this depiction of the city is unrealistic? This is New York, baby. What did you expect, science fiction? We absolutely do NOT allow fugs in the city. No fatties, either. Well, actually, there are fat people in New York, but we keep them in a grotto in the outsides of the city and once a month we all take the train there to point at them and laugh.

CSI: New York is totally realistic! Everybody's beautiful, thin. Take a walk through the city! You'll see no construction workers baring their ass cracks to the world, no woman with a waist thicker than 25 inches (else she risks public caning), and fat and/or semi un-favorable people are ridiculed constantly by men who look like Flack. This was Giuliani's dream and dammit, we'll see it through, or else the terrorists win.

Trouble in paradise, perhaps?

Serves him right for dating someone named Peyote.
Oh no, mt. :eek: I had no idea I was so ignorant of the way NY is! Thank you for clearing that up. But I think you missed the part about the fat people coming into the city to die in hilariously embarrassing ways--I mean come on! That guy in season one? Of course the fat guy fell and busted his ass trying to eat chocolate. It's not like fat people in NY just get killed like the pretty people. :rolleyes: I cannot believe my eyes have been closed for so long.


But yes, have to agree with ranma--you're hilarious, girl. :lol: