Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

Thanks for the link Celtess. Downloading the vid now...Hope it'll works..I have yet to watch the promo myself and with you guys get all so excited over it i just HAVE TO WATCH IT!!!
1CSIMfan said:
As for the D/L hug scene. Considering the situation, I think it was called for. They were all worried about Lindsay. Danny just happened to be closest to the van door and was the first one out but they all went. She did have a gun to her head. She had to be scared. I noticed she was holding her ears (from the blast), and she had a pained look on her face. No big surprise that he would hug her. He's had such bad luck when it comes to friends/family, I'm sure he was relieved she was ok.

I like your way of thinking, I might hold on to that... ;)

Also, in his recent interview Hill Harper suggested that they might not go down this road and that usually the 'teasing' is much more interesting than the romance itself so I'm holding onto that too.
Faylinn said:
I'm kind of curious why this 'hug' is seen as proof that Danny and Lindsay will go canon this season. If we remember, Flack hugged Stella in "All Access" and I've yet to see them dating. ;) Let's hold off and see what actually happens before we make assumptions--if people get too psyched for D/L they might be let down, or vice versa.
I totally and completely agree with you. When people said anti-D/L fans wouldn't like the promo, I was expecting something salacious. A hug? Pleeeease! That's nothing. Given the situation, it would be completely normal for co-workers to hug and Danny would look like an ass if he didn't offer some kind of comfort. Plus, like Orison pointed out, refer to Hill's interview. They were shooting episode 5 and Hill hadn't seen any sign of a D/L relationship.
Hey guys, where can I find the spoilers for next season? Is there a site that I need to go to or izit lurking s'where in these thread and i couldn't find it? Plz help! I'm soooo behind of these whole spoiler stuff that i need to catch up ASAP! :D
^^^ I cant see it either... :( I heard about the promo being like this HUGE D/L scene, and then I've been listening to you guys and I'm like "huh? a hug? WTF?" so, oh well, I'd rather be all giddy come Sept. 20 then know whats ahead... and I think, I dont know why it was that said it, but someone said something about promos always soup stuff up and have blurbs that are never actually seen in an episode - so true... I really do like this thread, its nice not to be able to watch videos because then I get to hear you guys chit-chat about it and I get all excited to actually see whats going to happen.
Huge D/L scene? Not really. The hug doesn't even last a whole second and considering the circumstances it seems kind of a natural thing to do so I'm not as worried as I was before. :)
In fact, the first time I watched the promo, it was so confused, I was so excited that...in the end I saw too much that I didn't know what I saw :lol: but it was cool...
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Faylinn said:
I'm kind of curious why this 'hug' is seen as proof that Danny and Lindsay will go canon this season. If we remember, Flack hugged Stella in "All Access" and I've yet to see them dating. ;) Let's hold off and see what actually happens before we make assumptions--if people get too psyched for D/L they might be let down, or vice versa.
I totally and completely agree with you. When people said anti-D/L fans wouldn't like the promo, I was expecting something salacious. A hug? Pleeeease! That's nothing. Given the situation, it would be completely normal for co-workers to hug and Danny would look like an ass if he didn't offer some kind of comfort. Plus, like Orison pointed out, refer to Hill's interview. They were shooting episode 5 and Hill hadn't seen any sign of a D/L relationship.

Yeah, I gotta say, what Hill said made me very happy. I think if they were going to go down the D/L road, he would have had an inkling, or at least wouldn't have said he thought they were just teasing romance. My guess is the issue will be more or less tabled (at least for the time being) after they have their talk at the end of episode three.

I do wonder what's going to happen with Mac and Peyton--since she's only going to be around for a few episodes, is it going to end badly? I have a feeling they're going to be the romantic focus this season.
I still think DL is going to remain a simmering issue on the sidelines, with occasional spikes in flirtation/interaction to hold interest. It's at least being considered, IMO, as evidenced by a few things:

1. It's mentioned in the Carmine/TV Guide interview.
2. They made a special point of including it in the promo.
3. We know for sure it's addressed in the one eppy with their "talk."

I guess what I'm saying is I don't think it's being abandoned, but it's not going to go full tilt, either. As with many shows, they realize the tease, seeing glimpses keeps many watching. In this case, I think they'll give just enough to make shippers happy and too little to tick off anti-DLers at the same time.

My two cents!
Quote you, about the scenes put in the promo.
It's all show business, and it works, because we're here mad about this hug scene!!! :lol:
I hope for romantic scenes, but not too much, because CSI is not a romantic show. This is why, I think, it's one of the mst important show on the earth.
audrina said:
I guess what I'm saying is I don't think it's being abandoned, but it's not going to go full tilt, either. As with many shows, they realize the tease, seeing glimpses keeps many watching. In this case, I think they'll give just enough to make shippers happy and too little to tick off anti-DLers at the same time.
my two cents!
In soap operas people get exited when a new couple gets together, but after a while people loose interest and they put them with someone else and I remember one of the producers said they are not a soap opera so I agree with you there going to keep us watching by having those teases.
I do wonder what's going to happen with Mac and Peyton--since she's only going to be around for a few episodes, is it going to end badly? I have a feeling they're going to be the romantic focus this season.
I hope it doesn't end badly. Poor Mac doesn't need the grief. Maybe her work in the lab will only be temporary and she'll be gone but they will still be together. Maybe TPTB are waiting to see how the fans react to them before deciding if she will be in anymore episodes.

I agree that it looks like they will be the romantic focus this season. Hopefully they will be the only one. Too many office hook ups would just take away from the show.

The only thing in the TV Guide that got my attention about D/L was where Zuiker said "they will have an interesting moment coming in the first four shows". That could mean anything or nothing. I think maybe they had intended on taking them further but changed direction and went with Mac/Peyton instead.

Of course they made a special point of showing that hug scene in the promo. TPTB aren't stupid. They know what drives the fans crazy (whether you like D/L or not). Of course they're gonna show that. Promos are made to get you worked up to watch the show. Plus it keeps everybody talking about it until the show airs.

What about the spoilers that say Lindsay turns Danny down? How do you think he'll react to that and how will it affect them working together?

I've already thought about all the possibilities if they do go canon. I don't really like them, but I've thought about it. Has anybody thought about the possibility that they won't go canon? How would you feel then?