Spoilers For Season 3-You've Been Warned!

this may be a dumb question, but plese bare with me. Forlani is british, but is her character? i know at least three or four movies she was in where she uses an American accent. I was just wondering, because knowing what accent she will use could be important to her backstory. Again, just curious. Thanks.
eugh why are there more british people in the show if i wanted to watch them id watch emerdale.


i want AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meh. Her nationality bothers me far less than her presence. She could be Martian and just as irrelevant. The show had a perfectly good ME in Hammerbeck, and I suspect that my eyes will be in grave danger of popping from their sockets with all the rolling they'll be doing at the clandestine canoodling between Mac and the young Miss Marple.
Remember, she's supposed to be temporary. And even if she isn't I doubt she's gonna be in all the episodes so I really hope they keep Sid around.
I'll believe the temporary bit when I see it. Temporary has a nasty habit of becoming permanent in TVland once producers figure out the fen are too docile or lazy to take to the streets and set fire to TV signal towers in protest of crappy creative decisions.
didn't someone post that one of the spoilers said if she works out with Gary and the fans, they will keep her longer? Or was that just speculation?
Yeah, I don't much care about the whole ME, conveniently concealed love story that will probably end badly because it's fucking Claire Forlani and we're on season 3 and no way will they run into the sunset chasing after bunnies and puppies and kitties while we groan ourselves to death. I just have one question...

Her name is Peyton?


Ugh. *shoots her* I hate her parents for giving her that gawdawful name. I hate people who give their daughters male names, period. It's one of my biggest pet peeves ever. I hate that shit. And then they had to go and find the most unattractive name in history. Peyton. What is she, a 5 year old sparkleigh purple pryncess who dances wyth unycorns and runs under pretty, pretty raynbows? Because that's usually what goes through parents minds when their give their daughters male names or overly frilly monikers like Mickinzy, McMadison, Macayla and those other abominations.

Peyton, for God's sake. Peyton! Peyote? I know I'll need some this season.

So where was she when Mac almost got blown to reece's pieces? Watching Peyton's Place on pay-per-payton while smoking peyote on the peace pipe that she got on a pow-wow she partakes in Payton with Chief Clayton Dayton Payton, Peyton?
well i hate my parents for actually naming boy, it's actually Nino which means boy in spanish as if it weren't enough i have 4 names.
Nino? Boy, you must love telemarketers. I hereby rename you Lila.

But if you don't have the ñ it just means... nothing. Niño means boy, Nino isn't a word. It's the pet form of Giannino, which is an Italian male name.
yeah i don't have that thing, but it is boy Lila? my second name is Phoenix yes Phoenix. as my mom says i was made in Phoenix, AZ. How many days till CSI:NY premiers?
midnight, you crack me up. :lol:

Is the premiere that close? Damn, the summer is flying by! Not that I'm not excited for the NY premiere, but wow, where did the summer go?

Anyone have any more spoilers?