CSI Level One
Ok I was making an icon of Yelina & suddenly a strange idea came to my mind. IDK I just think they used this UC storyline for her just to make her do something as if they didn't know what to do w/ her character especially after Ray's death.
So, what about if she died??? I mean it could be very possible & that would be a way for TPTB to solve this "problem". Let's face it Yelina right now is an added character who's not that useful for the real TPTB's intention, at least that's what I think considering her last 2 seasons .
I, for once, would hate it, if Yelina died, but I can see it as very possible. IDK I just wanted to heat this thread, sorry :lol:
Now dagummit, Flo! You stop that!
I'm just getting my Horatio back. If they kill off Yelina he'll go right back into being all depressed and distant.
I don't want them to do anything that will stop Horatio's progression back to the Horatio who is caring and focused on the victim and hopefully will spend more time with Kyle.
I'm also hoping it means he'll remember he has a team in seaon 8. :lol:
Think happy thoughts, Flo! :lol: