**Spoiler Lab** Season 8 - Hot Off The Magic City Presses!

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From CSIFiles:

A serial killer taunts the CSIs by leaving them cryptic hints and dead bodies. The longer it takes the CSIs to decode these puzzles, the more imperiled they become.

For once this sounds interesting. Serial killer is so much better than the enemy-of-the-season. I'm sorta hoping they don't catch him/her in the finale, I've always wanted to see 'Miami' take on this type of storyline through an entire season.

The particular scenario has been done to death though. I mean the leaving of crytic clues and all.

Oh, it's been done definitly, but I like it mostly because it seems to imply that this time it will affect the entire team & not just one character. In most cases it's Horatio's own personal challenge, or Eric's, Calleigh's, etc. I'd really like to see something drag out the season that isn't just about one or two characters; there's better potential for that with this type of storyline, & it would be a very nice change to see. JMO :p
I want to see Horatio carrying his own son, that's what I want. :)
:eek::drool: Me TOO!! "Horatio desperately tries to save the entire world as his own sons life hangs in the balance" :eek: now THAT would be an episode:lol:
Aren't we supposed to get a thread for the new episode, "Backfire", by now?!? We're only two days away...
Aren't we supposed to get a thread for the new episode, "Backfire", by now?!? We're only two days away...

It usually goes up on Friday night, but I was away so couldn't get to it until this morning. :)

The episode thread is now up for 8x20 Backfire. Please move any discussion about that episode to the new thread. Thanks!
I just want the season finale story to be continued in the season premier next year.

But I don't want to watch a life threatening cliffhanger finale for any of the characters.
I just want the season finale story to be continued in the season premier next year.

But I don't want to watch a life threatening cliffhanger finale for any of the characters.

I agree. Why can't it just be "will they catch the killer" type of cliffhanger as opposed to "csis in danger" cliffs (which has been happening on this show for the last three or four seasons and it's getting bloody old already). :lol:
I would much prefer a season ending episode when you are left to wonder if the team is going to get the serial killer and how it is done than wonder if a favorite character and actor is returning next year. I remember what is what like wondering at the end of season six if Ryan set up H. I even wondered if Jonathan Togo was off the show and unfortunately, until I hear different, I'll worry about that again this summer. I agree if any of the actors in the beginning credits weren't returning, I think we would have heard something by now. I hope that remains true.
And like someone said on another board... It would probably be on TWITTER somewhere if a main character/actor was not returning. JMO.

(I would hope so anyway)
I don't think any of us are out of the woods yet. Characters can die or leave in premieres & no, I don't think we would know that right now -- IMO, everyone involved would be tight-lipped at least until mid-summer.
That said, I'm not too convinced this cliffhanger means someone will actually die in the premiere (a character willingly leaving, possibly), but IMO, if a character was going to be killed, I just think the focus & drama would circle around that one character instead of the whole team being harmed.
On the flip-side, it would be interesting to see how it affected the team if someone did die right there in the lab -- painful memory to face on a daily basis. But, who the heck knows. I personally just don't feel that we're safe yet. I hate it. :rolleyes:
I don't think any of us are out of the woods yet. Characters can die or leave in premieres & no, I don't think we would know that right now -- IMO, everyone involved would be tight-lipped at least until mid-summer.
That said, I'm not too convinced this cliffhanger means someone will actually die in the premiere (a character willingly leaving, possibly), but IMO, if a character was going to be killed, I just think the focus & drama would circle around that one character instead of the whole team being harmed.
On the flip-side, it would be interesting to see how it affected the team if someone did die right there in the lab -- painful memory to face on a daily basis. But, who the heck knows. I personally just don't feel that we're safe yet. I hate it. :rolleyes:
I agree with not feeling safe until after the premiere. I knew about Rory leaving fairly early,but it seems everyone is now more tight lipped about everything including contracts.
I think that a regular cast member is going to leave CSI:Miami next season because with Eric's return there will be soooo many actors on the show.

Anyway,I hope im' wrong with this one.

What do you think about the situation?
Taken from AR interview
Ausiello Exclusive: The Real Story Behind Adam Rodriguez' Surprising 'CSI:Miami' Comeback

Some spoilery tidbits:

Some fans are worried that, for financial reasons, producers will be forced to cut another member of the cast now that you’re back.
RODRIGUEZ: I would certainly hope not. I would be very, very disappointed if that was the decision that was made. I can certainly tell you that the agreement we came to should not warrant that happening at all.
I think that a regular cast member is going to leave CSI:Miami next season because with Eric's return there will be soooo many actors on the show.
I think that would "suck"(for lack of a better word) for the cast members and fans.When I saw the question and answer in that Ausiello interview,I thought "what a bunch of bull****". I will be simply amazed if someone doesn't go. Miami may opt to do what NY does and rotate a few characters out of some episodes. Eva is already missing from quite a few,perhaps others will be doing the same.I think Adam should be one of them,but I'm sure that won't happen.
Taken from AR interview
Ausiello Exclusive: The Real Story Behind Adam Rodriguez' Surprising 'CSI:Miami' Comeback

Some spoilery tidbits:

Some fans are worried that, for financial reasons, producers will be forced to cut another member of the cast now that you’re back.
RODRIGUEZ: I would certainly hope not. I would be very, very disappointed if that was the decision that was made. I can certainly tell you that the agreement we came to should not warrant that happening at all.
I think that a regular cast member is going to leave CSI:Miami next season because with Eric's return there will be soooo many actors on the show.
I think that would "suck"(for lack of a better word) for the cast members and fans.When I saw the question and answer in that Ausiello interview,I thought "what a bunch of bull****". I will be simply amazed if someone doesn't go. Miami may opt to do what NY does and rotate a few characters out of some episodes. Eva is already missing from quite a few,perhaps others will be doing the same.I think Adam should be one of them,but I'm sure that won't happen.

I agree, Greatfan. If someone doesn't go, I'll be shocked. Fitting 7 CSI's, a Detective, and a ME into every given episode is not going to work. Period.
Rotating -- still don't think it would work either; TPTB wouldn't balance it well enough & only a few characters would wind up getting shafted while the others would still get their loads of screentime/stories.
Only solution IMO is to reduce the main cast, wrap up old & tired storylines, & kick off season 9 with a fresh start.
Taken from AR interview
Ausiello Exclusive: The Real Story Behind Adam Rodriguez' Surprising 'CSI:Miami' Comeback

Some spoilery tidbits:

Some fans are worried that, for financial reasons, producers will be forced to cut another member of the cast now that you’re back.
RODRIGUEZ: I would certainly hope not. I would be very, very disappointed if that was the decision that was made. I can certainly tell you that the agreement we came to should not warrant that happening at all.
I think that a regular cast member is going to leave CSI:Miami next season because with Eric's return there will be soooo many actors on the show.
I think that would "suck"(for lack of a better word) for the cast members and fans.When I saw the question and answer in that Ausiello interview,I thought "what a bunch of bull****". I will be simply amazed if someone doesn't go. Miami may opt to do what NY does and rotate a few characters out of some episodes. Eva is already missing from quite a few,perhaps others will be doing the same.I think Adam should be one of them,but I'm sure that won't happen.

I agree, Greatfan. If someone doesn't go, I'll be shocked. Fitting 7 CSI's, a Detective, and a ME into every given episode is not going to work. Period.
Rotating -- still don't think it would work either; TPTB wouldn't balance it well enough & only a few characters would wind up getting shafted while the others would still get their loads of screentime/stories.
Only solution IMO is to reduce the main cast, wrap up old & tired storylines, & kick off season 9 with a fresh start.

IMO, that statement by Rodriguez was designed to dodge the blame if someone does get fired. Rodriguez doesn't get to make that call so his opinion in that area is of no consequence. If TPTB decide that someone has to go to make way for Rodriguez to come back, then we'll see someone fired.

They aren't even attempting to fit 6 CSIs, a Detective and an ME into every episode now, MJ! We hardly ever see Natalia. And Frank is just about as rare. We're seeing Ryan every now and then, but is it the same Ryan we know and love? They've been chipping away slowly at Ryan's character this season until all of us who care about him are starting to question the writers intent. Even Horatio as been relegated to the background.

Once Rodriguez comes back they'll simply further reduce screen time for everyone but Procter to allow for Rodriguez and Procter's increased screen presence. That way Rodriguez won't be blamed for getting a fellow actor canned and they'll be able to string the fans of those actors who are hardly ever seen along with the promise that they may seem them every few episodes - for a few minutes or so. :rolleyes:
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