Prime Suspect
Gosh, I really hope it will be dramatic, though I'll surely laugh...but that's me :lol:
It's a shame but I know I'll laugh my ass off too. :lol: My husband always cracks up watching Ryan screaming his guts out in the Hummer in 'Nailed'.
I laughed when H's arm was twitching when he "died". Eric looked sorta cross-eyed when he was "dead" on the ground, yes I giggled. I even had to laugh when Nat walked out of the lab covered in blood & her hair looked like a bird took up home in it. TPTB's idea of drama is sometimes just too damn funny. Aren't we pathetic, Flo?! :lol:
Oh finally i have someone who has my humor i too laugh by a** off when ryan got nailed i laugh in the car argh argh and then he stops for a second okay nail still there ....check and que the screaming again argh argh and i too laughed at the twitching when h got shot wtf? and i cant watch eric when they put the adrenalin or whatever it was in his chest when he comes to his left eye freaks me out and i dont think we are pathetic for laughing we cant help the way they comedically bring to us lmao oh now im thinking of so many things lets hope the upcoming scene wont make us laugh but im sure it will in someway cheers