**Spoiler Lab** S8 - Check Out What's On The Horizon!

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i'm gonna guess walter i mean he is major-ish is he

I firmly believe that Walter is safe. That character was conceived by Bruckheimer himself and Omar Miller was handpicked. I doubt that character is in any danger at all when it comes to who stays and who goes.

It's probably going to be Jake ... as much as I would love to see it be Calleigh.

God, I came to a point where I want who I consider to be the best actors of the show to leave the show :lol:

I hear ya, Flo. I've been secretly praying for over three seasons that David would move on to something more worthy of him. Eva's talent is totally wasted on CSI Miami. As are the talents of Rex, Jon, David Lee Smith - REALLY good actors portraying characters with huge potential for really interesting storys and they are left twiddling their thumbs in the background while a boring "relationship" takes centerstage.

That's why I've been hoping that they would just give Eric and Calleigh their own show. I really do wish that for them. Then the fans of the relationship could see what they want, and the rest of us could get back to the reason CSI Miami was created to begin with.
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I'm remembering back to how it was worded when Jessop & Marisol died in S4, so I'm not so convinced that this "major-ish" character is someone else aside from Rebecca. No, she isn't 'major-ish' in my eyes, but she's been a recurring character since season 2? or 3?

If it isn't her & there's 2 deaths, then I'd say Jake or Kyle. But since they're saying that it happens during May sweeps & not the finale, then I think it might be safe to eliminate Kyle, as he isn't in those episodes.
If it's Jake: WHY? What is the point in bringing a character back after all this time just to kill him off. Not that I really care, because at this point he's better off 6 feet under than being involved with Calleigh & her mess (Run like hell, Jake! RUN!)
It just seems ridiculous to me to have him return after all this time MIA to just reappear & then keel over all in the same episode. :wtf:
It just seems ridiculous to me to have him return after all this time MIA to just reappear & then keel over all in the same episode.
The fact that it is ridiculous probably makes it all that more attractive to the writers and TPTB.I don't think it's Jake though.We will see the same as we saw with the deaths of Jessop and Marisol,we expected someone major with both deaths.
Well, if its someone other than Rebecca, my guess is that it will be whoever set Ryan up.

That's what I was thinking! Maybe we are right.
Anyway, I hope it's not Jake and not Kyle. That would be all too much for Horatio to lose absolutely everyone he loves - Marisol, his brother...at the same time not every Cal's boyfriend must end up dead or almost dead...
Maybe it will be Rebecca only...
I'm thinking it's only Rebecca too.It already sounds as if it has a lot going on.There's Jakes's return,Ryan's set up and Rebecca's death and I sure a lot more.It really doesn't need another death,but we'll see,it is Miami.
When they say a "major-ish" character, I think they mean major to the storyline as opposed to a major character overall. But they do hype up these things like with Jessop and Marisol... so it's probably just Rebecca.

But I really don't get the "something never before seen on Miami". What exactly haven't we seen on Miami before with these storylines? A character being set up? Uh hello... happened before... just in a recent episode: Jesse... but even before then it happened. Remember when Walter Resden (or whatever his last name was) set Horatio up for the death of Horatio's then girlfriend? What was her name again? I forget. So, what haven't we seen? Someone in the lab or close to it being dirty? Uh, hello: Cooper, Tara, Monica, must I go on? :lol: So what about it have we never before seen on Miami? :lol:
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Maybe the person that sets up Ryan gets away with it. Normally the person is caught and bought to justice.Even though the team may find out who's responsible,maybe the person isn't caught because he or she got away.But that wouldn't be very satisfying as far as justice for Ryan,so maybe not.
When they say a "major-ish" character, I think they mean major to the storyline as opposed to a major character overall. But they do hype up these things like with Jessop and Marisol... so it's probably just Rebecca.

But I really don't get the "something never before seen on Miami". What exactly haven't we seen on Miami before with these storylines? A character being set up? Uh hello... happened before... just in a recent episode: Jesse... but even before then it happened. Remember when Walter Resden (or whatever his last name was) set Horatio up for the death of Horatio's then girlfriend? What was her name again? I forget. So, what haven't we seen? Someone in the lab or close to it being dirty? Uh, hello: Cooper, Tara, Monica, must I go on? :lol: So what about it have we never before seen on Miami? :lol:

So true. But I think it might be because this is the first time someone within the *main group of characters has been murdered by one of thier own (which is a major deal, even though the character isn't). Not to mention Ryan will be framed for all of it. That's pretty low. ;)

*Meaning, more within the list of main recurring characters. Not that Rebecca has ever had a huge part, but I could see where it's a bigger issue than Jessop because she's been involved with the team for so long in the series. That, and she was H's past squeezette. It's doubtful that he'd be emotionally distraught over her death, but I think we could see Horatio more angry than he ever has been before. I'm looking forward to his reaction. :p
Well, considering who it is that actually sets Ryan up---- I doubt he/she would actually die. I can't see them doing that... but that's just my opinion.

I do think 'major-ish' would involve a reoccurring actor/character... rather than someone with a signed contract. Just my 2 cents.
Well, if its someone other than Rebecca, my guess is that it will be whoever set Ryan up.

That's what I am thinking as well, or at the outside, Jake. I do agree though,It seems pretty stupid to bring him back just to kill him off (I've always liked Jake, too bad he couldn't recur again but with the log jam of people they are going to have, they probably won't). They have been overhyping a lot of the storylines lately so I think it is more likely Rebecca.
yeah, Rebecca is just a "major-ish" character because she's Horatio's ex-gf and the curse finally caught up to her.
The person setting Ryan up is...
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