Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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YAY Rory's worth the..*looks outside* 3 and a half minute drive FOR ME!
HAHA, I can see us all doing that! Oh and fake mustache's....anything for Rory.

Awesome, I'm about 45 minutes away from St. Louis. lol. Anyways I don't care what I have to do. If I have to steal my dad's car I will.
Man if we were all in the same city I'd go with you guys. That would be the best movie. All of us screaming "HIS NAME IS SPEED AND YOU KNOW IT" for 2 hours. *sigh* Gosh I can't wait for that movie to come out.
Hahaha, Geni I would fly all the way to Canada come pick you up and we'd go see it together lol. And anyone who talks during this movie is well...they'd be in trouble. Because no one talks during Rory Cochrane time. Seriously you should see me when my dad interrupts me while I was watching Cross J a few weeks ago. It was not pretty.
:lol: Yeah but I'm a talker at a movie. Well..If it involves Rory, I'll shush.

OH TRUE STORY and I swear this has a point and it has to do with the subject of the thread. Okay, I was at the theatre, and I was at the back so it was all comfy and stuff, and the Miami Vice trailer came on and Jamie Foxx said 'Miami Dade PD' and I almost screamed, and then the trailer was over and I yelled THAT'S RIGHT! really loud and everyone practically turned around...My parents were so mad...All the way down there at the first row where they couldn't strangle me.

Anyway, if Rory does something funny in the movie, you'll hear me at the back of the theatre rolling around the floor laughing out of pure bliss. *sigh*
hmmmm...Little Rock on August 4th is the closest to me, and that's more than 60 miles away. I doubt I'll be able to go see it in the theater. :(
Aww I'm sorry Jen. But hey you can always buy it when it comes out on DVD, and there won't be annoying people who kick the back of your seat, or stupid car commercials during the previews when we all know tv belongs at home on the television, not in theatres...Wow I'm too hyper for my own good.
Thanks Geni...that made me feel lots better. :) And yeah, if it's not someone kicking my seat then it's some incredibly tall person choosing to sit right in front of me. I'm short, btw. :lol:

Have I complimented you on your avatar yet? I love it! :D
haha, I can just imagine going to see this movie with you guys...us sitting there screaming "SEE, HE'S NOT DEAD IN THIS ONE. HA! *pointing* TAKE THAT ALL YOU UN-BELIEVERS" :lol:
now I really want to see this...I don't care if it's animated or not, it's friggin Rory Cochrane! :D
*Geni flips through the pages of A Scanner Darkly* Uh...Haha...*looks around* ...Well it's not like hey dies PERSAY... *coughs* .....OH HE'LL BE FINE.

And I also love my avatar. ;) Teehee.
Awww, yeah I probably be better seeing it at home anyways. If its not someone's foot on your seat, a tall person in front of you, its someone smacking their popcorn and ratiling there candy bag.

But yes, i agree I love your avvy Geni!
I can so relate to the tall person sitting right in front of you. I am short and seem to always have that problem. I wonder how long it will take until it comes out on DVD?
I'm not sure if I should link the site, but I found some clips of the actual movie 'A Scanner Darkly' on Youtube. Just type in A Scanner Darkly, and there they are. There's one on the second page I think, that's about a minute and a half long, and there's another one of Freck, who is getting his sins read to him. ;)
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