Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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haha, i just saw Empire Records as well, I love it when he's chasing the shoplifter, and when he has to carry around the couch cusion.

I love that movie, not only does it have Speed in it, but it has the best plotline,i'd love to work in a record store!

*sigh* *goes to watch it again*
speed_cochrane said:
And there was also Grave Young Men, after he clicked the camera at the naked woman. *sigh* That was the best scene. Speed almost lost it. And, yay he got to work his own case. It was that case and Wannabe that he got to work on his own...Well Horatio checked up on him during Wannabe because you know, Wally stole evidence but hey Wally died and Speed died to they can meet back up in heaven and have a few beers.


Wally: Hey, what are you doing here?
Speed: I got shot.
Wally: How?
Speed: How else do you get shot?
Wally: That means you were murdered?
Speed: How ironic. A CSI being murdered.
Wally: Did you go out in a blaze of glory?
Speed: Well...*tilts head* Not exactly.
Wally: I see.
Speed: So why'd you kill yourself?
Wally: No I want to know more about this you dying because someone shot you.
Speed: It's not like it hasn't happened before.
Wally: Did you get to shoot him back?
Speed: *lifts finger* If at first you don't succeed, clean your gun.
Wally: 'Nuf said.

:lol: very funny speed_cochrane :lol: the scene with the naked woman is sooooo funny ... how he looks ... SO SWEET !!
Thanks, it came to me this morning while I was typing. :lol: I figure Wally and Speed need some time when they get to heaven to catch up. ;)
yeah but maybe after some time wally is a real pain in the neck and he wants speed to tell him everything about csi ... poor speed :D
:lol: Yeah I loved the scene where Speed and Wally meet.

Wally: ..WOW, I mean how did you find me so fast? Was it latent prints, DNA, did my scooter leave a tread mark?
Speed: Where's the glove you took from my crime scene.
Wally: It's in the shrine.
Speed: The shrine...

TEEHEE! I can see me in the near future doing that to some detective who wants his evidence back. *sigh* Man I'd be a crazed lunatic.
I LOVE that episode too it's my favourite Speed episode and that scene he sneaks in a sly smile....very sexy! oh and that open shirt (faints)
speed_cochrane said:
:lol: Yeah I loved the scene where Speed and Wally meet.

Wally: ..WOW, I mean how did you find me so fast? Was it latent prints, DNA, did my scooter leave a tread mark?
Speed: Where's the glove you took from my crime scene.
Wally: It's in the shrine.
Speed: The shrine...

TEEHEE! I can see me in the near future doing that to some detective who wants his evidence back. *sigh* Man I'd be a crazed lunatic.

yeah i thought about that too :devil:
jorja_fan86 said:
I saw Dazed & Confused earlier today and I must say that Rory was really hot and good in it despite the super long hair and sideburns. I cracked up everytime he said "man" at the end of his sentences :lol:.

This is way late, but I'm glad you got to see 'D&C' jorja_fan. :D That movie was my first exposure to Rory, so it's very special to me...besides, I happen to love the movie, lol.

How about a little Slater?


^^Martha Washington was a hip, hip, hip lady, man. :lol:
"Hip, hip, lady man." oh now I have GOT to go out and by that movie. AGAIN! *takes deep breath and lets it out* Thanks for the pic Jen. I love the end of that movie where he puts his hands up in the air. Hilarious. "Hey, Coach Conrad. Remember me. Second period. Gym class." gotta love that man.
I think i´m gonna order the new D&C Criterion Collection. It has lots of Rory extra i was told like an interview

Chez...I want the Criterion Collection D&C dvds too. :D It has such cool features...much, much better than the version I have now, with is seriosuly lacking in the speacial features department.
Thanks so much for posting that photo ThumpyG42 :D. It's classic. Here's another good line from the film:

Slater: Didja ever look at a dollar bill, man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too.

:lol: He's hilarious!
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