Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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A new Rory interview! :D Thanks so much for posting the link calleighspeedle. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
Thanks for posting the interview!! :D

The interviewer seemed alittle...I dunno...slow, behind...anyone get what I mean or am I just talking smack?
Yes, I thought he was a little slow to. lol.

I loved it when he asked Rory what he was doing and Tommy turned to him and was like "You want to go first?" and when he asked Rory about CSI. I just found it hilarious for some reason. And when he was like "Great you hired me for another drug addict" I didn't think of Slater I immediatley thought of Speed and I was like "Well hey he couldn't help it that they gave him the last name of Speedle and the nick name for that is Speed. Speed didn't do drugs." yeah sorry I'm a blonde. lol. And when they asked them if substance d was a drug right now what would it be and Tommy turned to Rory and was like "Do you have any insight?" again all my mind came up with was Speed. lol.

Anyways that was a great interview thank you for posting it!
Rory pic

*insanse laughter* :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OH MY GOD! :lol: That interview was great! Haha. 'Great, I get to play another drug addict' HAHAHA! :lol: Oh man he is SO my favorite person on the planet.

Oh and about the CSI questions? GOOD JOB ON BARELY ANSWERING THEM. :lol: Oh man. *wipes tear* That was the best interview ever. He sure laughs a lot...*looks around suspiciously* It's like he's...Happy or something. :lol:

Thanks for posting it calleighspeedle, you just made my entire summer.

...HAHA...Are you a murderer? NO NO NO HAHA...*clears throat* ...God I love that guy.
O M G Pictures from the ASD premiere in LA are available all over the net. Look at the hotness. *faints*

Did i ever say, that i hate watermarks ? :(
I love Rory Cochrane as an actor. My favorite character on the first seasons of CSI:Miami was Speed. But then there was "Lost Son" and that dream was destroyed. :(
He was a great CSI, you know, disarming and snarky. Plus him and Calleigh had a great relationship.
Chez said:
O M G Pictures from the ASD premiere in LA are available all over the net. Look at the hotness. *faints*

Did i ever say, that i hate watermarks ? :(
He looks so good!!!
Thanks for posting that! :D

**heads off to find more pics**

ETA- Okay, I just had to post a couple more :) (I hate watermarks too :())

That picture, I have to admit, is very pretty.
(it's funny how i refer to guys on tv that i like as pretty)
But that picture is a great one of Rory.
Thanks Chez and ThisIsMe for the pics :D

Teehee, dress shirt and jeans. That's ma' guy. :lol: *applause*
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