Speed/Rory #7: 'Speed Is The Name Of The Game'

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Well that explains everything Jen :D ...I too wanted to rant about the interview at CSIfiles but I thought better of it, and I only post snippets of my very 'strong' opinion on that matter here. :p

And of course we'll remember to keep the reviews spoiler free. - I always do anyway. ;)

The problem with this thread, is there really is nothing to discuss other than the interview and the new movies, which unfortunately not everyone has seen. *sigh* Oh I wish for the days when this thread was on fire and we were being given friendly reminders to slow down...Come to think of it, has this thread ever been like that?

I'm sure we'll find something good to discuss in the near future though, so there's always a silver lining. :)

That's a really great picture Jen :D Have you thought about bringing your 'Picture Of The Day' idea into the likes of the Speed thread? :p You have an amazing collection of caps, and it's always great to oggle at them for hours on end. - Which leads me to my original thought. Excellent picture! I am definitely a fan of the black dress shirts, and that was one of my favorite scenes from season one. He looked so gosh darn cute. :p
Great wallpaper calleighspeedle!
I can't wait to see 'Right At Your Door'! The part in the trailer when he says "I can't" when his wife wants him to let her in- :( breaks my heart every time!

picture from tvguide.com

ETA: Have any of you guys read 'The Time Traveller's Wife'? It's an amazing book and I can totally picture Rory in the lead role (they're making it into a movie). Anyways, just wanted to share :)
Hmm, I don't believe I have read that book, but maybe I should check it out.

There are so many things I've read or seen, that would make me picture Rory in the lead role. He just has this relaxed-intensity about him. (I'm not even sure how that works) But he could play almost any role- And it's great that he's been experimenting with such different roles.

And I agree with you ThisIsMe, during that trailer, it breaks my heart when he can't let his wife into the house. :( Now I know what Rory meant when he said he wanted to make that aspect of the movie believable. -I have confidence that he did a superb job, even if I haven't had the pleasure of seeing the movie yet. ;)

-Great picture though, he looks great in a suit. :eek: I also couldn't help but notice his almost-Horatio-pose. :lol:
speed_cochrane said:
And of course we'll remember to keep the reviews spoiler free. - I always do anyway.

You do...and it's very much appreciated. ;)

Oh I wish for the days when this thread was on fire and we were being given friendly reminders to slow down...Come to think of it, has this thread ever been like that?

I do believe it has in the past...I seem to remember having to ask everyone to mind their time stamps in here a time or two.

As for what to do to give the thread a bit more life. Maybe we could try something like a 'Featured Rory Movie' of the week? You know, we could choose a movie and discuss it for a week or until we run out of things to say...then move onto another one? I'm open to suggestions...anyone got anything else? :lol:

A POTD in this thread? I actually had thought about it...I may consider starting something like that in here in the future, if real life permits. Unless someone else would like to take it over in the Speed thread? It was totally unintentional in the Ryan thread. I just posted a pic w/ that title one day and it seemed to stick. :p

Thanks for the compliments re my pic collection too. :D

I love the pic ThisIsMe...is that from 'The Low Life'? It looks similar to screencaps from the movie. *sigh* I really want to see that movie.
I wouldn't mind posting 'Pictures Of The Day' in here for you. ;)

And I like the idea of 'Featured movie'. It would really get things going, and I could write my oh-so-awesome reviews (non-spoilerish of course) and perhaps it would tempt people who haven't seen said movie to go out and rent it. :) I really like that idea.

As for suggestions? Hmm...

I'm sure I'll think of some soon, but right now I'm all fresh out of ideas. :p

And come to think of it, I've never seen 'The Low Life'. I should really start searching more for these movies. :lol:
speed_cochrane said:
I wouldn't mind posting 'Pictures Of The Day' in here for you.

Excellent! Consider the job yours. :D It'll be nice to be on the receiving end, lol. I look forward to seeing which pic you choose first. ;)

Of course this doesn't mean that everyone else can't post pics...far from it. You can never have too many Rory pics, am I right ladies? Also, I figure if anyone else would like a shot at posting the Speed Pic Of The Day, then we could rotate every so often. Sound good? Actually now that I mention it, I'd like a shot at it in the near future too. ;)

It would really get things going, and I could write my oh-so-awesome reviews (non-spoilerish of course) and perhaps it would tempt people who haven't seen said movie to go out and rent it.

Now see...that's what I was thinking too. I thought it'd be cool to get reviews from several members, I think it'd be interesting to read how differently everyone interprets the movies. Plus, like you said, maybe we could coax those who haven't seen any of Rory's movies into watching one.

And come to think of it, I've never seen 'The Low Life'. I should really start searching more for these movies.

That brings something to mind. If we decide to do the Featured Movie thing, maybe we should list which ones we've seen so we'll have an idea where to start? I figure we can start with the ones that most everyone has seen, and then work our way towards the ones that not many of us have seen.

I would like a few more opinions from others as to whether or not they'd like to move ahead with a 'Featured Movie' discussion, though. ;)
ThumpyG42 said:I love the pic ThisIsMe...is that from 'The Low Life'? It looks similar to screencaps from the movie. *sigh* I really want to see that movie.
Yep, the pics from 'The Low Life'. I love that movie- probably one of the top Rory movies that I've seen. I think I ended up tracking down a VHS copy on eBay :)

speed_cochrane said:
Hmm, I don't believe I have read that book, but maybe I should check it out.
Right after I started reading the book, I saw the trailer to 'Right At Your Door' and seeing him in that type of role really made me start picturing him in the role of Henry (the "time traveller") for some reason.
Right at your door is such a fantastic movie...i think it´s Rory´s best work. I had the pleassure to see it 2 weeks ago and i´m still stunned. Like the trailer says...the twist at the end...you never see it coming. :D
Oh man, I really really want to see RAYD now...I swear, it had better come out here because if it doesn't, then heads are going to roll (well, not literally of course :p) but my friends will probably all be sick of me complaining about it, so I hope it comes out. The trailer was awesome, and the plot is really good. If it doesn't come out, I can always buy it from overseas, but I think it will come out *crosses fingers*

And I can't wait to see A Scanner Darkly which comes out in about a month, which is exactly when my exams finish...OH MY GOSH, MY EXAMS ARE SO SOON! Ok, that aside, I'm really looking forward to seeing it, and I'm sure it will be fantastic, because from what I've seen of it so far, it looks really good :D
ThumpyG42 said
Also, I figure if anyone else would like a shot at posting the Speed Pic Of The Day, then we could rotate every so often

Perhaps we should rotate every page. So on the new page, someone else would post the next round of POTD. That way, it allows everyone to contribute, and then we won't be confused as to who's turn it is... (Now if only we could figure out the rotations :lol: ) ...And I think since this thread is almost over, we might try implimenting that idea into the new thread? Just a thought...

As for the Featured Movie idea, I like it! I'll just have to think of my list of Rory movies that I've seen...There are oh-so-many. :p

Chez said
Right at your door is such a fantastic movie...i think it´s Rory´s best work

:eek: Besides CSI:Miami? :lol: All joking aside, I really can't wait for this movie.

Wouldn't it be funny if we all had the opportunity to see it together in the theatre? Just us Rory fans at the back of the theatre freaking out. :lol: ...Someone would yell 'Mustard!' Someone else would scream 'FREAKIN' ANN DONAHUE!' and then poor Jen would have to duct tape our mouths...Unless of course she'd be the instigator of all the craziness. :p ;)
Haha, oh man, I can totally imagine us all going to see it together, all huddled up the back with posters (mustard and otherwise) and signs an things, cheering everytime Rory came on screen, with random movie-goers telling us to shut up :lol: and of course, when Rory comes on screen, someone would have to yell "HA! TAKE THAT DONAHUE!"...ah, that would be hilarious. Of course, we'd probably get kicked out and Jen would be shaking her head at us. Unless, like Geni said, she instiagted it all :p :lol:
I feel like we're in highschool talking about the head cheerleader behind her back. :lol: *hugs Jen*

I'm not sure I want to explain to the theatre staff why we're all bringing mustard with us to watch a movie. :p
speed_cochrane said:
Perhaps we should rotate every page.

I was thinking every week or so. ;)

and then poor Jen would have to duct tape our mouths...Unless of course she'd be the instigator of all the craziness.

Who me? Instigate craziness? Surely you jest, Geni. ;) :lol:

Carly said:
Of course, we'd probably get kicked out and Jen would be shaking her head at us.

There's no way I'd let them kick you all out of any Rory movie we went to see. ;)

speed_cochrane said:
I feel like we're in highschool talking about the head cheerleader behind her back. *hugs Jen*

:lol: I can honestly say that this is the first time in my life I've ever been compared to the head cheerleader...I'm probably the polar opposite of that. *hugs back*

And lastly...here's another 'Freaks and Tweaks' cap from me. This time you can see the whole shirt. ;)

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