Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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June, you're my hero.

Thanks so much for those pictures, I love the first one. Aw. And I'm kind of wondering why Brendan was with Emily and Adam and I believe technical advisor? but I suppose they would probably know each others' families. :) Thanks for sharing!

June, you're my hero.

Thank god I'm not the one responsible that someone dies here... ;)

And I'm kind of wondering why Brendan was with Emily and Adam and I believe technical advisor? but I suppose they would probably know each others' families. :) Thanks for sharing!

Brendan was visiting Rory in L.A. in October last year when the pictures where made. As far as I know Rory and Adam are very close friends so I think Adam took Brendan on set to get some "connections" because of Brendans work as writer, director (of photography) and producer...
Psh, he doesn't need connections. He's Rory Cochrane's brother. :lol: Maybe they should recruit him to write a few episodes. I suspect they would be worthwhile and they'd probably make a whole lot of sense. :p Then again, I could see this happening.

Brendan: (in writing room) *takes out cellphone, dials* Psst, Rory.
Rory: Why are you saying 'psst'?
Brendan: What's a GCMS again?
Rory: :wtf:

Okay, probably not. He's a smart guy--at least that's what I gathered from that radio interview from a while back. I do wish him much success with his career behind the camera. :)
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June, you're my hero.

Thank god I'm not the one responsible that someone dies here... ;)

And I'm kind of wondering why Brendan was with Emily and Adam and I believe technical advisor? but I suppose they would probably know each others' families. :) Thanks for sharing!

Brendan was visiting Rory in L.A. in October last year when the pictures where made. As far as I know Rory and Adam are very close friends so I think Adam took Brendan on set to get some "connections" because of Brendans work as writer, director (of photography) and producer...

Hey Conny,

I figured you might have already dropped the pictures earlier, but you hadn't so I err did :p

I thought that might have been when the pictures were from coz I can't think when else Emily Procters and Brendan Cochranes paths would cross.
Psh, he doesn't need connections. He's Rory Cochrane's brother. :lol: Maybe they should recruit him to write a few episodes. I suspect they would be worthwhile and they'd probably make a whole lot of sense. :p Then again, I could see this happening.

Not even Brendan would make it to give "CSI Horatio" any sense again... ahm.. yes... don't want to make any enemies here... :censored:

Brendan: (in writing room) *takes out cellphone, dials* Psst, Rory.
Rory: Why are you saying 'psst'?
Brendan: What's a GCMS again?
Rory: :wtf:
That's great, speed_cochrane... Would love to see this.:guffaw:

Okay, probably not. He's a smart guy--at least that's what I gathered from that radio interview from a while back. I do wish him much success with his career behind the camera. :)

Yeah, he's a smart guy. And a very nice too. He's really determined and working forceful on his career after all these years. And maybe we soon have a chance to see Brendan in front of the camera too - his award winning piece "Heaven" is already filmed - with Brendan in it... :drool:

Okay... I stop to drool all over here - I'm a little addicted to the other brother too... in case anyone don't noticed that ;)

EDIT: June... It's okay you posted the pictures here they are not my property - even if I would like to have at least one guy on the pictures...

Emily and Brendan? Crossing paths? Hmm... let me think... they both play Poker and they have experience with weapons... :p
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we're getting so spoiled this week with all these new rory pics! thank you soooo much for sharing. *sigh* hes such a gorgeous man.
i'm going to have to go through and try to find that interview again i never got the chance to listen to it the first time around, but it sounds like hes a pretty decent, hard working guy which is awesome, so kudos to him.
i'm going to have to go through and try to find that interview again i never got the chance to listen to it the first time around, but it sounds like hes a pretty decent, hard working guy which is awesome, so kudos to him.

As "old" Brendan-fan I help a little bit... :p

Here's the link to the interview:


and here's a phone call Brendan made to the show 11 days after his release:


Have fun! :)
I'd totally forgotten about that interview with Brendan Thanks for posting.:thumbsup: Here is a link to Brendans website.


You're welcome. I'm spreading Brendan all over the world - our sweet Rory is not the only Cochrane who's worth to deal with... ;)

His website? Nearly... It's A website with information about Brendan, but not HIS website... I know I'm a little bit fussy about the Cochrane-brothers esp. the elder one lately... :p

This is Brendans website:

thanks for the links calleighspeedle and Need4Speed!
i'll definitely have to check them out.
you know waht we need in here? new rory pics, its like the man never goes outside ha.
Have you ever notice the little
twist Rory does with his body
when he goes to move or turn around
When he is playing Speed?

I have and I think it sexty!!

WOW I havne't posted in here in ages! My love for Speedle has gone downhill, I guess I got caught up in all the new episodes and such. I plan on watching CSI Miami all day tomorrow, so I'm going to try to find my old love for him. I miss the Speedle/Delko banter :(.
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