Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Thanks June!

Heh, he's giving that 'pensive actor' look. And low and behold he has a bit of gruff there on his cheek eh? Cripes that's a lovely photo. Do you know if that's from the set of that new movie? Or is that just a general photo? Either way, he's looking great.

It's kind of odd because after he left Miami, he pretty much looked completely different from when he did in the show. (Lots of beard, or shaved head or weird clothes etc.) But now he looks exactly like he did on Miami which is... also weird. :lol: Me likes.

^ I don't know if I've responded to that post but yes, I definitely saw it as Speed having a big part in that two-parter, even if he wasn't there and was mentioned once or twice. (and let's face it, even when he's mentioned, I go nuts)

*sigh* I miss the old days.

Calleigh: *walks in* Hi guys, bye guys.
Delko: Hey, I heard you busted the stereo man.
Calleigh: Hey, I heard you found out who the car crash victim really is.
Delko: *gestures happily to himself*
Speed: Yep. He was a bad guy.
Calleigh: You know, maybe not all bad.
Speed: I think the mob would disagree about 1.5 million times.
Calleigh: Yeah but you know, I was thinking. If he hadn't stolen from the mob, then he never would have become a beach bum in Florida and then he never would have gotten picked up by the hurricane. And if he hadn't gotten picked up by the hurricane, he never would have hit Burton's car. And if it hadn't been for hittin' Burton's car, Burton would have gotten away with murder.
Delko: *smiles* Leave it to you, Calleigh to find something good to come out of a hurricane.
Calleigh: *smiles* They do aleviate Global Warming. *leaves*
Speed: She's uh, way too cheerful.

:D Pure gold.

Bwaha, ^ you definitely did sound like Calleigh there, miamirocks.
that picture is the stuff. he is looking mighty fine there. thganks you x1762376273462746 for sharing it. *goes to make icons*
Hey Florry and Speed_Cochrane - I thought the folks in here just thought I was crazy or something and completely ignored my post! :lol: I LOVED that scene in "Hurricane Anthony!" That's definitely what the show is lacking right now - just funny banter that gives some insight into the characters (like Cal's cheerful, positive demeaner, Eric's cute smugness and Speed's sarcasm - gotta love it!).

Too bad we're not getting any more Speed this year :( (at least it looks that way), but I really like what they did w/BBYD and then bringing that into "Ambush/All In." It's really true if you think about it - none of that ever would've happened if Speed hadn't been killed :( Would've been nice to have the team maybe mention that somewhere down the line :)

Nice pic of Rory, BTW - I haven't really followed his career after he left Miami, but he DOES look a lot like Speed did :) I was watching the pilot episode the other day and I couldn't believe how YOUNG he looked. He was actually kinda cute - not the gruff guy we came to know and love later on :) (Not saying he wasn't awesome then, but I definitely wouldn't use "cute" to describe him ;) )

I miss the realism and humor Speed brought to the show. ::sigh::
miamirocks said:
I was watching the pilot episode the other day and I couldn't believe how YOUNG he looked.

My parents had the same observation last week when 'Cross-Jurisdictions' aired on Spike. My mom was like "Aw he was so young and...big." :lol:

I then had to explain to her that the producers originally had him as Miami football player (which Rory stated in an interview with CSIFiles when Miami first came out) and then later they scratched that idea.

He looked much better the way he did later anyhow. :D I think Rory felt the same, heh. I remember in the same interview where he was talking to the producers and said "Would I really wear this 'Greatful Dead' t-shirt?" and then he went on to say how CSIs should look professional so he wanted collared shirts. It's a pity they started him out with something that could belong to his grandfather but oh well. They started fitting him correctly in season two so that's all that matters, heh.

miamirocks said:
but I really like what they did w/BBYD and then bringing that into "Ambush/All In." It's really true if you think about it - none of that ever would've happened if Speed hadn't been killed :(

Y'know, maybe they could have still done that if he was still on the show. Cooper could have still stolen the credit card and instead of Eric doing the investigating of 'who stole the card', Speed could have done it. Then again, the only reason Cooper did it was because Speed was dead and 'wasn't using it'. :rolleyes: Ick. Just don't steal a dead man's stuff, seriously. Not sure why they didn't get rid of his things THREE YEARS after his death but I guess they have separation issues over at MDPD. :lol:

^ I miss the realism and humour he brought too. I mean, like you mentioned, we had Eric's smugness, Calleigh's upliftedness and Speed's sarcasm. It complimented the show to have three completely different personalities. Now they have robot, super angst and anger. Er, they must be fun at office parties.
Uhh it would have been so cute if Speed had been in "Ambush/All In" alive.
I so could imagine his reaction right after knowing Calleigh's kidnapped or with Seth. I think it would have been pierceless;).
As for BBYD I think it would have been kinda the same thing with Speed investiganting on it...and probably it would have been more realistic cause let's just I don't find it so realistic to have an unused credit card of a dead person being reused after 3 years (most disgunting Coop could ever make)

Oh Speed compeleted the "team" so well. It was a real team with everybody having fun also joking. I still can't forget the cuteness of all Speed/Delko's moments...they were hilarious:guffaw:.
Now without him we have Calleigh's depressed who always looks shocked and Delko...I don't even wanna talk about him right now **sigh**

Cal's cheerful, positive demeaner, Eric's cute smugness and Speed's sarcasm.....I want them back:(

My parents had the same observation last week when 'Cross-Jurisdictions' aired on Spike. My mom was like "Aw he was so young and...big."
speed_cochrane....exactly my though after I rewatched the episode :lol: gotta love him.

miamirocks without Speed Miami lost realism **sigh**
Florry86 said:
I so could imagine his reaction right after knowing Calleigh's kidnapped or with Seth. I think it would have been pierceless

Heh, I could see that.

Delko: Oh by the way, Calleigh's been kidnapped and we have no idea how to find her.
Speed: ... *frowns* What?


Okay maybe not, but that's how I would have written it.

Gah, I can't wait for the day when we can use spoiler codes in here again. 'Cause it can only mean one thing. :D
Well hasn't this thread had life injected into it?

I looked to see if anyone had posted the picture before I did and no one had and now I've just noticed Need4Rory posted like a minute before me LOL I also went to posted it on the Rory Invisionfree boards and again someone else had posted within a minute of me. All 3 of us must have been on IMDb as the picture went up haha. I went on at lunch time and it wasn't there.

In answer to your question Geni with regards whether it was taken on the set of Public Enemies I think it was yes. However I don't know for sure as I've just seen the picture has everyone else as ie; appearing randomly as his IMDb picture haha. I'm thinking it was because I've been following the schedule of the shooting of the film on the IMDb forums for Public Enemies and I think Rory is on location as we speak as they are filming in Little Bohemia, Nebraska and the character Rory plays has a major role in the story which takes place in LB. He apparently shoots and kills a civilian by accident. So seeing as the picture seems to have only been taken yesterday it prob is on location/set.

Oh All In/Ambush or Ambush/All In I dunno which way around it is. I've seen them. MIRACLE I know!. I did do a happy dance when Speedles name was mentioned LOL. I'm annoyed though. We're completely in sync with America for LV now, we're even having re-runs when you have re-runs as we're getting the show the same week as you normally we start 14 episodes behind and end up around 8 or 9 as the show runs for 24 consecutive weeks. With NY we're just one week behind now and if you get another re-run between now and the end of the season we'll catch you up but MIAMI NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO still an entire effing year behind :rolleyes:

But with a bit of luck because LV and NY finish sooner than normal. Miami will start sooner than normal so Speedles long awaited return to Miami for UK viewers may happen in July:thumbsup: YES a whole year from when it was first announced :lol:

Oh and the new picture - I think he looks effing gorgeous. I think its funny though, the person who has took it was clearly sat right infront of him and Rory seems completely oblivious. He does look S E X Y in the picture seriously so. I <3 his scarf :drool: Did anyone else notice his reflection in the window aswell or was it only me who has studied the hell out of the picture already?

Where the hell is he in the picture though? Some shithole minging toilets? There is grafitti on the walls LOL
^ Just a small reminder, calleighspeedle that your banner can be no larger than 220x75 and yours is 380x70. :) If you could change it accordingly, it would be greatly appreciated.

June_85 said:
In answer to your question Geni with regards whether it was taken on the set of Public Enemies I think it was yes. However I don't know for sure as I've just seen the picture has everyone else as ie; appearing randomly as his IMDb picture haha.

Thanks for the speedy response. :) No pun intended. :p

Did anyone else notice his reflection in the window aswell or was it only me who has studied the hell out of the picture already?

Not only you. :D I did notice that and his pretty spiffy black dress shirt under all that...outfit. If that was his on-set costume, fine. But unless he's covering a hickey (which could be very possible, lol) get rid of the scarf. I mean it fits well with the overall outfit but I'm bothered by it for some reason. :lol: *pets the stubble*


LOL. There's a 'no smoking' sign behind him. It's a sign sign. :eek: Not trying to change him but it's ironic.
It doesn't look like costume to me. He looks very 2008 in the picture. I think he must have not been required for any filming so he was just chillin'. Who knows? But he doesn't look very 1930's.

Geni how can you not like the scarf? I love the scarf. I love my men wearing skinny scarves for no pratical reason....:lol:

I think the whole package in this picture is pretty cracking :thumbsup:
i noticed his reflection too, he looks so like serious and like hes entranced in thought or something. but he looks good. i'm with Geni i don't know really know about the scarf, thats just me though. ha and now i can't stop looking at the no smoking sign since i didn't even notice it until i read your response. i hope we get to see some more pics like this coming soon, its been way too long since we've been blessed with some pretties of him.
@ calleighspeedle: Great work, the collage looks really good! But it's our sexy one - couldn't look NOT good... :lol:

Just want to step in and tell you ladies that Cole Hauser's 'Project American Spirit' - which first came up I think about a year ago - is really taking place now. More precisely: Tomorrow. Our dark haired love will attend the poker tournament tomorrow.

Look here: http://www.projectamericanspirit.org/events.php

So we have to hope and cross our fingers that there will be many, many, many pictures. Looking at the celeb-conglomeration there sure will be enough photographers but they have to picture the RIGHT person... :rolleyes:

There's no one of you who will make a trip to LA, hm? ;) But maybe we're really lucky one time and there will be more than one new Rory-picture...

All the best,
BRUCE WILLIS! :eek: :eek:

Er, I mean...RORY! :lol: Heh, he's second on the list so he should bloody well be there. :p Here's to hoping the paparazzi attending get some peeks at our Rory.

Thanks for letting us know, NeedForSpeed! Rory and Cole are two of my fav celebs so this is absolutely awesome.

And thanks also to calleighspeedle for that awesome collage!

Eta: Holy hell what happened to the shocked-faced emoticons? They don't seem to convey as much shockery as before, lol.
I agree. Bruce Willis! Er, I mean, Rory Cochrane!

Lol, also Famke Janssen. I'm pretty sure she's the one who played Jean Grey/the Phoenix in the X-Men movies... :lol:
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