Speed/Rory #17: 'Just Because You Can't See Something...'

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Hey there RC lovers!!

It's alittle to quiet in here!!
Also here at work.
I'm just standing here checking the time
on the clock while I day dream of Rory
in a pair of shorts and a sleeves top one that
show alot of his chest hair.

Anyone else Day dreaming of him in anyway?
^ I haven't day-dreamed about him in a while but that's because I'm always doing something that involves my full attention and I don't want to break something or crash into something. :lol:

So yesterday on one of the movie channels, 'Right at Your Door' was on. :eek: I was so surprised. It probably wasn't the most popular movie out there but it had some great reviews. So after my bit of squee-ing, I saw about 15 minutes of it but had to turn to something else because er, my sister hated the movie. But anyhow, just glad to know that Rory's still out in TV land. :D
^no way! it was on TV? what channel did you find it on? so far i haven't been able to find Right At Your Door anywhere! still want to see it...
I can't remember which channel (I've only recently purchased satellite) but I think it was SHC or something. I was thinking it was 'Scream' but then I thought "No way, it wasn't THAT scary." :lol:
hey, did you guys see this, you have to scroll a bit to the mini series ones, but look our boy was submitted for an emmy too! for the company of course, how neat would it be if he actually made it to the ballot?
Ha, I am so psyched for him! I hope he gets a nomination! :D

I can see it now. How awkward if he was nominated and won.

Rory: *grabs Emmy* ...IN YOUR FACE CBS. Peace out.

Alright, he wouldn't say that...I'm pretty sure. :lol: From what I gather, he has no qualms with CBS or CSI:Miami.

I don't think he was ever submitted by CBS in the past, was he? Whether he was or not, it's still exciting. He did a great job in 'The Company'.
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Well I'm alittle nutty for him too!!
I nutty, crazy for him.
But not the stocker kinda of crazy
and nutty.
I think he is a great actor that looks
yummmy in anything from his yummmie
curly hair head to his yummie toes,
and yummie hair part in between!!!
You know I been thinking the same thing Cali.
I wonder if he is shy, and maybe that is another
reason why we don't see any photos of him in shorts,
and We never seen him in more shirts that show off the hairs
on his chest.
Sorry Cali!!
I just can't help myself somethings,
or stop myself.
When I get a that roll of talking about
him that way.
I just can't stop.

I gave myself many hot flashes!!

Thanks for the pictures &
Have a good weekend!!

Hello Children,

How are we all?

Not posted in this thread, or the entire board for that matter for a dogs age.

Its been kinda quiet on the Public Enemies front hasn't it? The whole film wraps shooting in less than a month so I guess Rory might have finished filming already. Who Knows??

I read a couple of months back about TNT submitting Rory for a supporting actor nod at the Emmys. *Fingers crossed* he gets short listed.

Well Geni I have been waiting god knows how long for RAYD to come on our movie channels. ASD came on in December last year and the films where released within a month of each other here so god only knows what the delay is. Our movie channels play the most obsure films so I don't know why RAYD hasn't made it on air yet. I mean I have the DVD but its not the point :p Oh and your avatar....DAVID COOK Yum Yum. I <3 Him.

Oh and for good measure a picture which was posted over at the Rory Invision Boards. I think its from 2007 but hasn't surfaced until now. Its with his girl. Rear Shot only though folks

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